Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Funny Images Conjured up by Web Comments
Funny Images Conjured up by Web Comments Funny Images Conjured up by Web Comments Funny Images Conjured up by Web Comments By Maeve Maddox Sometimes Im more amused than annoyed by spelling errors and incorrect word choices that I see in blogs and comments. Here are a few. Let your imagination soar! 1. Looking for a laptop for my mother she only needs a bear-bones laptop. 2. Someone said this to me one time and I balled my eyes out. 3. his scarlet bishops cossack and cap. 4. The boy [who had been beaten] had whelps on him. 5. He hears a disemboweled voice. 6. The cowboy was rounding up the doggies. 7. The crust of my interest is World War I. 1. bare-bones adjective meaning essential. a laptop with only the most essential features. bear-bones the skeletal structure of a bear (an animal of the family Ursidae). 2. balled formed into a ball. We can speak of a balled fist. Yarn can be balled, as can little bits of wool on a sweater. bawled past tense of bawl, to cry out loudly. The word may come from an Icelandic word for the sound cattle make. Related to bellow. 3. Cossack originally a member of a Russian military elite; a distinctive item of their uniform was a tall fur hat. Figuratively, a cossack is an authoritarian figure that uses any type of force to control others. The character Chekov in the original StarTrek series was fond of calling people he didnt like cossacks. A cassock, on the other hand, is a clerical garment, a long close-fitting tunic reaching to the feet. This is what the bishop probably had. 4. A whelp is the young of a carnivorous animal, such as a wolf cub or puppy. The word called for in this context is welt. welt: a raised area, ridge, or seam on the body surface (as from scarring or a blow). 5. disembowel: to take out the bowels of, eviscerate. This is what the word drawn refers to in the expression hanged, drawn, and quartered. The word this writer was reaching for was disembodied. disembodied in this context means that a voice was heard, but its source could not be seen. 6. doggies a childs word for dogs. Ex. Look at the Mother Doggy and all the little doggies! dogy (also spelled dogey and dogie) a motherless calf in a range herd. 7. crust the hardened exterior of something. It could be a pie crust or the earths crust. The speaker probably intended to say crux. crux a word derived from the Latin word for cross. A cross, as we know, can be a tool of torture and execution, but its shape is also suggestive of a central nexus, like a crossroads. Both ideas contribute to the meanings of the English word crux: 1 a. a puzzling, confusing, or difficult problem : an unsolved question b. a determinative point at issue : a pivotal or essential point requiring resolution or resolving an outcome 2. a main or central feature (as of an argument or plan) Please share your own examples of misused words that conjure up funny images. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:5 Uses of InfinitivesLatin Plural Endings30 Words for Small Amounts
Saturday, November 23, 2019
A List of 100 Examples of Sweet Similes
A List of 100 Examples of Sweet Similes This list of 100 sweet similes (that is, figurative comparisons concerned with the quality of sweetness) has been adapted from an even larger collection in A Dictionary of Similes by Frank J. Wilstach, first published by Little, Brown, and Company in 1916. Although students should have no trouble understanding most of these similes, they may find them a bit old-fashioned or too poetic. If so, encourage them to create some of their own using more contemporary subjects for comparison. Sweet as odorous white lilies are. (Oscar Fay Adams)Sweet as a nut. (Anonymous)Sweet as a rose. (Anonymous)Sweet as a sugar plum. (Anonymous)Sweet as a vial of rose oil. (Anonymous)Kiss as sweet, as cool fresh stream to bruised and weary feet. (Anonymous)Sweet as a honey bee. (Anonymous)Sweet as honeysuckle. (Anonymous)Sweet as lilies in May. (Anonymous)As sweet as springs first song heard in the groves retreat. (Anonymous)Sweet as sugar. (Anonymous)Sweet as the harmonies of spring. (Anonymous)Sweet as the perfume of roses. (Anonymous)Sweet as the solemn sounds of cherubs, when they strike their golden harps. (Anonymous)Sweet as that which is forbidden. (Arabic)Sweet as the last smile of sunset. (Edwin Arnold)Sweet as the honeyed dews that drip from the budding lotus-flower. (George Arnold)Sweet and calm as is a sisters kiss. (P. J. Bailey)Sweet as the infant spring. (Scottish ballad)Sweet as the joy which sorrow hushes. (Honorà © de Balzac)Sweet as new wi ne. (John Baret)Sweet as applause to the actor. (Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher) As sweet as April. (Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher)Sweet as the moonlight sleeping on the hills. (Sir William S. Bennett)Sweet as the light of the stars. (Robert Hugh Benson)Sweet as the look of a lover saluting the eyes of a maid. (Ambrose Bierce)Sweet, as when winter storms have ceased to chide. (William Cullen Bryant)Sweet as the dewy milk-white thorn. (Robert Burns)Sweet as matrimony. (Robert Burton)Sounds sweet as if a sisters voice reproved. (Lord Byron)​Sweet as May. (Thomas Carew)Sweet as the song of the wind in the rippling wheat. (Madison Cawein)Sweet as pity. (Hartley Coleridge)Sweet as the whispered breeze of evening. (Samuel Taylor Coleridge)Sweet as the hopes on which starvd lovers feed. (Sir William Davenant)Sweet as some immeasurable rose, expanding leaf on leaf. (Aubrey de Vere)Sweet as are the orchards, when the fruit is hanging ripe. (Paul Laurence Dunbar)Sweet as the murmur of the brook and the rustle of the corn. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)Sweet as the rosy morn in May. (George Granville) Sweet as a youthful poets dream. (Charles Gray)Sweet as the harps that hung by Babels stream. (Judah Halevi)Sweet as summer days that die when the months are in the bloom. (Will Wallace Harney)Sweet as tropic winds at night. (Paul Hamilton Hayne)Sweet as the blossoms of the vine. (Robert Herrick)As sweet as dewy turf to wayworn feet. (Emily H. Hickey)Sweet as a meadow at noon. (Katherine Tynan Hinkson)Sweet as the dawn star. (Oliver Wendell Holmes)Sweet as the first snow-drop, which the sunbeams greet. (Oliver Wendell Holmes)Sweet as honey. (Homer)Sweet as scarlet strawberry under wet leaves hidden. (Nora Hopper)Sweet as the hills. (Richard Hovey)Sweet as a rosebud crowned with moss. (Victor Hugo)Sweet as music. (Victor Hugo)Sweet as the twilight notes of the thrush. (Helen H. Jackson)Sweet as jasmine. (Jami)Sweet as blue heavens oer enchanted isles. (John Keats)Sweet as love. (John Keats)Sweet as a cat with syrup in its paws. (Vaughan Kester)Sweet as mountain honey. (Charles Kingsle y) Sweet as the sigh of the spring gale. (Letitia Elizabeth Landon)Sweet . . . as the sad spirit of the evening breezes. (Emma Lazarus)Sweet as the sound of bells at evening. (Richard Le Gallienne)Sweet as a bell in the woods. (Amy Leslie)Sweet as morning dew upon a rose. (Thomas Lodge)Sweet as the cadence of a poets song. (John Logan)Sweet was her breath as the breath of kine that feed in the meadows. (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)Sweet as heavens image in an unrippled lake. (George W. Lovell)Sweet as summers showers. (George MacHenry)Sweet as first love. (Gerald Massey)Sweet as first spring violets. (Gerald Massey)Sweet as Eden. (George Meredith)A secret sweet as songs of dawn / That linnets sing when mists are gone. (Richard Monckton Milnes)Sweet as the sweetest song of bird on summers eve. (D.M. Hervey)Sweet as Angel accents. (James Montgomery)Sweet as every-day sunshine. (John Muir)Sweet, like an angels sigh. (Mary R. Murphy)Sweet, like a silver whistle. (Ouida [Marie Louise Ramà ©] ) Sweet as violet-borders growing over fountains over-flowing. (Ambrose Philips)Music sweeter than the sweetest chime of magic bells by fairies set a-swinging. (Thomas Buchanan Read)Sweet as smiles to the lips that are pale. (Abram Joseph Ryan)Sweet as the dew-drops that fall on the roses in May. (Abram Joseph Ryan)Sweet as the dreamings of the nightingales. (Charles Sangster)Sweet as damask roses. (William Shakespeare)Sweet as a summer night without a breath. (Percy Bysshe Shelley)Sweet as if angels sang. (Percy Bysshe Shelley)Sweet as a childs heart-lightening laugh to hear. (Algernon Charles Swinburne)Sweet as rest. (Algernon Charles Swinburne)Sweet as running streams to mens way-wearied feet. (Algernon Charles Swinburne)Sweet as forgiveness. (Algernon Charles Swinburne)Sweet as when earth was new. (Algernon Charles Swinburne)Sweet as the voice of a mountain brook. (Arthur Symons)Sweet as childrens prattle. (Pamela Tennant)Sweet as new buds in spring. (Alfred, Lord Tennyson)Sweet as the apple-blossoms. (Celia Thaxter) Sweet as the music of Apollos lyre. (Celia Thaxter)Sweet as the early pipe along the dale. (William Thomson)Sweet as the dawn star. (Wilbur Underwood)Wild and sweet as regret. (Marie Van Vorst)Sweet as the faint, far-off, celestial tone of angel whispers, fluttering from on high. (William Winter)Sweet as the lips that once you pressed. (William Winter)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Marketing plan for Air Canada Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Marketing plan for Air Canada - Coursework Example SWOT analysis of Air Canada has been conducted in this paper. With the help of SWOT analysis strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities of the firms are highlighted. Air Canada performs its business operations and functions in a very competitive industry. Many strong players are present in the airline industry of USA. The study highlights that the competitor companies are creating strong pressure on Air Canada. For this reason Air Canada is developing its business processes and services for holding its positing in the competitive market. Company analysis has been done in this paper. The customer base of Air Canada has been discussed in details. Upcoming product and marketing objectives of the Air Canada have been analysed in this study. Air Canada is one of the largest airline companies in Canada. This airline company was founded in 1936. Air Canada deals with charter and scheduled air transport. It covers 178 destinations of the world. At present Air Canada is ninth largest passenger airline based on fleet size. The company has its headquarters in Montreal, Quebec. This firm is the founding member of Start Alliance. Air Canada was initially owned by the federal government of Canada. The airline market of Canada was deregulated 1980s. In 1988 the company Air Canada was privatised. The major accusation done by Air Canada is acquiring Canadian Airlines which enhanced the growth and development of the company. Presently Air Canada serves 35 million passengers throughout the year. It has a strong air transport network through the world. With strong mission, vision and values the company is able to perform its business activities and functions efficiently. The mission of Air Canada is to connect Canada with the world. The company facilitates the people in moving from one place to another by bringing them together and enriching their experiences. The firm aims to establish connection
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Business Plan for a new Iphone development company Essay
Business Plan for a new Iphone development company - Essay Example In fact the Primus Digital Company in the oligopoly market requires strategic thinking unlike other market forms such as perfect competition or monopolistic competition. Oligopoly can provide a different range of outcomes. In some cases company can employ some restrictive trade practices. In other situations, competition between sellers in an oligopoly market can be relatively low prices and high production. Built by Apple Inc. the Apple iPhone is a phone that has many applications such as ‘ifart’, ‘iamrich’ running on its platform. In fact the Apple iPhone has thousands of applications running on its platform such as music, games, cookery, jokes and so on. The company began as Apple Computer, Inc. in Cupertino, California on April 1, 1976 and incorporated in January 3, 1977. There is great demand for the Apple iPhone in the UK market and in fact O2, Apples exclusive UK mobile phone partner reports that, â€Å"pre-order demand for new 3G iPhones crashes O2s website within an hour of going live†. Demand for the new 3G version of the iPhone has outstripped supply, and O2 says it has run out of stock for customers wanting to pre-order the device before it goes on general release. Primus Digital Company has realized this and has been quick to take advantage of it by coming up with some music software applications that could be seamlessly integrated into Appl e iPhone platform. The existing customer profile for Apple iPhones is not only richly varied cutting across customer demographical barriers but also includes such variances as against competitors’ in capabilities For instance competitors are faced with enormous barriers to entry that European Union regulators have come to accept as inevitable. Primus Digital Company is a new company looking to develop music software applications which could be integrated to the Apple iPhone platform. Primus Digital Company is a small scale software development company in UK . It was
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Clearwater Technologies Essay Example for Free
Clearwater Technologies Essay Clearwater set a per-seat manufacturers suggested retail price (MSRP) that decreased with higher quantity seat purchases, reflecting the customer perception of declining manufacturing cost per seat. Clearwater also saw this as advantageous because it encouraged customers to maximize their initial seat purchase. Clearwater typically sold its products through value-added resellers (VARs). A VAR was typically a small local firm that provided sales and support to end users. The value added by these resellers was that they provided a complete solution to the end user/customer from a single point of purchase and had multiple information technology products available from various vendors. Using VARs reduced Clearwaters sales and service expense significantly and increased its market coverage. These intermediaries operated in several steps. First, the VAR combined the QTX from Clearwater with database software from other suppliers to form a turnkey customer solution. Second, the VAR loaded the software with customer-specific information and linked it to the customers existing sales history databases. Finally, the VAR installed the product at the customers site and trained the customer on its use. Clearwater sold the QTX to resellers at a 50 percent discount from the MSRP, allowing the VARs to sell to the end user at or below the MSRP. The discount allowed the VARs room to negotiate with the customer and still achieve a profit. The Upgrade Initially, the expectation had been that the 30-seat unit would be the largest volume seller. In order to gain economies of scale in manufacturing, reduce inventory configurations, and reduce engineering design and testing expense to a single assembly, Clearwater decided to manufacture only the 30-seat server with the appropriate number of seats enabled for the buyer. Clearwater was effectively giving away extra memory and absorbing the higher cost rather than manufacturing the various sizes. If a customer wanted a 10-seat server, the company shipped a 30-seat capable unit, with only the requested 10 seats enabled through software configuration. The proposed upgrade was, in reality, allowing customers to access capability already built into the product. Clearwater knew that many original customers were ready to use the additional capacity in the QTX. Some customers had added seats by buying a second box, but because the original product contained the capability to expand by accessing the disabled seats, Clearwater saw an opportunity to expand the product line and increase sales to a captive customer base. Customers could double or triple their seat capacity by purchasing either a 10- or a 20-seat upgrade and getting an access code to enable the additional number of seats. No other competitor offered the possibility of an upgrade. To gain additional seats from the competitor, the customer purchased and installed an additional box. Because customers performed a significant amount of acceptance testing, which they would have to repeat before switching brands, the likelihood of changing brands to add capacity was low. The objective of this mornings meeting was to set the price for the two upgrades. As QTX product manager Rob Erickson stopped to collect his most recent notes from his desk, he reflected: What a way to start the week. Every time we have one of these meetings, senior management only looks at margins. I spent the whole weekend cranking numbers and Im going in there using the highest margin weve got today. How can anybody say thats too low? He grabbed his notes, calculator, and coffee and headed down the hall. From the other wing of the building, financial analyst Hillary Hanson was crossing the lobby towards the conference room. She was thinking about the conversation she had late Number MSRP to VAR Unit Unit of Seats End User Price Cost* Margin** 10 $8,000 $4,000 $500 87. 5% 20 $14,000 $7,000 $700 90. 0% 30 $17,250 $8,625 $900 89. % TABLE 1 *Unit cost reflects additional $200 for memory capability for each additional 10 seats. **Margin _ VAR Price _ Unit Cost VAR Price Number Original Original Actual Actual of Seats Unit Cost Unit Margin Unit Cost Unit Margin 10 $500 87. 5% $900 77. 5% 20 $700 90. 0% $900 87. 1% 30 $900 89. 6% $900 89. 6% TABLE 2 Friday afternoon with her boss, Alicia Fisher, Clear waters CFO. They had been discussing this upcoming meeting and Alicia had given Hillary very clear instructions. I want you to go in and argue for the highest price possible. We should absolutely maximize the profitability on the upgrade. The customers are already committed to us and they have no alternative for an upgrade but with us. The switching costs to change at this point are too high since theyve already been trained in our system and software. Lets go for it. Besides, we really need to show some serious revenue generation for the year-end report to the stockholders. Hillary had not actually finalized a number. She figured she could see what the others proposed and then argue for a significant premium over that. She had the CFOs backing so she could keep pushing for more. From the parking lot, Brian James, the district sales manager, headed for the rear entrance. He, too, was thinking about the upcoming meeting and anticipating a long morning. I wish marketing would realize that when they come up with some grandiose number for a new product, sales takes the hit in the field. Its a killer to have to explain to customers that they have to pay big bucks for something thats essentially built in. Its gonna be even tougher to justify on this upgrade. At least with the QTX, we have something the buyer can see. Its hardware. With the upgrade, there isnt even a physical product. Were just giving customers a code to access the capability thats already built into the machine. Telling customers that they have to pay several thousand dollars never makes you popular. If you think about it, thats a lot of money for an access code, but you wont hear me say that out loud. Maybe I can get them to agree to something reasonable this time. I spent the weekend working this one out, and I think my logic is pretty solid. Price Proposals Once everyone was settled in the conference room, Rob spoke first: I know we have to come up with prices for both the 10-seat and 20-seat upgrades, but to keep things manageable, lets discuss the 20-seat price first. Once that number is set, the 10-seat price should be simple. Because the margin on the 30-seat unit is the highest in the line, I think we should use that as the basis to the price for the upgrade. He went to a whiteboard to show an example: If a customer is upgrading from a 10-seat unit to a 30-seat unit, they are adding two steps of capacity costing $200 each to us, or $400. $400 /1-0. 90 _ $4,000 to the reseller, and $8,000 to the end user. We keep the margin structure in place at the highest point in the line. The customer gets additional capacity, and we keep our margins consistent. He sat down feeling pleased. He had fired the first shot, had been consistent with the existing margin structure, and had rounded up the highest margin point in the line. Brian looked at Robs calculations and commented: I think thats going to be hard for the customer to see without us giving away information about our margins, and we dont want to do that, since they are pretty aggressive to begin with. However, I think I have solved this one for us. Ive finally come up with a simple, fair solution to pricing the upgrade that works for us and the customers. He walked over to a whiteboard and grabbed a marker: If we assume an existing 10-seat customer has decided to upgrade to 30-seat capability, we should charge that customer the difference between what the buyer has already paid and the price of the new capacity. So . . . New 30-seat unit $17,250 Original 10-seat unit $8,000 Price for 20-seat upgrade $9,250 Its consistent with our current pricing for the QTX. Its fair to the customer. Its easy for the customer to understand and it still makes wads of money for us. It also is easy for the customer to see that were being good to them. If they bought a 20-seat box in addition to the 10-seat box they already have, it would be costing them more. He wrote: New 20-seat unit $14,000 A new unit provides customers with redundancy by having two boxes, which they might want in the event of product failure, but the cost is pretty stiff. Upgrading becomes the logical and affordable option. Hillary looked at the numbers and knew just what she was going to do. That all looks very logical, but I dont see that either of you has the companys best interests at heart. Brian, you just want a simple sale that your sales people and the customers will buy into, and Rob, you are charging even less than Brian. We need to consider the revenue issue as well. These people have already bought from us; are trained on our hardware and software and dont want to have to repeat the process with someone else. It would take too long. Theyve got no desire to make a change and that means weve got them. The sky is really the limit on how much we can charge them because they have no real alternative. We should take this opportunity to really go for the gold, say $15,000 or even $20,000. We can and should be as aggressive as possible. All three continued to argue the relative merits of their pricing positions, without notable success. Jefferies listened to each of them and after they finished, he turned to a clean whiteboard and took the marker. Ive done some more thinking on this. In order to meet the needs of all three departments, there are three very important points that the price structure for these upgrades must accomplish: 1. The pricing for the upgrades shouldnt undercut the existing pricing for the 30-seat QTX. 2. We want to motivate our buyers to purchase the maximum number of seats at the initial purchase. A dollar now is better than a potential dollar later. We never know for sure that they will make that second purchase. If we dont do this right, were going to encourage customers to reduce their initial purchase. Theyll figure they can add capacity whenever, so why buy it if they dont need it. That would kill upfront sales of the QTX. 3. We dont want to leave any revenue on the table when buyers decide to buy more capacity. They are already committed to us and our technology and we should capitalize on that, without totally ripping them off. Therefore, while Hillary says the skys the limit, I think there is a limit and we need to determine what it is and how close we can come to it. If we assume that those are the objectives, none of the prices youve put together thus far answers all three of those criteria. Some come close, but each one fails. See if you can put your heads together and come to a consensus price that satisfies all three objectives. OK? Heads nodded and with that, Jefferies left the conference room. The three remaining occupants looked at one another. Brian got up to wipe the previous numbers off the whiteboards and said: OK, one more time. If our numbers dont work, why not and what is the right price for the 20-seat upgrade?
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Should We Seek Truth in Somé’s Magic? :: Of Water and the Spirit Literature Essays
Should We Seek Truth in Somà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s Magic? What is most striking about Malidoma Somà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s Of Water and the Spirit is not only his extraordinary account of the Dagara initiation ritual, but the ways in which he uses his experiences to make comments upon Western culture. Because of the way in which he was raised and educated, Somà © clearly dwells upon the border between his native Dagara culture and the vastly differing Western culture. Somà © himself characterizes himself as â€Å"a man of two worlds,†with his lifework being to attempt to explain each to the other. Because of his unique status, Somà © is in the position to make extremely insightful comments about his native culture, his adopted Western culture, and the ties that bond the two together despite their seemingly irreconcilable differences. As much as this story is about Somà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s initiation, it is just as much a commentary on what happens under colonization. To sum up briefly, Somà © seems to be discussing the arrogance and yet the connective void - what he calls the â€Å"sickness†- of Western culture. Colonization begins from a feeling of superiority in Western, in this case exclusively European, countries; they believe in their right to own the land inhabited by others. A secondary but nonetheless important assumption under colonialism is the belief that the European culture is better, more productive and beneficial to its members. Hence it is justified in the minds of the colonizers that they enter a foreign land, displace the indigenous peoples from their homes and strip them of their cultures. Despite the fact that these cultures, with their accompanying rituals, traditions and religions, have been established for millennia, the colonizers maintain a belief that these cultures are backward, i nferior and somehow harmful to their members. It is â€Å"for their own good†that these indigenous peoples are divided like spoils of war amongst colonizing nations, Christianized and forced to abandon their native tongues in favor of the language of the colonizer. Somà © himself is representative of his culture: kidnapped from his indigenous way of life and placed against his will into a Jesuit school where he is cruelly punished for misuse of the French language and force-fed Christianity. The colonizers came equipped with various methods of stripping the native of his culture and assimilating him, with or without his consent, into theirs; education, in this light, seems to be a method of brainwashing.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Business Financing and the Capital Structure
Raising Business CapitalAs a financial advisor to this business there are two options to consider for raising business capital, equity financing and debt financing. The details, advantages, and disadvantages of both options will be provided. Also information about raising capital by selecting an investment banker will be discussed. To wrap up, the historical relationships between risk and return for common stocks versus corporate bonds will be examined. Equity FinancingIn terms of equity financing it is the process of raising capital through the sale of shares in an enterprise (National Federation of Independent Business, 2011). Equity financing is the sale of an ownership interest to raise funds for business purposes. â€Å"Equity financing spans a wide range of activities in scale and scope, from a few thousand dollars raised by an entrepreneur from friends and family, to giant initial public offerings (IPOs) running into the billions by household names such as Google and Facebook †(Kokemuller, 2013).The equity-financing process is governed by regulations imposed by local or national securities authority in most jurisdictions. The regulations are designed to protect the public from investing with unhonest operators who may raise funds from unsuspecting investors and disappear with the money. An equity financing is therefore generally accompanied by an offering memorandum or prospectus, which contains a great deal of information that should help the investor make an informed decision about the merits of the financing (National Federation of Independent Business, 2011). Such information includes the company's activities, details on its officers and directors, use of financing proceeds, risk factors, financial statements and so on.AdvantagesThe main advantage of equity financing is that it doesn't have to be repaid. Plus, you share the risks and liabilities of company ownership with the new investors. Since you don't have to make debt payments, you can use the cash flow generated to further grow the company or to diversify into other areas. Maintaining a low debt-to-equity ratio also puts you in a better position to get a loan in the future when needed.DisadvantagesThere are tradeoffs with equity financing, the disadvantage of it is by taking on equity investment, you give up partial ownership and some level of decision-making authority over your business. Large equity investors often insist on placing representatives on company boards or in executive positions. If your business takes off, you have to share a portion of your earnings with the equity investor. Over time, distribution of profits to other owners may exceed what you would have repaid on a loan. Equity financing is different from debt financing, which refers to funds borrowed by a business.Debt FinancingsAccording to Investopedia, debt financing is when a firm raises money for working capital or capital expenditures by selling bonds, bills, or notes to individual and/ or institutional investors. In return for lending the money, the individuals or institutions become creditors and receive a promise that the principal and interest on the debt will be repaid (Investopedia, 2012).AdvantagesThe advantage of debt financing is it allows you to pay for new buildings, equipment and other assets used to grow your business before you earn the necessary funds. This can be a great way to pursue an aggressive growth strategy, especially if you have access to low interest rates. Compared to equity financing, businesses do not have to give up any ownership or control of the business with debt financing. After the loan is paid back the businesses relationship is completed. Other advantages of debt financing are the interest on the loan is tax deductible and if the loan is fixed rate the principal and interest can be planned in the budget (Kokemuller, 2013).DisadvantagesThe main disadvantage associated with debt financing is that you have to repay the loan, plus i nterest. If a company does not pay back the loan in the terms agreed upon the property and assets can be repossessed by the bank. Debt financing is also borrowing against future earnings. This means that instead of using all future profits to grow the business or to pay owners, you have to allocate a portion to debt payments. Overuse of debt can severely limit future cash flow and stifle growth. Is debt financing is not properly monitored and controlled it can hurt the business. If too much debt is carried the business and owner will be seen as â€Å"high risk†by potential investors and that will limit the ability to raise capital by equity financing in the future. Debt can also make it difficult for a business to grow if the cost of repaying the loan is high.Investment BankAnother option for raising capital is selecting an investment bank. They are financial institutions and individuals who assist companies in raising capital, often through a private placement or public off ering of company stock. Sometimes investment bankers are referred to as brokers or deal makers. Companies frequently use investment bankers to help identify available financing options and obtain introductions to funding sources (Growth Company Guide, 2000). Investment banks also provide up-to-date advice on the conditions of fundraising for private companies. Because investment bankers make a business of raising money for companies, they can often be quite helpful to a company in analyzing its funding needs, identifying the most likely or appropriate sources for raising money and executing a fundraising strategy (Growth Company Guide, 2000).An investment bank can help, but the quality of a company’s opportunity and the strength of its management team determines the amount of options open for a given fundraising. Investment bankers also vary in quality, resources, experience and contacts. Investment bankers who are experienced with the company’s industry and the type o f financing it needs, can often help a company raise funds. If they are unfamiliar with the company’s industry or the type of financing being sought, they may actually hinder a company’s financing efforts. Common Stocks versus Corporate BondsIt is commonly known and accepted among investors that the higher the returns on an investment, the higher the risks are. Safe investments carry low risk, but the returns are also lower. Different levels of risk apply to common and preferred stock, as well as to corporate bonds. Corporate bonds generally have the lowest level of risk of the three investment types, but also offer lower returns, even with regular dividend payments. Common stocks have the highest risk of the investments and the highest potential returns.Common StocksWhen you purchase stock in a company during a public offering, you become a shareholder in the company. Some companies pay dividends to shareholders based on the number of shares held, and this is one form of return on investment. Another is the profit realized by trading on the stock exchange, but one must sell the shares at a higher price than paid for. The risks of owning common stock include the possible loss of any projected profit, as well as the money paid for the shares, if the share price drops below the original priceCorporate BondsBonds issued by companies represent the largest of the bond markets, bigger than U.S. Treasury bonds, municipal bonds, or securities offered by federal agencies (Sandilands, T. 2013). The risk associated with corporate bonds depends on the financial stability and performance of the company issuing the bonds, because if the company goes bankrupt it may not be able to repay the value of the bond, or any return on investment. Assess the risk by checking the company’s credit rating with ratings agencies such as Moody's and Standard & Poor's. Good ratings are not guarantees, however, as a company may show an excellent credit record until the day before filing for bankruptcy (Sandilands, T. 2013).RiskCorporate bonds hold the lowest risk of the two types of investments, provided you choose the right company in which to invest. The main reason for this is that in the event of bankruptcy, corporate bond holders have a stronger claim to payment than holders of common stocks. Bonds carry the risk of a lower return on investment, as the performance of stocks is generally better. Common stocks carry the highest risk, because holders are last to be paid in the event of bankruptcy.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
What Are the Psychological Explanations for Why People Commit Terrorist Acts and Up to What Extent Do They Explain These People’s Behaviour.
What are the psychological explanations for why people commit terrorist acts and up to what extent do they explain these people’s behaviour. Miller (2006) states that the word terrorism derives from the Latin word terrere which means to frighten. Merari and Friedman (see Victoroff 2005, p. 3) claim that terrorism existed even before recorded history. This is echoed by Miller’s (2006) claim that terrorism is as old as civilization and has existed since people discovered that they could influence the majority by targeting a few people. Schmid (see Victoroff 2005 p. ) has collected 109 definitions of terrorism and this suggests that it is a very broad topic and extremely hard to define. Two examples of relatively recent acts of terrorism are the Oklahoma City bombings in 1995 and the terrorist attacks upon the United States in 2001. This essay examines some of the psychological explanations as to why people commit such acts of terror and attempts to integrate some of these explanations in order to achieve a greater understanding. One possible explanation of why people commit terrorist acts can be seen in the pathological theory of terrorism. Bongar at el. (2007) claim that it is a common suggestion that terrorists must be insane or psychopathologcal; this is the basis of the psychopathological theory of terrorism. However Rasch (see Victoroff 2005 p. 12) looked at 11 terrorist suspects and also looked at a Federal Police study of 40 people wanted as terrorists and found nothing to suggest that any of them were mentally ill. Bongar et al (2007) observed that interviews with terrorists hardly ever find any disorder listed in the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. This is supported by the work of the criminologist Franco Ferracuti (1982) who said that although terrorist groups are sometimes led by insane individuals, and a few terrorist acts maybe committed by insane individuals, ,most people who commit terrorist acts hardly ever meet psychiatric criteria for insanity. Victoroff (2005) makes the point that very little research supporting the psychopathological model uses comprehensive psychiatric examination. Whilst the psychopathological model may explain the behaviour of a few people who commit terrorist acts it does not explain the behaviour of most people who commit terrorist acts. Psychoanalysis is based on the idea that we are largely driven by unconscious motives and impulses (Victoroff 2005; Borum 2004). It has been used to try and explain the behaviour of people who commit terrorist acts and has many variants but two notions seem to underpin all of them; the first is that people who commit terrorist acts are motivated by a hostility towards their parents and that these motives are mainly unconscious, the second is that terrorism is the result of cruelty and maltreatment in childhood (Borum 2004). A theory which uses the psychoanalytical approach is the Narcissism theory. John Crayton and Richard Pearlstein (see Victoroff 2005, p. 23) have used Kohut’s self psychology to explain the process that drives young people to commit terrorist acts. Heniz Kohut’s (see Victoroff 2005, p. 23) concept of self psychology is a variation of Freud’s ego psychology. Kohut (see Victoroff 2005, p. 23) claims that infants have certain needs which need to be met in order for their caring responses to develop normally and that if they do not receive maternal empathy it damages their self image. Kohut (see Victoroff 2005, p. 23) called this damage narcissistic injury and said that it prevents the development of adult morality and identity. In his work Crayton (see Victoroff 2005. p. 23) suggests that political experience such as humiliation of subordination might rekindle narcissistic injury caused in childhood in adults. He suggested that this may result in an exalted sense of self or the rejection of one’s individual identity in order to unite with someone or something which represents omnipotence (see Victoroff 2005, p. 23; Borum 2004, p. 19). Crayton suggested (see Victoroff 2005, p. 23) that an exaltation of self is the origin for leaders of terrorist groups/activities and that the rejection of one’s individual identity is the origin of the followers of such leaders. Akhtar (see Borum 2004 p. 19) based his work on the Narcissism theory and claimed that people who commit terrorist acts are deeply traumatised as children, and often suffer abuse and humiliation. According to Akhtar (see Borum 2004, p. 19) this leaves them feeling an enormous amount of fear and vulnerability. Crayton (see Victoroff 2005 p. 3) claims that this fear and vulnerability become intolerable to the extent that it is expressed through narcissistic rage; narcissistic rage is actually rage against the damaged self but is projected onto other targets as if they were the reason for the intolerable feelings. The work of both Hubbard and el Surraj (see Victoroff 2005 p. 24) supports the narcissistic theory; they found that terrorists are usually not aggressive psychopaths but are often timid, emotionally damaged young people who might have suffered parental rejection and therefore not developed their own adult identities fully. They are often looking for meaning and relationships. The narcissism theory tries to explain why people commit terrorist acts in terms of an identity deficit/narcissistic injury which is expressed through narcissistic rage. Pearlstein (see Borum 2004 p. 19) identifies the narcissism theory as the most comprehensive theory of the individual logic of those who commit terrorist acts. However Victoroff (2005) claims that although the ideas within the narcissism theory are plausible there is very little scientific evidence supporting the theory. Bandura’s social learning theory suggests that violence occurs through observation and imitation of behaviour (see Victoroff 2005, p. 18). Whether or not aggressive behaviour is imitated depends on what consequences of the behaviour are observed when other people carry out the behaviour (see Borum 2004, p. 13). Learning through observation of other peoples’ actions and through the consequences of their actions is called vicarious learning (see Borum 2004, p. 13). Oots and Wiegele (1985) make the point that if aggression can be viewed as a learned behaviour, then terrorism, which is a type of aggressive behaviour, can also be viewed as a learned behaviour. Victoroff (2005) gives an example of how the social learning theory might explain the behaviour of people who commit terrorist acts; he says that adolescents who live in areas of political conflict may witness terrorist behaviours and seek to imitate them or that they may see the way that people in their culture react to such terrorist behaviours and learn through these. The latter is an example of vicarious learning; if certain behaviours get a positive reaction then people are more likely to imitate them. Crenshaw (see Victoroff 2005, p. 18) gives the example of the martyr posters which are displayed in the Shi’a regions of Lebanon and Palestinian refugee camps; this example illustrates how vicarious learning might explain the behaviour of people who commit terrorist acts. Positive reactions to terrorist behaviours from the people of a culture may influence others in that culture to commit terrorist acts. The social learning theory fails to explain why only a minority of people who witness terrorist behaviours and see these behaviours being glorified by their culture become people who commit terrorist acts (Victoroff, 2005). The behaviours of people who commit terrorist acts can be explained to a certain extent by the pathological model, the narcissism model and the social learning theory. The pathological model explains their behaviour in terms of psychopathology, the narcissism model explains their behaviour in terms of narcissistic injury and an exaltation of self or rejection of individual identity, the social learning theory explains their behaviour in terms of observation, imitation and vicarious learning. None of the models fully succeed in explaining why only a minority of people who suffer from psychopathology, narcissistic personality traits or live in areas of political conflict become people who commit terrorist acts. The pathological model, the narcissism model, and the social learning theory may provide a better explanation of why people commit terrorist acts if they are combined; For example if someone is pathologically insane, has had a distressful childhood and is also surrounded by political conflict, it seems more likely that they may commit terrorists acts. On the other hand if someone is pathologically insane, has had a relatively stable childhood, and isn’t surrounded by political conflict, it seems less likely that they may commit terrorist acts. The three explanations for the behaviour of people who commit terrorist acts, which are discussed in this essay are not the only psychological explanations available. There are also cognitive and biological explanations for such behaviour which if integrated with the three explanations discussed in this essay would provide an even greater understanding of why people commit terrorist acts. References Bongar, B. M. , et al. , 2007. Psychology of terrorism. USA: Oxford University Press. Borum, R. , 2004. Psychology of terrorism. Tampa: Univeristy of South Florida. Ferracuti, F. , 1982. Asociopsychiatric interpretation of terrorism. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 463, 29-40. Miller, L. , 2006. The Terrorist Mind: I. A Psychological and Political Analysis. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 50 (2), 121-138. Oots, K. L. , and Wiegele, T. C. , 1985. Terrorist and Victim: Psychiatric and Physiological Approaches. Terrorism: An International Journal, 8(1), 1-32. Victoroff, J. , 2005. The Mind of the Terrorsit: A Review and Critique of Psychological Approaches. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 49(1), 3-42.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Open Window
The Open Window Free Online Research Papers In â€Å"The Open Window†irony occurs in a variety of ways. Some of the characters demonstrate a mirror image of their names and their personalities. On the other hand, other character’s names are the complete opposite of their personalities. Vera’s name comes from words that mean truth or honesty, while in reality Vera lies and manipulates the truth due to the circumstances of her situation. Mr. Nuttel’s name on the other hand is ironic in the sense that it comes from words that mean crazy, mentally unstable, nuts, etc. and that is exactly how his character is described in the story. Mrs. Sappleton’s name however seems to come from words that demonstrate trees. This could be ironic in the way trees are stable, unyielding, and proud. It could establish how she feels about her brothers and her husband coming home. But it also signifies how proud she is of their hunting and their devotion to it. Some situational irony reveals itself when after a long awkward silence; Vera breaks the â€Å"silent communion†by starting a conversation with Mr. Nuttel. The silent communion statement is ironic in the way that the two are completely silent and the communion side represents sharing, so in a way Saki is making an ironic statement by saying that they are sharing silently. Vera breaks this silence by taking advantage of Mr. Nuttel and how he does not know anyone in the area and creates a story to scare him and make him believe that her aunt Mrs. Sappleton is crazy and unbalanced. The statement by Vera, â€Å"Then you know practically nothing about my aunt?†reveals an ironic twist for Mr. Nuttel. Vera leads him to believe that Mrs. Sappleton is crazy by explaining the loss of Mrs. Sappleton’s husband and two younger brothers death, and also the reason she keeps the window open. When eventually Mrs. Sappleton arrives, Mr. Nuttel truly believes that her husban d and two brothers are dead. Therefore, when Mr. Sappleton and the brothers return, Mr. Nuttel gets very scared and runs away as if â€Å"†¦he had seen a ghost.†When the Sappeltons comment on Mr. Nuttel’s quick departure, Vera assures the family that he left because he was scared of dogs because of a bad experience he had a couple years ago. â€Å"Romance at short notice was her specialty.†This quote describing Vera elaborates enough to allow you to see how she is portrayed. By telling Mr. Nuttel the false story of â€Å"The Open Window†Vera is creating a romanticized version of a story that maybe she views as tragic and heroic. Vera seems to almost believe herself when she gets caught up in telling Mr. Nuttel about her aunt’s â€Å"tragedy†. In conclusion, the irony within the story is demonstrated the entire way through. However, Vera is the most ironic character, due to the contrasts between her name’s meaning and her true personality. Research Papers on The Open WindowHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionWhere Wild and West MeetThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsMind TravelBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EssayTrailblazing by Eric AndersonThe Spring and AutumnHip-Hop is ArtAnalysis Of A Cosmetics Advertisement
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
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Sunday, November 3, 2019
Lab. report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Lab. report - Essay Example A service request of the C-STORE is done by the invoking modality (SCU) to the PACS gateway (SCP) and thereafter, upon the reception of this C-STORE request, the gateway proceeds to produce to the response of the C-STORE’s inducing scanner. The third step of this intricate procedure involves the sending of the first image’s first information packet by the imaging modality to the gateway followed by execution of the requested C-STORE service by the gateway and eventual storage of the packet. The modality then receives a confirmation from the gateway upon this service completion and after this confirmation on the success of the storage packet from the gateway has been delivered from the gateway, the next packet is sent to the PACS controller by the scanner. The process from the gateway performance of the elicited service of the C-STORE to archive the packet to the sending of the consequent packet to the PACS controller repeats itself till that time that all the image packets shall have been sent from the gateway to the modality. This is followed consequently by the modality providing a second request of service, to the PACS’ gateway, stemming from the C-STORE that elicits the sending/ transmission of the second image. At this point, all the steps from the initial issuance of a request of the service of the C-STORE to the gateway of the PACS by the SCU to the transmission of the second image are repeated till that time that all the study images’ transmission shall have been completed. Thereafter, the ‘dropping association request and response’ communication command of the DICOM is issued by the PACS gateway and the modality which leads to a disconnection. Databases of the ePR and RIS/ HIS/ PACS are formulated, using artificial keys, to recover data. This data includes things such as hospital name and patient identification details, and so on. This operation design is enough for operations of
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