Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Ethical dilemma Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ethical dilemma - Assignment Example However, the beliefs of the patients obstructed appropriate nursing procedures to be conducted. Deontology theory forms the best approach to guide in the decision making, in such an ethical dilemma. As a health caregiver must always subscribe to the rule, â€Å"Always try to save life.† Applying a pure rule of deontological approach, the ethical decision would be in favor of carrying out the blood transfusion. In addition, using such an approach, there is little attention to the contextual details or social aspects of the situation because the decision making is grounded in ethical rules (Jones & Beck, 1996). Using a pure deontological approach, whether rule or act, confines the focus for decision making to the immediate situation. This is to imply that the consequences, situational and contextual details, and the social and interactional aspects are not the primary focus. This theory focuses on the ethics of the actions (Butts & Rich, 2008). This theory pays attention to the patient’s rights, goals and autonomy. As described by Noureddine (2001), this approach is based on four key principles that include autonomy, or the personal liberty to act; nonmaleï ¬ cence that is doing no harm; beneficence, or the requirement of action to improve the welfare of others; and justice, which directs action to treat people justly and distribute resources

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