Saturday, August 31, 2019
Me, me me
The child forever reaches and grabs a piece of it before it is destroyed. He runs home and finally after a long day takes a look at what he grabbed. In his hand he holds the Mona Alias's smile. The Lottery – Short Story A small town is gathering to do their lottery Just like they always do. The children are playing and gathering rocks Just like normal and all the families are talking Just Like It Is a normal day In the town. All the pieces of paper for the lottery are In a battered black box and then men come forward and pick a paper without looking at It.As the men go forward, there Is talk about getting rid of the lottery. Some of the other towns have done it already but the old man of the town thinks it is wrong to get rid of it. He has been participating in it for 77 years. Finally, the men all open their pieces of paper only to find one of them has the black dot. Now some of the people are upset while the entire family of the man who has the black dot goes to the front of the town. They all pick pieces of paper from the black box now.The father and the children all pick blank pieces while the mother (Testis) picks the one with the black dot. The town now wastes no time in putting her aside and taking the stones, the hillier have gathered they stone Testis to death. The Interview – Short Story A young man who still lives with his family Is getting ready to go to a Job Interview. His wife who he finds ugly wants him to get the job so they can finally move out of his parents' house. He does not want to move but knows she does. He is happy at home because he has always been given special treatment from his fail.They do not want him to do any hard work and if he does they lecture whoever made him do it. He is nervous about the job and is scared to get it because he is confident that he will not. He never understands the questions in the Job interview and is very intimidated by the bosses. He goes to the job interview but runs away before being int erviewed. He explains how some people are really nice to him like one man who gave him a mango, took him Into the back alley, touched him all over and told him how beautiful he was which was a nice thing to do.Other people get mad at him for not understanding what they are telling him which he writes off, as they must be Jealous of him or something. He heads home happy that he Is not a man who has to sweat for a living. He can go home to a family that takes care of him and loves him. A white man lives among the Indians outside of his homeland. He constantly gets made fun of and hates his Job. One day there is a sudden commotion that an elephant has escaped. He finds out a man has been killed and fiends the elephant outside of the town.The elephant seems calm and he decides not to kill it. He then realizes he has to for there are two thousand Indians watching him. If he do not kill it then he knows he will be made fun of again. He decides to shoot it multiple times until it falls dow n to the ground. He watches the elephant for awhile hoping it will die but then finally trudges off with it still in agony. The element dies thirty minutes later. Some people agree with what he did while others think it was wrong. He hopes people do not realize the whole reason he killed it was so he did not look like a fool.Salvation – Essay A little boy has been told his entire life that when he accepts Jesus he will see a bright light and actually see Jesus. His church is doing a revival and they are now focusing on all the children in the church. They are all brought forward and there is praying, singing and preaching and hollering going on. The children slowly all choose to accept Jesus except him and another robot. The one boy is doing it for no reason while the main character is waiting and waiting until he sees Jesus Just like his aunt told him he would.It never happens and the child finally decides to go forward after a long time Just to get it over with. He is tried of creating such a commotion and wants it to be over. He is crying at the end because he knows he lied to the entire church and now believes that Jesus in not real. The Crack-up – Essay The mental breakdown the author has had in his life. He has tried and tried his entire life to succeed yet still fails at every corner. He then considers his need to succeed and where that need comes from.What makes him want success over failure? His concept of success has come from the world which he knows is corrupt in itself. So technically speaking if the world is corrupt then so is its stance on success. He came to the realization that the goals he has set for himself are really impossible for him to achieve. National Trust – Poem Talks about the relationship between language, place and identity. We see the barriers that have been set in place by the world and how we are victims to a past we cannot forget.Harrison is showing us that because we saw some people as dumb ND below us w e felt as if we could control them. This in fact is wrong and not necessary at all. The Tables Turned – Poem Strictly a poem to criticize how the mind focuses on morals and logical thought. Instead, we should focus on the beauty of life for focusing on the morals and life's ultimate goal is depressing. Tell All the Truth – Poem tell it to twist in our favor, we can voice it in a happier and thoughtful manner or we can be blunt and often hurt the people with our words even though it is the truth.No Coward Soul Is Mine – Poem Explains the struggle with confidence in her life. The narrator shows us her life and how she has succeeded in life only through the confidence she finds in God. Without that she would not be doing what she is doing. Everyone needs to pull his or her confidence from something other than themselves. For the body fails you but God does not. The Enemy – Poem You see someone who holds an ultimate truth dear t them. You believe it is wrong and know that you can never actually be friends with that person.You know they are wrong and then realize you are in the exact same predicament as them. You both hold true to what you believe without giving others a chance to influence your Houghton. The Smile Ray Bradbury Short Story 830-1: Identity & Sense of Self You and â€Å"USA, M †The Lottery Shirley Jackson Short Story 830-2: Truth Science Fiction & Justice Inside Stories for Senior Students â€Å"USA, F †The Interview Ruth Prater Cabala Short Story 830-1: Human Qualities & Ideals â€Å"Other Voices, Other Vistas; Responding to Literature: World†â€Å"Germany/Linda, M†National Trust T.Harrison Poem 830-2: Truth & Justice Border Lines â€Å"England, M †The Tables Turned William Wordsmith Poem 830-2: Truth & Justice Literature and Language: English and World â€Å"England, M †Tell All the Truth Emily Dickinson Poem 830-2: Truth & Justice Literature in English â€Å"USA, F †No Coward Soul Is Mine Emily Bronco Poem 830-1: Human Qualities & Ideals Broadside Anthology of Poetry â€Å"England, F †The Enemy P. Nursed Poem 830-1: Identity & Sense of Self Literature and Language: English and World â€Å"Chile, M †The Crack-up F.Scott Fitzgerald Essay 830-1: Identity & Sense of Self Art of the Personal Essay â€Å"USA, M †Shooting an Elephant George Orwell Essay 830-1: Human Qualities & Ideals Broadside Reader â€Å"England, M †Salvation Longboats Hughes Essay 830-1 : Human Qualities & Ideals 75 Readings Plus LISA, M †Theme is something any author can relate too. Everything that is written has a theme of some sort, no matter who wrote it or where it came from. A poem could have been written in Canada or an essay in England yet still have the same theme.A story could still have the same moral guideline of a poem but be written by different same time on opposite sides of the world without the authors ever hearing about ea ch other's work while still being very similar. The purpose of this paper is take a look at writings from across the globe with multiple themes and to see how much these relate to each other. The theme Truth & Justice make us look deep into ourselves to see what we truly believe in. Do we believe in a moral code that governs us all or are we subject to change our morals Just like the wind changes direction?The short story, The Lottery by Shirley Jackson from the United States of America, shows us an unjust system of the past that has stuck around years longer than it ever should have. We watch as people mention how it is wrong to stone someone yet do not take steps in stopping what is happening. Showing us how peer pressure can have such a huge impact on what we decide is truth and Justice. If everyone calls for a decision we decide that is the new truth and the new Justice. In the poem, National Trust by T. Harrison from England, we are shown a new form of truth, one that seems to be forgotten.We need to realize truth and Justice are things in our past and future, not Just in the present. We cannot forget where we have come from otherwise we will not be able to get where we are going. Now in the same theme but a different concept we see William Wordsmith author of the poem The Tables Turned describe a situation where it is better to be out in life then to stay in and read explain that to sit back and Just listen n itself is wrong. It is a corrupt use of your time to not do anything while the world around you is changing.In the poem Tell All the Truth by Emily Dickinson we are able to see another corrupt thought on truth. We can always spin the truth to benefit ourselves but does it stay the truth or has it now become something different? We can spin it to benefit others in kindness or tell it bluntly, which hurts people. In The Interview by Ruth Para we witness a new theme of Human Qualities and Ideals. Confidence is something that falls short in this generat ion and in this story. A man who cannot choose for himself to live on his own and succeed in life is viewed as a failure.But if we see these people as failures and remind them of that will they ever change? Unlike the Interview in the poem No Coward Soul Is Mine by Emily Bronze from England, projects self-confidence in how she lives her life. Even though she had a rough time becoming an adult, she still refused to give up. She shows us her struggle and explains how she found God in all of this who is now her confidence. She has so much confidence there is now no room in her for fear of death. Now in the essay â€Å"Shooting an Elephant†by George Orwell we see a shift in thought.We see that if you do not have the confidence you need to stand alone then you make mistakes. Peer pressure cannot move mountains but it can move mountains of people. If you are not confident in who you are then your choices are influenced more by those around you then your own thought process. We mak e choices to fit in with culture, when we do this; we normally lose satisfaction with ourselves. We experience the exact same situation in the essay Salvation by Longboats Hughes. When pressured by people to make a decision you can either stand firm in hat you know or choose to change what you know.Either way a decision is always made. When forced into a decision though you feel like you betrayed yourself Just like the child feels he betrayed everyone around him by â€Å"saying yes to Jesus†. The ability to stand out even when it is tough to do so. We see that it can be worth going through the hardship of being different. When you are faced with a hard decision to make the right decision is not always, what everyone else is choosing. We are given a situation in this poem where a boy needs to choose against what all of the adults are choosing.He needs to believe in himself and what he finds beauty in the make the decision that he does. In the poem The Enemy by Pablo Neared, we see the same theme but with a new view of life come from it. We now see the dangers of having an ultimate truth that we hold too without thoughts as to how it could be wrong. We are shown that when you put your identity in a truth like this you will make enemies that believe in different options. The choice then become are you going to hold to your truth and keep an enemy or will you reevaluate what you believe to be sure that you are in fact right about this topic.Just like an atheist and a Christian have a hard time connecting on a personal level so do others who have ultimate truths. Now in an essay written by F. Scott Fitzgerald called â€Å"The Crack Up†we are privileged to witness once again a new version of the same theme. We see that identity is also shaped by our accomplishments and our failures. A seriously depressing essay but yet one of truth without fear of being who you are. This ultimately shows us we are to be confident in who we are and even though we don't always enjoy it we are still going to be okay in the end.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Is Thinking Displayed In Al-Qaeda Writings and Statements Primary Religious or Ideological In Form?
An armed Sunni Islamist organization that has the objective and intention to eliminate and eradicate foreign influences from the Muslim countries is Al-Qaeda, which is nowadays is the hot topic in every country and state. Who should be eradicated it depends upon them, whom they deem and consider being infidels. One of the main purposes of this militant organization is to reestablish the caliphate, which is the title given to an Islamic leader in the community of Islam. The philosophy of Al-Qaeda is based on Wahabism, an orthodox conventional Islamic movement started by Muhammad ibn Abd al Wahhab in the 18th century.Salafism is another orthodox Islamic fundamentalist movement and it followers are the prominent members and militants of this armed group. These two movements of Islam are very dominant in Saudi Arabia, the Western Iraq, and Qatar. The group is generally recognized by its leader, Osama bin Laden, whereas, Ayman al-Zawahiri had also influenced the practice and theory of thi s organization. A common cause of it is linking many collaborative and independent working cells, which may exist in more than one country, resulting in its operations to be un-centralized or not at one place.The September 11 attacks on New York’s World Trade Center, and the Pentagon were the result of the planning and execution of this group, who has committed multiple terrorism acts in the name of Islam. In response, various series of legal and military operations were launched against Al-Qaeda by United States, which were supported by many other countries, including the Islamic Republic of Pakistan – only Islamic country that posses declared nuclear weapons.The United States, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, NATO, and the United Nations, have officially designated this group as harmful and terrorist organization due to its continuous radical acts in the different parts of the world. In late October 2001, al Jazeera, a Middle-east television netwo rk’s journalist, Tayseer Alouni, videotaped Osama bin Laden’s interview, while he was explaining the origin of his group. In his interview, Osama said, â€Å"The name ‘al Qaeda' was established a long time ago by mere chance.The late Abu Ebeida El-Banashiri established the training camps for our mujahedeen against Russia's terrorism. We used to call the training camp al Qaeda [meaning â€Å"the base†in English]. And the name stayed†. In this interview of 2001, he used the world mujahedeen, which is used to describe the Muslims, who are ready to sacrifice their lives in any war or a meaning of struggle, in the name of Allah, often taken in the words, Jihad. In true Islamic context, it is an Islamic term that was derived from an Arabic root, which means to struggle or to strive.In religious terms, an inner effort and struggle for the mobilization of energies, in order to make one, a pious Muslim spiritually is called Jihad. Secondly, it is an attempt to serve the Islamic community and ummah through the capabilities. In extreme circumstances, it is regarded in military terms through the conquest of enemy’s territory or power. After knowing the true definition of Jihad in its Islamic terminology, a nonprofessional person can articulate that the ideology of Islam, which is being presented by these militant groups are fake and ridiculous.Islam is a religion of peace that requires Muslims to submit their wills to the Almighty Allah, one God. Whereas, no Islamic context or Allah’s words have ordered to kill innocent people and frighten them with the bombings and suicide attacks. Historically, if we investigate into the origin of Al-Qaeda, we come to know that it was originally established in the premises where training was given to thousands of mujahedeen, and they were recruited in Russia by the CIA. In January 2001, the U. S.Department of Justice used the term Al-Qaeda for the first time, when four men were accused in the case of the United States embassy bombings in East Africa, during the year 1998. Again, if we analyze the concept of Al-Qaeda for these militant acts, we can take the example of another part of the previously mentioned interview of October 2001. During the interview, the Al-Qaeda leader was asked regarding his economic sources as it was assumed that it was a fight between the United States and them. In reply, Osama bin Laden said, â€Å"This battle is not between al Qaeda and the U.S. This is a battle of Muslims against the global crusaders. In the past when al Qaeda fought with the mujahedeen, we were told, â€Å"Wow, can you defeat the Soviet Union? †The Soviet Union scared the whole world then. NATO used to tremble of fear of the Soviet Union. Where is that power now? We barely remember it. It broke down into many small states and Russia remained. God, who provided us with his support and kept us steadfast until the Soviet Union was defeated, is able to provide us o nce more with his support to defeat America on the same land and with the same people.We believe that the defeat of America is possible, with the help of God, and is even easier for us, God permitting, than the defeat of the Soviet Union was before†. According to this statement of Osama, this war is not with the United States, which is often assumed by the media, but with the global crusaders. Even if we accept this statement of this militant chief, do innocent people of New York or the students of the United Kingdom are regarded as crusaders in their opinions.This would have really made anybody feel ridiculous of the statement, or of the terrorist actions that are happening nowadays in the world. To take things more theoretically, we should try to gather around more facts. According to Diaa Rashwan, a senior researcher at the Al-Ahram Centre for Political and Strategic Studies, in mid 1990s, a merger between the Bin Laden groups and the Zawahiri’s Al-Jihad groups was t he result of a new name of this group, Qa’edat al-Jihad that means a base provided for the Jihad (the struggle).Once again, the word Jihad was taken as the primary objective and purpose of this militant group, which was totally against the teachings of Islam. The young Muslims were brought into Afghanistan for the training purpose were being brainwashed by these militants, also they were turned into new the Afghani Mujahedeens. In August 1988, according to a document of the Defense Department of the United States, the organization was defined as the establishment of an organization for the recruitment of young Muslims, and turning them into the Afghani Mujahedeen as mentioned previously in our discussion.It was also stated in this document that the main objective of this group was instituting the Islamist states throughout the world, while overthrowing the un-Islamic regimes, which were taken as the enemies of the God. The expulsion of the US soldiers from the Gulf was their one of the targets, and in the end, it was their mission to capture the city of Jerusalem as a Muslim city. If we look into the past, wars have been fought in the name of religion. However, no religion and even in the history of Islamic wars, we have never seen a war, in which innocent people, women and children were killed.From the historical facts and the teachings of Islam given by Allah, a last option was given to the Muslims to fight in the name of their religion, if and only if, there was no other option remained in their hands. We can decide through these statements and discussions that it is a wrong thing to call this militant group as an Islamic militant group. The political and social reasons can be behind the establishment of this group. Personal benefits and leisure have been the cause and motive of this organization. However, it would be very ludicrous to relate it with Islam.The statements and writings of these groups may give a perception of a religion that gives the teaching of spreading blood and hatred in the world. However, their statements are very philosophical and illiterate in nature, if properly investigated and studied. In 1998, the Al-Qaeda leader was interviewed and the tape was shown to the whole world. If we analyze his statements during that interview, Allah was praised by him for the help, by which, America’s greatest buildings were destroyed. He was seen thanking God for His blessings on them, and causing humiliation that was tasted by Muslims since more than 80 years.According to him, Muslims children were being killed in Iraq, Israeli tanks were infesting Palestine, and the blood, honor, and sanctuaries of Islam were being abused by the infidels. Even then, nobody was seen moving a single limb against these infidels. In one of his statements, he said, â€Å"These events have divided the whole world into two sides. The side of believers and the side of infidels, may God keep you away from them. Every Muslim has to rush to make his religion victorious. The winds of faith have come. The winds of change have come to eradicate oppression from the island of Muhammad, peace be upon him†.If we look into this statement, according to him, his world was at the peak of division of the believers and the infidels. Secondly, he had asked every Muslim to wake up and rush out for the victory of his religion. Even if we accept it, the injustices caused to the Muslims, and the injuries borne by them, no Islamic teachings guided to response in this manner, even with the enemies. If we go back in the history, Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him), the last prophet of Allah (as per Muslims believe), and who spread Islam in the Arabia had also fought many wars during his life.We can see the examples of forgiveness which he used to do with the enemies, and even used to forgive those persons who had abused him on the face. From these examples, it can be analyzed that the militant and terrorist acts of this Al-Qaeda g roup is not more than acts of the political wars. The statements of Al-Qaeda group may be primary religious, but in some parts. More fractions were used to humiliate the enemy and disgrace the religion of Islam – this is the reason that makes the Islamic countries to support the war of terrorism.Injustices were also done during this war of terrorism and innocent people became the victims during this period. However, there is no difference between a person who slaps someone and the person who has just slapped him. Every religion that came in this world taught and guided to speak the truth, help the people, and serve the humanity. Therefore, if a group of extremists that arm themselves and kill innocent people and children of the so-called enemies, and call themselves as the true believers is completely wrong.Only radical and illiterate ideology of a religion is represented by these groups and once again, one may not deem them as the representative of Islam. In order to underst and their philosophy in more detail, we should examine their other statements too. A fatwa (binding religious proclamation) was issued and co-signed by Osama bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri, Sumedh Gawai, and three of the other Islamist leaders on February 23, 1998. This edict was made under the banner of the World Islamic Front for Jihad against the Jews and Crusaders.Once again, it was very wrong step by them to use the world Islamic, as it only disgraced this religion, rather than giving it honor. In this declaration, it was announced that â€Å"[t]he ruling to kill the Americans and their allies civilians and militaryâ€â€is an individual duty for every Muslim, who can do it in any country, in which it is possible to do it, in order to liberate the al-Aqsa Mosque (in Jerusalem) and the holy mosque (in Makka) from their grip, and in order for their armies to move out of all the lands of Islam, defeated and unable to threaten any Muslim.This is in accordance with the words of Alm ighty Allah, ‘and fight the pagans all together as they fight you all together,' and ‘fight them until there is no more tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in Allah†. In the light of this pronouncement, it was compulsory for every Muslim to come out of his home and start fighting with any Jew that comes in front of him. Isn’t that a preposterous proclamation, or should it be taken as a dangerous edict?The most interesting thing that takes your attention is the traditional Islamic scholarly qualifications were possessed by neither Osama bin Laden or al-Zawahiri. However, the contemporary ulema (true interpretators of Islamic teachings) were rejected by these radical extremists and this responsibility was taken upon them by themselves. The September 11, 2001 attacks at New York’s World Trade Center and the Pentagon was the deadliest and the extreme ones in the American history. Almost 3000 people were killed, which include Christia ns, Jews, and Muslims.This act was an elevated operation of terrorism, and it changed the lives of thousand of Americans. In October 2004, a videotape was released by Al-Jazeera in which Osama bin Laden claimed his responsibility of these attacks and stated his inspiration to be the 1982 Israeli attacks at the high-rises in the Lebanon. Once more, he performed this act of repetition one’s wrong doing reciprocally. Even if Israel had done a devilish act, Islam had taught to forgive and pray for the blessings, even for the enemies. However, what happened was totally different and diverse from the Islamic teachings.In this videotape, Osama bin Laden said, â€Å"As I looked at those demolished towers in Lebanon, it entered my mind that we should punish the oppressor in kind and that we should destroy towers in America in order that they taste some of what we tasted and so that they be deterred from killing our women and children†. It seems from these terrorism acts and the ir statements that this would not stop in the near future, and a war may not be the solution of this issue. Their philosophy, ideology, and psychology are related to their hearts that tends them to react in this state of terrorism.One more example of their statements is the incident of July 13, 2006. In the Srinagar region of Kashmir, a man claimed to be the representative of Al-Qaeda and announced the Kashmiris and the people worldwide of their arrival in this region. The spokesperson also attributed the recent blasts to his group calling them a consequence of the Indian oppression, which was suppressed by the Muslim minorities. These series of different statements showed the image of Muslims and particularly, Islam as a religion of war rather than the peace.These acts can only be the motives of political benefits and advantages as no Islamic teachings guide the Muslims to do the struggle in this manner even against their enemies. Therefore, once again it would be better to declare that these statements and writings can only be a reflection of motives behind personal promotion rather than the religious beliefs and teachings. However, it is still confusing to decide the final decision, because the Al-Qaeda’s nature and extent of its working and operations throughout the world remains a topic of dispute.From the understanding of their statements, we can say that these acts and thoughts are the result of hatred against the United States, Israel, and the other western countries rather than an effort of struggling as per the teachings of Islam. According to their Islamic ideology, these abovementioned countries are taken as the infidels and enemies of Islam. They take it as these countries are trying to abuse the social, economic, cultural, and traditional values of their religion.Many of the Saudi scholars, which were the result of the previously mentioned Wahabism wrote about the United States as the country of corruption, despotism, evil, and aggression. It was considered as a state of spreading abomination and corruption in the world. The resources being used on wines, cigarettes, and sex channels were the cause of their hatred against these western countries. In order to dominate their desire of revenge against these states, they portrayed themselves as the true representatives, scholars, and believers of Islam.Young Muslims were brainwashed and persuaded to sacrifice their lives for the motive of Islam. However, the main objective was to humiliate the enemy rather than to honor the religion. The different proclamations of these extremists, such as, the future conquest of Rome and all of Europe; the state of confrontation with the west; civilians in the infidel states deserve to die; democracy as the religion of the infidels; and seeing the West as God’s enemy are some of the many and various statements given by these extremists.These statements only portray their personal motives behind these acts and not the Islamic ideo logy in any sense. Many experts, writers, investigators and analysts have tried their best to analyze the Al-Qaeda’s position, in the light of their statements and writings, but it is still a topic of argument due to its anonymity. In this discussion, we tried to examine and scrutinize the testimonials of this militant group to decide whether they are playing a role as an Islamic group spreading true religious teachings and beliefs or it is an extremist group that is trying to cope up its problems radically.Conclusively, according to the investigations done by different experts and facts available for the analysis, the Al-Qaeda network does not display or seems to be trying to portray an original picture and ideology, which was given by the Holy Quran and the Messenger of Allah, to the Muslims of the world. References Jason Burke. (2004). Al-Qaeda: a True Story of Radical Islam. I. B. Tauris. Daurius Figueira. (2004). the Al Qaeda Discourse of the Greater Kufr. iUniverse. Bra d K. Berner. (2005). the World According to Al-Qaeda. Booksurge Llc. Olivier Roy. (2004). Globalised Islam: the search for a new Ummah. C. Hurst & Co.Publishers. Robert O. Marlin. (2005). What Does Al Qaeda Want? : Unedited Communiques. North Atlantic Books. Paul J. Murphy. (2004). The Wolves of Islam: Russia and the Faces of Chechen Terror. Brassey's. Dele Ajaja. (2006). The Return of Al-Qaeda: When a Dreaded Terrorist Reaches the Turning Point. iUniverse. David Malone (2005). Bin Laden's Plan: The Project for the New Al Qaeda Century. Trafford Publishing. Phillip Margulies. (2003). Al Qaeda: Osama Bin Laden's Army of Terrorists. The Rosen Publishing Group. Al-Qaeda from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Al-Qaeda Retrieved November 30, 2006
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Louis Vuitton Case Study Essay
The global luxury goods’ marketplace in the past decade has experienced nothing short of a complete evolution and transformation. This industry has endured global economic downturns in advanced economies such as the United States requiring them to branch out of their comfort zones and expand into emerging markets specifically the BRIC countries. These Asian nations possess high GDP rates that are anticipated to increase significantly in the upcoming years. Luxury goods were once a possession of strictly the wealthy, brand conscious consumer with a high disposable income. Within these developing economies reside a â€Å"new breed of young entrepreneurs and noveau riche consumers†, offering large potential within the middle class market for luxury brands (Pan). Although these countries offer significant promise, access will come at the cost of fierce competition, potential of counterfeiting and international trade barriers. Bernard Arnault, the head of the Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy brands, recognizes that penetration, growth and development in these emerging markets are a critical part of the brand’s long-term global strategy. LVMH is the parent company of around 50 sub-companies that run autonomously and implements the Star Brand formula. The company is determined to capture the growing Asia market with particular focus on China, Japan, South Korea and India. Although these areas are quite affluent and familiar with Western luxuries, LVMH faces difficult challenges such as raising consumer awareness, counterfeiting, and emphasizing purchase within one’s own nation state. The recommendations of this case analysis addresses each of the challenges and offers both a short term and a long-term implementation plan. If LVMH executes the suggested recommendations, the organization will be a global powerhouse by both western and eastern standards. LVMH’s Mission, Vision and Core Values LVMH Mission: To represent the most refined qualities of Western â€Å"Art de Vivre†around the world. LVMH must continue to be synonymous with both elegance and creativity. Their products, and the cultural values they embody, blend tradition and innovation, and kindle dream and fantasy. Five Fundamental Values: Be creative and innovative Aim for product excellence Bolster the image of brands with passionate determination Act as entrepreneurs Strive to be the best in all they do Challenges Maintain Status as the Leader in the Luxury Goods Market Part of LVMH’s mission is to be the leader in the global market for luxury goods. LVMH is the world’s largest and most profitable player in the luxury goods market. They have established this with a product life cycle that emphasized product elegance, quality and uniqueness. The challenge is to stay on top. The vision of the company is to maintain its customer’s loyalty and its strong brand name, while finding new markets worldwide. LVMH is working hard at keeping its star brands in the limelight and constantly reinforcing the value of its brands. Economic Downturns Threat of New Entrants: Multiple distributions channels/marketing strategies Brand loyalty and recognition of larger companies Large investment cost for initial entrance Government intervention (import tariffs) A plethora of distribution channels are available for new entrants into the luxury goods industry. These marketing strategies include but are not limited to franchising, mergers and acquisitions. Many of today’s largest luxury concerns have achieved their success globally through implementation of these approaches. Although opportunity exists for new entrants, barriers are quite high in regards to qualitative and quantitative measures. Mature and established luxury goods brands such as Louis Vuitton and Gucci, have a strong brand loyalty and recognition amongst consumers, suppliers and retailers (Manning-Schaffel). Luxury goods raise awareness and sales to the public through marketing tactics, which are quite costly. With any product in the early stages of the product development there is a substantial initial investment required to create brand consciousness. This is most felt by small and or independent brands. A typical global advertising campaign is extremely costly and ultimately drives sales (Wittner). Lastly, depending on the country a luxury good is looking to penetrate government intervention and import tariffs may act as a barrier, especially in the Asian market. In China alone, import duties have increased from 10% to 30% since 2007 ( Regardless the amount of tariffs imposed and transportation costs make it quite difficult for new entrants into the luxury goods global market place. Bargaining Power of Suppliers: Various suppliers available Independent sourcing initiatives Supplier bankruptcy Within the luxury goods industry, a suppliers’ role is to provide materials such as fabric, and raw goods in order to create the end high quality end products. The number of suppliers varies based on geographical location and specific material need. Hence supplier power can vary but in most cases is quite high. Therefore because some raw materials are limited and/or more costly across the globe many concerns are taking matters into their own hands. The brand Hermes is a perfect example of this. In the past the group had worked with crocodile suppliers in Louisiana, but due to high charged costs this changed (Wheeler). Instead the luxury group now breeds its own crocodiles in Australia independently in order to address global demands for the Birken handbag (Jlieman). During the current economic times and conditions many suppliers have been forced to file bankruptcy. This has a detrimental effect on many luxury concerns. According to one article, â€Å"the company would lose time trying to buy materials directly, resulting in a delay in the construction†(Jieman). The time it takes to switch suppliers is also one that is quite costly to the luxury concern. Bargaining Power of Buyers: Global economic & security crisis Brand recognition and perceived value High concentration of distribution channels There have been several notable economic and security crises that have occurred globally, which have had significant impact on the luxury goods market place. Therefore buyers (consumers) have a significant possess a tremendous amount of power. The last few years have shown that no country is invincible to recession. This point is evident in the Asian financial crisis, the current United States recession and most recently, the debt crisis of the European Union. Strict financials are not the only woes causing decrease sales in the luxury goods industry. Decline in travel is also attributed to security issues. These security concerns include the terrorist attack on the United States in 2001, as well the SARS outbreak and chicken flu within Asian in 2003. Each of these events has had a detrimental effect on the luxury goods market (Prince Associates 2008). Security measures have escalated tremendously and are conducted far more thoroughly therefore increasing travel. The luxury goods market therefore has seen considerable growth (Prince Associates 2008). Many residents within Asia will travel internationally for western goods due to perceived quality and value associated with specific brands, such as Louis Vuitton (Chadha). There is a high concentration of distribution channels of luxury goods ranging from high-end retail chains to privately owned boutiques. Due to the global recession, buyers within these channels have a substantial amount of bargaining power. It is important to note that this bargaining power varies significantly around brand. For example, Louis Vuitton and Hermes offer no sales or discounts to their products regardless of geographical location. Therefore there is little bargaining power possessed by buyers. It is this lack of negotiation to both consumers and buyers that increased the perceived value of brands (Noor). Threat of Substitutes: Counterfeit merchandise presence Increase in discounted designer goods Purchase of designer goods overseas versus in home country Although many financial opportunities exist for luxury brands to expand their availability internationally, there is also a presence for threats of counterfeits. These risks are most often associated to Asian markets, in particular China and Hong Kong. According to a USA Today article, it has been calculated that 80% of all confiscated counterfeit luxury goods originate from China (O’Donnell). This imitation merchandise is available through an array of distribution channels ranging from the street vendors to online store sites. These outlets allow for individuals to purchase these goods at a low cost regardless of geographical residence. Therefore, threat of substitutes is radically high. In a time of global recession, many designers have adjusted their products to a cost effective strategy. Products such as Prada and Gucci for example allow for their high-end merchandise to be sold at a discounted price in order to reduce inventory. In addition, designers such as Vera Wang and Dana Buchman have created lines to be sold at retailers such as Target and Kohls to appeal to the middle class (Coffey). Jimmy Choo who also offers a special line to H&M in certain geographical areas implements this sales strategy (Sibbles & Pidd). Louis Vuitton as mentioned above does not offer sales or discounts on any fashion or leather goods merchandise and therefore runs a high risk of substitution to price sensitive consumers (Noor). Prices are raised internationally in order to offset the price of import tariffs to certain geographical settings. For example for European luxury brands in order to import goods to the Asian market the price of the good significantly greater than one would pay in a European country. This has caused the threat of substitutions to rise. Competitive Rivalry: Large concerns economies of scale Availability of counterfeit merchandise Shift from â€Å"superluxe to simpleluxe†(Wheeler) Competitive rivalry is exceptionally high globally in the luxury goods market. This occurs because of the existence of many large economies of scale, availability of designer counterfeit merchandise, low cost designer products, and a shift from expensive elaborate brands to more simplistic less expensive ones. One reason in particular is that there are several large concerns of economies of scale. These concerns include but are not limited to Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessey, Gucci and Cartier. According to, â€Å"Large companies have advantages in economies of scale in operations, can more easily raise capital, and have strong name recognition†. It is with this available capital that successful advertising campaigns have been launched, driving market share and consumer brand loyalty. As mentioned previously, the availability and demand of counterfeit designer goods is on the rise. Availability of this merchandise decreases sales of the legitimate designer products. According to one article by Donald Brown a journalist from the Independent, â€Å"Research has found as many as seven out of 10 buyers of luxury goods are willing to â€Å"mix and match†designer brands alongside known fakes. And evidence has emerged of a soaring market for â€Å"lookalike†goods in which cheaper products are passed off as the real thing, simply without the designer label†(Brown). The depressed global economy has been named the main culprit in even the rich and wealthy seeking â€Å"simpleluxe vs. superluxe†(Wheeler). This transition defined in an article by Karen Wheeler is that many people, â€Å"†¦are looking for now is simple-luxe – smaller, accessibly priced luxuries that improve everyday life rather than flaunting your wealth†(Wheeler). This phenomenon has been seen across continents, as individuals are not willing to spend a month’s salary on a luxury good, therefore impacting the luxury goods industry tremendously, especially on sales of their bigger price tag items. Alternatives LVMH should introduce security labels to eliminate counterfeiting and for â€Å"gray-market†protection. Pros: Implement â€Å"intelligent security labels†, a unique label that will identify genuine Louis Vuitton products from counterfeited products. Louis Vuitton created the signature monogram Canvas to prevent counterfeiting. The company takes counterfeiting seriously and employs a team of lawyers and special investigation agencies that are actively pursuing offenders through the courts worldwide. LVMH is allocating a significant budget amount to counteract piracy of its goods. The company closely controls the distribution of its products; Louis Vuitton sells its products strictly through its own retail stores, small boutiques in high-end department stores and online through its website. Cons: Louis Vuitton is one of the most counterfeited brands in the fashion world due to its image as a status symbol. LVMH faces a †gray-market†in Asia, where handbags cost 40% more in Japan than they do in France. Arbitrage business of handbags – people fly to France to buy handbags for the purpose of resale through parallel channels in Japan. LVMH should increase the number of Duty free shops and airport stores presence around the world. Pros: Over 100 million of Chinese travel annually and Duty-free shops are important shopping locations for Chinese travelers. On average Chinese travelers spend $928 on shopping in duty-free shops and airport shopping during their outbound trip. Shopping is considered a â€Å"must-do†by most Chinese travelers when traveling overseas. Chinese outbound travelers tend to be young (20-39 years old), well educated and with higher income, working professionals, tech-savvy and fashionable (interested in cutting-edge gadgets and latest fashions). Confectionery, fashion, fashion accessories and cosmetics are the most popular or international branded items purchased by Chinese travelers during their foreign overseas trips. India has been ranked as one of the fastest growing travel and tourism economies in the world both for inbound and outbound travel. India has an increasingly affluent middle class with growing disposable income willing to spend on luxury items. The product categories mostly purchased by the Indian outbound travelers on their trip abroad are confectionery, fragrances/perfumes, fashion and accessories, leather goods and cosmetics. Duty-free shops and stores at overseas airports are the most frequented purchasing places for Indian travelers. Shopping at Duty-free shops and airport stores is more impulse driven than pre-planned for Indian travelers which they expect to see various offers available such as exclusive fine gifts or exclusive fashion collections. There is not much else to do at most airports other than walk around window-shopping and occasionally making purchases. Cons: Price difference can be quite large from one duty-free to another, depending on its location, sometimes for the same size, brand and product purchased. Even though Duty-free shops do no apply local or national taxes and duties, shoppers may still have to pay duties in their home country on items purchased from a duty-free shop. LVMH should reach out to the middle-class customers who are willing to purchase luxury items. Pros: Sales of luxury products are on the rise in Asia-Pacific area. Growing middle class in India and China is increasingly buying designer goods. In India, shoppers mainly comprise of â€Å"status seekers†and â€Å"technology savvy†. Cons: In order to make their products more affordable for middle-class consumers, LVMH might have to compromise on quality, by lowering labor costs or moving production offshore. Using less skilled workers and the ability to provide more merchandise lines to their stores, could make the brand less exclusive in the long run because of increase in popularity and mass appeal. Open manufacturing plant for handbags in India Pros: Reduce/Eliminate tariffs and transportation costs. India has an English-speaking population. Improved social and political stability in India. India has cheap labor force and will cost the company less to manufacture the handbags. Growing middle-class with disposable income willing to spend on luxury items. Cons: â€Å"Made in France†was an important selling point at LVMH, although 2 of 14 factories were in Spain and one in California. Customers expect western quality. Buyers in India are concerned with being offered the latest products and designs. The myth of the brand is linked to where the product is manufactured. Compromise on quality by slashing labor costs and making the products in India. Conditions in operations in India are not promising. Create new markets and advantages by introducing LVMH brands to children/teenagers Pros: Introduce LVMH brands to kids – they become lifetime customers. Create new markets by offering merchandise specifically to children/teenagers. These offerings will allow for womb to tomb mentality and increase customer lifetime value as well as brand loyalty. Cons: Investment and research is costly. Very risky. Small market segment. Recommendations Combat Counterfeiting Diversification of product lines and innovation is essential for LVMH to stay ahead in the luxury goods market. One-way LVMH to achieve this is to extend their customer base to include children and teenagers. â€Å"Many reports indicate luxury buying is supported more from Baby Boomer grandparents and relatives who are eager to spare no expense. Some experts even theorize that the lavish spending and pampering is due to an opposite psycho-economic creation to a person’s own strict upbringing,†(Mesa). Parents are also experiencing higher incomes and tend to save on certain items the families consume but are â€Å"trading up on products for loved ones – specifically children and pets,†(Mesa). Children also have more say in regards what products they prefer. Children and teenagers are experiencing higher allowances than we’ve seen in the past (Mesa). Louis Vuitton would not be the only luxury goods brand when launching children’s and teenage product line. Luxury goods producers such as Dolce & Gabbana and Versace embraced this opportunity and broadened their product lines by launching clothing lines. Dolce & Gabbana launched the ready-to-wear line D&G Junior and â€Å"offers a unique 2004/2005 collection aimed at newborns and pre-teens,†(Mesa). Versace rolled out a clothing line that target kids ages 4 to 14 (Mesa). This strategy may prove to be risky and LVMH will have place investments towards research and development and eventual marketing and advertising costs upon launch. The children’s market, although potentially lucrative for a business, is a small segment. However, Louis Vuitton, among other luxury brands, has already entered in the baby market through products like baby bags. This will provide LVMH with leverage in that particular product segment. â€Å"Since baby bags are more about a fashion accessory with functional benefits for parents to carry, it is not surprising that luxury handbag makers have jumped on the baby bandwagon,†(Mesa). Many products such as mini-handbags, jewellery, and shoes can be diversified and included in the children’s product line. Works Cited (2009). DATAMONITOR: LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SA. LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SA SWOT Analysis, 1-8. Retrieved from Business Source Complete database. Boorstin, J. (2005). Louis Vuitton Tests a New Way to Fight the Faux. Fortune, 151(10), 34. Retrieved from Business Source Complete database. CLCB Website (2009, October 22). LVMH Acquires Chinese Traditional Spirits Distillery: Could Westerners Be Sipping Baijiu In Coming Years? Retrieved February 21, 2010, EU Business Website (2007, March 31). India in Advanced Talks with EU to ‘Correct’ High Liquor Duties. Retrieved February 23, 2010, Fitszimmons, E. (2008, September 8). LVMH to Boost Awareness. Retrieved February 21, 2010, Foster, D. (2007, February 21). Dressing Lean: Louis Vuitton Edition. Retrieved, Haisma-Kwok, C. & Jones, G. (2009). Arnault Bullish On LVHM, China. WWD: Women’s Wear Daily, 197(109). Retrieved from Business Source Complete database. Kerns, J. LVMH Moà «t Hennessy Louis Vuitton SA. Retrieved February 20, 2010,
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Entrepreneurship Skills for Engineers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Entrepreneurship Skills for Engineers - Essay Example Learning-based model minimizes time through a learning loop. The intention of the lecture to engineers and innovators is to preserve resources and make best uses of them while making discoveries. Business plan or business case serves as an executive summary of the highly detailed business plan. It gets an entrepreneur out of the building and tests the concept of the market. A detailed business case envisions benefits over a reasonable period that outweighs costs and risks. The weak business case does not justify moving forward with a comprehensive business plan. It renders it challenging to estimate the return on investment. Commercializing an idea involves building, measuring, and learning. The building is turning ideas into products. Measuring pertains to customers’ response to the products generated. Learning results in the decision made on whether to pivot or persevere. Innovation intersects invention and market insights. In essence, it is the process of changing ideas into products while market insight is identifying customers’ needs in the market. Innovation may also involve improvements on an invented product to improve acceptance in the market. The presenter outlines various steps to the nail it then scales its process. There are five distinct stages. First, nail the pain. Second, nail the solution. The third stage involves nailing the go-to-market strategy. The fourth stage involves nailing the business model. The fifth stage is to scale it. Nailing the pain is identifying the problem and the possible solutions. Nailing the solution is selecting the best solution to the problem. Nailing the go-to-market strategy involves marketing of the idea or product and evaluating the perception of potential customers. The business model has several sections that require an address. It ends at the completion of the business plan. Scaling the business entails knowing the potential competitors and determining the size of the business. Business model canvas has nine key factors that a business must have.Â
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Hazardous waste management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Hazardous waste management - Essay Example This is in consideration that the firm will accumulate as much waste products as possible to be transported at reasonable intervals (Woodard 2001). We should also consider the cost of establishing new sites, expanding the existing site will be cheaper than starting new. This is because the firm will enjoy the economies of scale. Secondly, since the products are termed as hazardous and it will be unwise for each site to have its dumping site since this will lead to its distribution all over. I would propose that all waste products to be put together and then disposed into main landfill thus reducing the risk of people to get into contact (Woodard 2001). Bearing in mind that each site will have to pay taxes for waste products and more so the cost and damage to environment the best thing is to consolidate all waste products from that site Management is another factor to consider. Since we are running the same firm, for it to run in harmony we need to have one manager who will be held accountable for all waste product. Having all the waste consolidated from one site is more manageable than different
Public Broadcasting Service Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Public Broadcasting Service - Essay Example The lingering question is how can PBS best position themselves to compete with broadcast networks and non-premium cable channels. With the rules of corporate underwriting having changed and with the public funding of PBS slashed with the arrival of Republican control of Congress and the White House, public broadcasting finds itself moving toward the acceptance of standard advertising techniques. The demographics of those who watch PBS strongly suggest that there will always be sponsors who wish to exploit that high end buying power. All of this does not mean that PBS needs to position itself to act like other TV selling organizations, however. Viewers of PBS are accustomed to a minimum of advertising and a prime selling point is the lack of interruption of those programs except for the semi-annual fundraising drives. To venture PBS toward a situation in which a Masterpiece Theater production of a Dostoyevsky novel is interrupted for commercials for tampons or beer would be to risk losing a primal attraction for the very audience seeking out that kind of prestige programming.
Monday, August 26, 2019
Corporate Responsibility and Marketing Strategies Assignment - 2
Corporate Responsibility and Marketing Strategies - Assignment Example The combination of these qualities has been the pivotal reason behind the success story of Apple Inc. which revolutionized the retail industries and the technology. Apple Inc. is dedicated towards the main standards of ethical conduct, environment and social responsibilities. The prime purpose of the paper is to provide vivid information about the ethical and social responsibility, current position and strategies of the Apple Corporation. According to David Kurtz, â€Å"social responsibility is defined as the management values that comprises of contributing resources to the developing in nonprofit programs, community and maintaining the natural environment for the benefit of the general community†. Apple Inc. is a multinational corporation of America founded in 1976. Apple develops, designs, sells computer software, consumer electronics, personal computers and online services. Apple strives to be committed towards making an extraordinary technology and be socially and ethically responsible (Lencioni, 2012). According to the management of Apple Corporation, â€Å"social responsibility is defined as the essential in the manner of doing business in the organization†. In case of suppliers, it has been stated on the Progress Report of Global Suppliers Responsibility by Apple as providing safe working surroundings. Some of the social responsibility program initiated by Apple Inc. in the year 2010 includes increase in the number of facilities that are audited, use of probable conflict minerals are mapped, prevention of hiring underage workers, introduction of educated facilities that can help to manage third-party recruiters, protection of worker from other countries by dedicated additional resources and expansion in the training initiative. In case of training expansion, 300,000 workers are trained on their protections and
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Learning Log Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Learning Log - Essay Example The situation makes it difficult for the visiting Chinese to enjoy. This idea influenced the owners of this restaurant to create an opportunity to the Chinese in heart of London. Many clients visiting the restaurant have remarked that the restaurant has enabled them to acquire the best in a foreign land. The restaurant respects and promotes Chinese culture. Reception of clients who visit this restaurant would attest to the above fact. The restaurant location is heart English land where one would expect to meet the English culture. However, the uniqueness of the restaurant stem up from the fact that it roots for the native culture of the Chinese. This is the best that a person would imagine especially when an individual has been dreaming of experience the native culture. Language is an aspect of culture, which influences all other activities in the society. The restaurants prefer addressing its Chinese visitors in Chinese language and other visitors in the most appropriate language (T ouro). The idea is to protect the business from failing to cater for the interest of the society. Serving the needs of Chinese people as well as the needs of the people who embraces the Chinese culture is the sole objective of the restaurant. This objective is evident through the long-term service that the restaurant has offered to the society since its inception in 1890s (Chongqing Expat Club, 2008:3). ... Today the practices in the restaurant indicate respect for the Chinese culture. Human culture differs owing to the fact that people live in various geographical regions. The practices observed in London by Londoners are much different from practices of Chinese in Beijing. How the fabric that formed the foundation of the restaurant anticipated to carry the practices alive. My placement at Chongqing San Jia Xiang restaurant exposed me to two events; first, exercises my communication skills in an international environment second to retain stress. The restaurant offers services to international guest visiting or residing in London. Communication is a crucial tool in the hospitality industry that dictates the number clients. Clients visiting various recreational facilities are keen to reception in their new environment. The restaurant offers a warm reception to people (Touro). Exposure to new environment offers an opportunity for learning new approaches. I was not an exception to this exe rcise. I had to receive clients, listen to their demands and respond. The experience was good because the management managed to influence my reaction whenever I misunderstood the clients. People have different abilities yet they need services. It means I had to develop skills of response as well as skills of controlling my temper whenever the demands were out of my taste. The organisation concern promotes an environment where a person could be able to learn. Individual’s presentation influences ones ability to handle clients. The restaurant management and staff created an environment, which encourages an individual to be presentable. The restaurant holds routine departmental meetings, which aims at analysing and attending to problems of the workers. The
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Gender Inequality at work place Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Gender Inequality at work place - Essay Example In the society there is need to create definite balance in making analysis about gender inequality, men should as well be considered as the impact of the inequality against women at work place affects them either directly or indirectly. In some cases, they are the victims too. All over the world men and women have naturally done different kinds of work. Men have characteristically done jobs that are much physical in nature and require more efforts whereas women tended to do less physical duties, mostly service-oriented kind of jobs. The three factors that are often used to describe inequality at workplace include cultural factors, discriminatory factors. Cultural values where women in certain countries are not allowed to do some jobs due to state laws, religion, and public view with historical connotations. Race can also be used to hinder one not necessarily women from being given certain jobs basing on cultural beliefs, the discriminatory aspect of it ranges from various instance su ch as sex, age, color of the skin, level of education among others. Race can be a determinant in the segregation of awarding of jobs Devey reiterates that some jobs are kept for white basing on the quality. Social perspectives where by some jobs are predominantly done by certain gender for example mechanical works, engineering among others.Federal state anti-discriminatory laws have been passed and put onto action in several states in the U.S. with effect it has improved availabilities of several opportunities for women at work place.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Government in Preventing Environmental Crime Essay
Government in Preventing Environmental Crime - Essay Example South & Brisman (2013) state that some of the environmental protocols set by the international bodies include the banning of wildlife trade in endangered species under the CITES stipulations. It has been an instrumental international law that did shape the UK Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 amendments. Secondly, the illegal logging Act that protects forests from unthoughtful exploitation. Besides, the international protocols on the environment include banning of dumping hazardous wastes in water as provided in the Basel Convention on the Control of Tran boundary Act 1989. Committing any of the above crimes is liable to prosecution in accordance to international law; this should be seen being enforced by the individual government. Overview of UK Environmental Act Today, United Kingdom is among the countries that have signed several environmental and wildlife conventions are a renewed commitment to protect the environment from crime. Some of the provisions in the Countryside and Wildlife Act 1981 include banning of poaching, illegalizing unplanned logging and prevention of endangered species as provided in the CITES 1975 international protocol (Reins 2012). Since the Committee inquiry of 2004, the government commitment to protect the wildlife increased substantially, this was seen when the house of common began to deliberate on numerous amendments of the Countryside and Wildlife Act 1981, resulting in the more recent Wildlife Act 2012 Amendment. However, wildlife has been amended many times to respond to new crime threats that has become complex to non-specialist police. The year 2006 saw the enactment of law that prohibits the poisoning of birds because there were increased threats posed by poaching through poisoning. Moreover, the formation of the National Wildlife Crime Unit (NWCU) is a living testimony of the framework created by the government to enforce and repeal numerous Acts of the wildlife (Stewart 2012). However, some critics argue that wildlife crime enforcement has been greatly undermined by lack of definite sentencing guidelines for wildlife judges.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
General Description of the Community Essay Example for Free
General Description of the Community Essay Target area being assessed by the author is hospice service in Sioux Falls and surrounding areas provided by Avera Mckennan. Hospice care is end-of-life care provided by health professionals and volunteers Hospice care provides medical services, emotional support, and spiritual resources for people who are in the last stages of terminal illness. Although most hospice patients are cancer patients, hospice accepts anyone regardless of age and type of disease. The goal of hospice treatment is to keep patient comfortable and improve quality of life. Hospice care tries to manage symptoms so that patients last days may be spent with dignity, surrounded by his/her loved ones. Hospice care is family-centered: the patient and family are both included in the care plan and emotional, spiritual and practical support is provided depending on the patients wishes and families needs. Hospice is not so much a place, as it is a philosophy of care with a family-centered approach that considers the patient and family to be the unit of care (Lattanzi-Licht et al. , 1998). Avera Mckennan Hospice Services are the main focus of author. Avera McKennans Home Hospice and Palliative Care program office is located in the Dougherty Hospice House. Through this program, they provide hospice services in a variety environments: hospice care in the home setting, hospice care in an assisted living facility, hospice care in a skilled nursing facility and also, in Dougherty Hospice House. The Dougherty Hospice House is a unique sixteen bed hospice facility located on the Prince of Peace campus. This place provides a home like setting with specious rooms for patient and sleeping accommodations for family members. It also has a meditation room, wireless internet, beautiful meditative garden, large dining and family room for families to gather, and library. Dougherty Hospice House and its surrounding property are tobacco free environments. About 80% of all hospice care is provided in private homes, nursing homes, independent and assisted living facilities (Caffrey, C. et al. , 2011). If hospice care provided in patients home, a family member will look after their loved one much of the time. Someone form hospice team will usually visit patient once or twice a week assessing a patient and addressing current health issues. Avera McKennan Hospice team consist of 25 people including nurses, social workers, spiritual advisors/chaplains, nursing assistants, trained volunteers, pharmacist and medical director. In case of emergency home hospice patient can call the 24-hour hospice number for advice. A nurse usually can come to patients house at any time of the day or night or give an advise over the phone. Based on the patients circumstances and stage of care, a hospice interdisciplinary team (IDT) may provide variety of services. Registered nurses assist patient with management of discomfort, pain and side effects of previous treatment ( nausea from chemotherapy). Also nurses help educate both patient and family about what is happening. The nurse is a link connecting patient, family and physician. Home health aids provide extra support for personal care such as bathing, shaving, dressing and eating. Trained hospice volunteers offer assistance with everyday tasks such as shopping, babysitting, and carpooling. They are being available to listen to the patients and families and offer compassionate support. Primary doctor approves plan of care for hospice patient and works with hospice team. A hospice medical director who has expertise in symptom management and end-of-life care is available to the attending physician, patient and family, and hospice team as a great resource and consultant. Chaplains, priests, or other spiritual counselors help patient and family explore the meaning of the death, and perform religious ceremony specific to the patient. Respite care can be provided by inpatient hospice to give family a break from stress of care giving in up to 5-day periods. This service recognizes the need for caregivers to have time away from caretaking roles (Ingleton, Payne, Nolan, Carey, 2003;Lattanzi-Licht e. l. , 1998). Terms such as caregiver burden (Chwalisz Kisler, 1995), caretaker role fatigue, spousal burnout, and role engulfment refer to an imbalance between the physical and mental resources needed to give care and those available within the family unit (Reese Sontag, 2001). Regularly scheduled family conferences most often led by the hospice nurse or social worker allow patient and family members share feelings, talk about what to expect, what is needed, and learn about process of dying. The interdisciplinary team coordinates Avera McKennan Hospice services and supervises al care 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. The team is making sure that current information is shared among all the services involved in patients care. Official Community Government (form of government). For-profit and nonprofit hospices have the same regulations. They must comply with State low and Code of Federal Regulations governing hospice care. For-profit hospices grow more than six times faster than nonprofit hospices. Profit sometimes risks compromising the quality of care patients receive. Nonprofit hospices provide hospice services to anyone including persons who do not have health insurance coverage and cannot afford to pay for care. In this case, nonprofit hospice can provide services to person free of charge as part of its charitable mission because nonprofit status of the hospice requires it to offer charitable services and they are dedicated to the mission of caring those in need. Main purpose of for-profit hospices is to make money and pay dividends to their stockholders. They have no obligation to provide services to anyone who does not have Medicare, Medicaid or private insurance coverage. However, both type of hospices are trying to make money, but when they compete for patients, they must provide better care. Averas Home hospice services are covered 100% under Medicare and some Medicaid plans, but inpatient care at the Dougherty Hospice House involve some financial expense. Social workers offer patients and their families help with payment options and never turn away a patient for inability to pay for the service. Medicare is the primary payer for hospice services covering 77% of all hospice expenses. The rest is paid for by Medicaid (4%), private insurance (12%) or other sources (7%). Compare to hospital and skilled nursing facilities, hospice is considered a cost-effective service. Hospice charges per day are much lower than hospitals and skilled nursing facilities. Hospice care is covered in full by most insurance. Medicare and Medicaid provide a special Hospice Benefit. This benefit provides 100% coverage for visit by staff, medications related to the hospice illness, durable medical equipment in the home, and supplies for skin care, incontinence management, dressings, etc. Hospice care covered under Medicare includes both inpatient care when needed, and home care services. The focus of hospice is on care, emphasizing help the person to make the most of each day by providing comfort and pain relief. Most private insurance companies include hospice care as a benefit. Patient and family can hire hospice providers and pay for their services out of pocket. If patient has a limited financial resources, non-profit hospices provide services without charge as part of charitable mission. Any patient who enters hospice must be evaluated at the time of admission to the hospice program. Hospice dietitians assist the patient in reaching the best nutritional goals, depending on the current state of the patient’s condition. Common problems for hospice patients are nausea and vomiting. These can be controlled with anti-emetics in some cases, while for some patient s change of diet is sufficient. Educating patient and family about the changes occurring in the patient’s body is imperative. During the course of illness, patient experience changes to some extend in their food intake. It is common for the hospital patient to reduce oral intake of food and fluids as the disease progresses. In general, there is metabolism alterations occur in patient’s body with a terminal illness. Furthermore, there comes a time when the body begins to break cells down instead of building them up. At this point, the body is no longer takes nutrients in. Sometimes patients are forced to take food by family members; in this case the body may refuse through vomiting or diarrhea. A hospice dietitian will explain when this point is reached. However, addressing to stop oral intake before this point is reached is not appropriate. Ongoing assessment of hospice patient nutritional needs will help to determine if there is any appetite change or ability to take the food in and keep it. Based on a study of the non-hospice end-of-life experience of 3,357 seriously ill patients who died reported 40% were in severe pain prior to their death, and 25% experienced moderate to great anxiety of depression before they died (Lynn, 1997). However, hospice is a compassionate way to deliver health care and supportive services. Despite the low South Dakota’s death rate compare the national death rate, the two leading causes of death are heart disease and cancer, accounted for half of South Dakota deaths. Healthy lifestyle changes are critical in reducing deaths due to cancer and heart disease. These modifications can be accomplished by reducing tobacco use, increasing physical activity, and developing healthy eating habits. Minorities in South Dakota include African American, Asian, and Hispanic populations. In general, language barriers, transportation, finances, and lack of insurance were found to be the issues encountered by minorities in seeking adequate health care. Furthermore, end of life care is not reach minority population and remains as a national issue. The majority of hospice patient care is provided in the place patient calls â€Å"home†. In addition to private residences, this includes nursing homes and assisted living facilities. As the health care becomes better, the population lives longer. Nursing home patients benefit from hospice services as much as people living in their homes. According to studies, nursing home residents enrolled in hospice were less likely to be hospitalized in the final 30 days of their life (24% vs. 44%) (Miller, 2001). They were more likely to be assessed for pain, were twice as likely to receive pain management within clinical guidelines (Miller, 2004). Large percentage of elderly people receives home hospice service. Many homes need some modifications for the hospice services to be provided. For example, a bedroom may need to be relocated to a main level of the house for those who have difficulties claiming stairs. There is widening of the hallways may be required to accommodate a wheelchair access. Because of the growing number of people who wish to stay and receive care at home, general contractors are available to assess remodeling needs. A number of programs and sources provide reduced rates, loans, or free services with home modifications.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Diversification of Agriculture Essay Example for Free
Diversification of Agriculture Essay Diversification in this case (agricultural diversification) involves the realocation of a, or some of a farms resources, to a new product or products. The prime resource of that time being sugar and the new products being the wide variety of crops that were produced and re-introduced by peasants. Peasants are a class of people of a lower status, who depends on agricultural labour for subsistence. The peasant life could be placed and termed in different categories. According to Mintz 1961, a peasant style of life was worked out by the people while they were still enslaved, these people were refered to as proto-peasants. he also makes mension of runaway pesantries or marrons, whome he described as, those who formed communities outside colonial authority, build on subsistance farming in mountainous or interior forest regions. This research will higlight how the peasants produced a wide variety of crops and the reintroduction of old ones. The purpose of this research is to show that the diversification of the caribbean economy was beecause of peasant initiative. had it not been for their efforts, the old sugar monopoly would have prevailed in the post emacipation period sustaining a system of bankruptcy and decay. Woodville K Marshall wrote, our pesantry starts in 1838 an comprises of ex-slaves who started small farms on the peripheries of plantation wherever they could find land on abandon plantations and in the mountainous unknowns of various teritories. the first aim of the ex-slaves was to move away from the forced and unpaid labour. Many others preffered to stay in their own homes amongs friends and relatives with expectations of earning enough cash to purchase certain commodoties that they were unable to gain as slaves. The feeling of complete freedom, of the plantation was only recodnise by free people if they could aquire there own lands. the simplest methods of getting propperty was to buy unoccupied land, either from land belonging to plantations which was not farmed by owner and crown lands. these crown lands was most popular in Trinidad, British Guyana and the interior of Jamaica. Land ownership also came about by squatting on unused land in the the remote interious of the large colonies. People who purchase property outright were more fortunate than squatters, they gainned written proof of ownership and the land they bought was already cleared and close to markets. however outright purchase was the exception, not the rule. The exslaves were aslo able to aquire land in other intances through missionary help. These include popular missionaries such as James Phillips and William Nibb. In 1835 Phillips, bought 10 hectares in the mountains behind Jamaica Spanishtown, subdivided the land into small lots for sale on easy term to his congregation. the new community named sligoville was the only settlement during apprenticeship. In july 1838 William Nibb shared the belief that planters would try to force extra work from their free labour by dramatically increasing rent on estate fig. 1 Newcastle, free village, in the Jamaica blue mountains. homes. William took up the mantel to help his congregation, he told them about a loan of ten thousand pounds that was granted to him by a friend from england. Knibb then said, that sum should be apropriated to the purchase of land on which you may live if your present employer force you to quit the properties on which you now live. Williams predictions came through, the planters acted as he had foreseen and by 1839 he was constructing several Free Villages for labourers who did not want to risk increases in rent on the plantations. The missionary society was quite abdoman in the development of the pesantry. Upon discusing the success of the pesantry one must give an account for the stages of development which includes the period of establishment (1839 1850-60). This was highlighted by the rapid land ownership, and the incresing number of peasants. observers of the caribbean stated, the great and universal object of the ex-slave was the aquisition of land, however limited in extent. Larger population, small size and a long established sugar industry left few oppertunities for land aqusition for peasants of island territories such as Barbados, St. Kitts and Antigua. Ex-slaves from these colonies had to think emigration. However, countries like Jamaica and the Windward Islands the sugar industry left underdeveloped montainous interiors . In Trinidad and Tobago and British Guyana a small population and young industry created many oppertunities for land aquisition. Efforts of the exslaves were so successful in the named countries that emmancipation officials were reporting an almost daily increases in number of free holders. Another stage of development is the period of consilidation in which the peasantry continues its growth in numbers and most important, a marked shift by the peasants to export crop production. For example in Jamaica (only teritory with complete figures for small holdings) the number of holding between 5 and 49 acres increased from 13 189 in 1880 to 24 226 in 1902 to 31 038 in 1930. However the most important phase of the development is what Eisner calls a new pesantry. Eisner national income estimate for Jamacia for 1850 and 1890 reveal a shift from maily provison production to mixed provisions that could be exported by peasants. a very good example of income was the value of the export crops (sugar, coffee, rum, pimento, ginger) in 1850 its estimated by Eisner at 1 089 300 pounds, of which small settlement contributed 133 500 pounds or just over 10%. The variety of products continued to grow, and shares rising until the third period (1900 and beyond). At this stage the pesantry did not expand and evidence shows that it might have been contracting. Table 2 below shows an example of evidence of a decrease in peasant holdings in Jamaica. Initially, before the growth of the peasantry, ex-slaves decided to set up themselves as peasants because although slavery had ended the principle of forced labour, had only changed to contolled labour upon those who remain on the plantations. Many who stayed in hopes of becoming wage owners, plans were shattered within a few years becasue of different reasons. Amongs these different reasons the system of tenancy which compelled the slaves to labour steadily and continuosly on the estates in return for secure residence in the house and ground which he had occupied as a slave, insecurely of tenure, as well as relatively low wages and increases in rent reinforced many ex-slaves determination to seek new and better oppertunities away from the estates accross the caribbean. a small population of the slaves were skilled which meant those who couldnt be masons, carpenters, barrel makers, wheel wrights and cart builders had to turn to the best known alternative, the soil. Only this time there hard labour would of been for their survival and not to fill their masters stock. The peasantry afforded them with the oppertunity to become wage earners. On the basis in which the pesantry was running, it was basically characterise, the pure plantation economy and society. Although the peasants were producing a great quantity and variety of subsistence food and livestock, they strove to expand their boundaries by introducing new crops and or re-introducing old ones. Bananas, coffee, citrus, coconuts, cocoa, spices (ginger and pimento), and log wood in Jamaica; Cocoa, arrowroot, spices, bananas and log wood in Windwards, were the most popular crops introduced and or re-introduced for exports. the Leewards grew arowroot as a staple export crop. It has been recorded that St. Vincent alone sold 613 380 kilograms. Small holders in Grenada exported coffee, cotton, cocoa, copra, honey and beeswax. In Trinidad squatters sold the timber they gainned from clearing crown lands for charcoal burning and export some for boat buiding and later exported coffee and cocoa. The guyanese was one of the few that was into the exportation of the rice crop. Most of the caribbean teritories were at some point in time producing certain crops for export and gathered profitable incomes. It is quit evident , that the pesantry has accumilated musch success. With the help of the missionaries and the income gainned, peasants were able to initiate the convension of plantation socities. they adapted to building local self-generating communities and used funds that they had alocated from exports along with babtist missionaries ( missionary help was popular mainly in Jamaica) who were quite abdoman in helping the peasants organise free villages and the construction of school such as Cadrinton primary school in barbados, which was run by missionaries and churches for learning and worship. They also clamoured for expansion of education facilities, communication and better maketing schemes and facilities. The peasants were able to start local co-operative movement (sou-sou, box hand and partner hand) which later develop banks some which may still be in exsistance today.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Anonymity in Theories of Crowd Behaviour
Anonymity in Theories of Crowd Behaviour Darrin Paul Explain the place of anonymity in theories of crowd behaviour. Is it always associated with a ‘loss of self’ (Dixon and Manhendran, 2012) Social psychology provides much information with regards to collective behaviour and the interaction of individuals within a crowd. It has been observed that an individual’s behaviour can be influenced and therefore altered when they become part of a large group or crowd. Dixon and Manhendran (2012, p.3) ‘state that anonymity shapes crowd behaviour’; to evaluate the effect of anonymity on collective behaviour, psychological and social processes need to be examined. Dose anonymity render individuals powerless to control their actions, resulting in primitive regressive behaviour as proposed by Le Bon (1895). Or is a loss of self, were crowd participants cease to identify themselves as individuals a factor of anonymity. Other theories such as social identity theory address the issue of identity and how people perceive themselves and others in a crowd, what they conform to and how they express their identity. Does anonymity within crowds inevitably lead to aggressive or antisocial behaviour or does it influence identity salience and group norms as well as strategic factors and power relations (Dixon and Mahendran, 2012)? Early research regarding collective behaviour of groups was proposed by Le Bon, he developed his theory of crowds in the latter years of the nineteenth century. Le Bon was of the opinion, that when people joined large relatively unstructured social groups, they engaged in spontaneous and atypical regressive behaviour. Le Bon proposed that crowds are ruled by a collective mind or ‘group mind’ were individual rationality is lost to a hypnotic state in which group members experience unconscious primitive instincts devoid of reason and culture. Due to an unconscious process known as contagion individuals become influenced by ideas, feelings and emotions generated within the crowd, which spreads rapidly throughout creating a collective mass, leading to a ‘loss of self’. The physical presence of others creates a sense of anonymity were the individual can feel masked, diminishing their sense of responsibility from social and moral norms, thus generating a sense of unaccountable power form their presence within the crowd. Freedman and Perlick (1979) studied the effects of laughter on crowds; they showed that mood and behaviour are likely to spread through the group via contagion (Dixon and Manhendran, 2012). Deindividuation theory proposed by Festinger, Pepitone and Newcomb (1952) is a translation of Le Bon’s theory. They defined clear antecedent variables such as anonymity and group immersion that lead to subjective changes in the individual. Deindividuation is defined as a loss of personal identity or loss of self were crowd members merge and become anonymous, rather than separate distinct individuals. This leads to weak constraints against impulsive behaviour and hence an inability to monitor or regulate the immediate demands of the group. Deindividuation theory differs from Le Bon, in that it challenges the concept of a group mind, it dose not propose that group members lose their mind to the collective mind, instead it’s the loss of self that effects the social context leading to a loss of control. The effect of anonymity releases the individual from internal moral restraints, generating behaviour that is impulsive, irrational and regressive (Dixon and Mahendran, 2012, p.6). Festinger et al found that males in a group, who remembered the least amount of information that was individuating, were more likely to show hostile, aggressive behaviour towards their parents (Dixon and Manhendran, 2012). Zimbardo (1969) further developed deinviduation theory, especially in relation to the association between anonymity and aggression. He believed that crowds provide a cloak of anonymity which diffuses personal responsibility for the consequences of an individuals actions. A loss of individual identity produces a reduced concern for social evaluation. Zimbardo carried out a study to support his theory; he dressed up some of his subjects in overalls and hoods and left the others in their own clothes with large name tags so they could be identified. The results appeared to support his theory, when asked to administer electric shocks in a, learning experiment, participants who had been deindividuated in hoods and overalls, gave shocks for longer periods, suggesting that anonymity had intensified aggression.Recent studies would also support Zimbardo’s findings; Silke (2003) found that statistics of paramilitary attacks in Northern Ireland showed that the severity of attacks increase d with high levels of anonymity when the perpetrators were disguised (Dixon and Mahendran, 2012). However other studies have shown that anonymity does not necessarily lead to acts of aggression or anti-social behaviour. Gergen, Gergen and Barton (1973) observed strangers in mixed gender groups in well or dimly lit rooms. Their observations revealed that participants engaged in acts of physical and emotional intimacy which created feelings of sexual arousal. It would indicate that the social context of a group can produce cues that influence whether anonymity produces negative behaviour. In relation to Gergen et al’s results, Johnson and Downing (1979) replicated Zimbardos 1969 experiment giving half the subjects Ku-Klux-Klan outfits and half a nurses outfit, were each group was either anonymous or not. Results showed that participants in the anonymous nurse condition reduced the amount of shocks given compared to those in the other conditions. Zimbardo also replicated his experiment with Belgian soldiers and found that the anonymous group shocked less, the exact opposite to his previous results. These results would suggest that aggressive, anti-normative behaviour, is not always the outcome and that deindividuation may involve a desire to conform to situational group norms rather than a disregard for social regulation (Dixon and Mahendran, 2012). Diener (1980) observed there was a problem in expressing the relationship between deindividuation and anonymity. He proposed that anonymity does not directly lead to deindividuation and a loss of self, but a loss of self awareness. The ability to remain self focused increases the ability for self regulation and individuation, he believed that the above studies made participants become more self-aware and therefore less likely to engage in aggressive behaviour. As with most theories deindividuation has been open to criticism regarding it’s mostly lab based studies that don’t allow more naturalistic studies to increase ecological validity, taking into consideration the insider viewpoint of participant meaning and purpose. The over emphasis of aggressive anti-normative behaviour ignores the positive normative outcomes of crowds and that social norms from the immediate environment, can be the basis of controlled, meaningful behaviour (Dixon and Mahendran, 2012). Social identity theory adopts the concept of social identification, individuals identify with the social identity of the crowd and conform to normative group behaviour through conformity of shared group norms. The theory states that during crowd membership and other deindividuating settings, ‘the individual does not simply experience a loss of self, but makes the transition from an individual identity to a more collective sense of self’ (Dixon and Mahendran, p. 13). This shift in the sense of self is a key difference when compared to deindividuation theory. Unlike Le Bon’s concept of contagion, individuals through inductive categorisation respond to cues from group representatives that define the beliefs, attitudes and objectives of the group, resulting in behaviour that is regulated by social standards. Individual identification of intergroup relations, also effects to what extent an individual will conform to the emergent, spontaneous and normative cues of the g roup (Dixon and Mahendran, 2012). Reicher (1984) adopted an internal crowd perspective by examining testimonies of the St. Pauls riots which occurred in Bristol in1980 and found that black and white youths identified with one another due to police and social injustices, creating a collective social identity which created an intergroup struggle against authority. In Reicher and Stott’s (2011) study of the 2011 London anti police riots, observed that participants were not seen as anonymous, but part of a community that knew one another. They argue that ‘rioters did not experience a loss of identity or self but rather a shift to a collective shared identity which gave their actions purpose and meaning’ (as cited in Dixon and Mahendran, 2012, p.19). They also point out that violence was not indiscriminate but targeted at police and symbols of authority (Dixon and Mahendran, 2012). Stott (2012) points out in his audio interview that the ability of crowds to express their identity is very important, especially when that ability is suppressed by police. He points out that dialogue and engagement are vital aspects of communication that are essential in creating perceptions of legitimacy in policing. This brings into consideration the influence of power relations on crowd behaviour, Holloway (1012) states that ‘it is a two way dynamic rather than something exercised by the powerful on the powerless’ (p. 47). Social identity theory outlines that manipulation of anonymity affects the power that the in-group has in expressing aspects of group norms that are deemed anti-normative by the out group, in this case the police (Dixon and Mahendran, 2012). There has been a significant amount of research and studies carried out into collective crowd behaviour; resulting in evidence that membership of a crowd alters human behaviour and the psychological state of an individual. Although Le Bon’s work lacks empirical evidence it was hugely influential on crowd behaviour and the role of anonymity in understanding the psychological dynamics of crowds. But as Reicher points out he exaggerates the violent and irrational nature of crowds. Deindividuation theorists can show evidence for loss of self and the relationship between anonymity and increased intensity of aggression, however as Deiner (1980) and Prentice-Dunne and Rogers show, deindividuation does not necessarily lead to a loss of self and anti-normative behaviour. Social identity theory provides evidence of the role of social identity in collective crowd actions that express group norms, but does not see the role of anonymity as a negative aspect of crowd relations. It would app ear that further research is required to develop a more comprehensive theoretical model than can explain the relation between anonymity, and identity in group relations. Word count: 1625 References: Dixon, J., Mahendran, k. (2012). Crowds In Hollway, W., Lucey, H., Phoenix, A., and Lewis, G. (eds). Social Psychology Matters (p.1-22). Milton Keynes: The Open University. Stott, C. (2012). Assessment of the 2011 riots. Milton Keynes: The Open University.
Character Study of Jem in To Kill a Mockingbird :: To Kill a Mockingbird Essays
In To Kill a Mockingbird Jem is Scout's older brother who acts as a protector and mentor when their father, Atticus, is not present. (Scout is the main character) Both of the children are moulded and shaped by their father Atticus, Jem more so than Scout, but this is probably down to his age, Atticus brings the children up to stand by their beliefs but to accept the beliefs and views of others, and to take a look at the way another person would see the situation. The teachings of Atticus have a profound impact on Jem. Jem is a role model for Scout, when Atticus is not around he acts in his stead. Here are a few qualities we see Jem develop through the course of the story. Jem has a respect for all living creatures, a belief Atticus has instilled in him, Atticus is a firm believer in not killing animals unless absolutely necessary and we can see how Jem develops this quality in himself. When Jem and Scout receive air rifles Atticus tells Jem ?Shoot all the Bluejays you want, if you can hit ?em, but remember it?s a sin to kill a Mockingbird.? Atticus, in a roundabout sort of way, told Jem he could kill Bluejays because, they are pests and even though he doesn?t like killing animals he allows Jem to shoot at the Bluejays, but to kill a Mockingbird, who does nothing but help and please people, is not acceptable. We later see Jem shooting tin cans in the back yard despite the large numbers of Bluejays flying around him, which Scout thinks is stupid because you are allowed to shoot Bluejays so why shoot at the tin cans? He has the option to but decides he doesn?t have to kill the birds. ? When he gave us our air rifles Atticus wouldn?t teach us to shoot. Uncle Jack instructed us in rudiments thereof, he said Atticus wasn?t interested in guns*. Atticus said to Jem one day, ?I?d rather you shot at tin cans in the back yard, but I know you?ll go after birds. Shoot all the Bluejays you want, if you can hit ?em, but remember it?s a sin to kill a mocking-bird. *This is rather ironic seeing as Atticus turns out to be the best shot in Maycomb, he just doesn?t like using guns because he sees his gift for shooting as an unfair advantage over animals.
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