Sunday, August 25, 2019

Learning Log Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Learning Log - Essay Example The situation makes it difficult for the visiting Chinese to enjoy. This idea influenced the owners of this restaurant to create an opportunity to the Chinese in heart of London. Many clients visiting the restaurant have remarked that the restaurant has enabled them to acquire the best in a foreign land. The restaurant respects and promotes Chinese culture. Reception of clients who visit this restaurant would attest to the above fact. The restaurant location is heart English land where one would expect to meet the English culture. However, the uniqueness of the restaurant stem up from the fact that it roots for the native culture of the Chinese. This is the best that a person would imagine especially when an individual has been dreaming of experience the native culture. Language is an aspect of culture, which influences all other activities in the society. The restaurants prefer addressing its Chinese visitors in Chinese language and other visitors in the most appropriate language (T ouro). The idea is to protect the business from failing to cater for the interest of the society. Serving the needs of Chinese people as well as the needs of the people who embraces the Chinese culture is the sole objective of the restaurant. This objective is evident through the long-term service that the restaurant has offered to the society since its inception in 1890s (Chongqing Expat Club, 2008:3). ... Today the practices in the restaurant indicate respect for the Chinese culture. Human culture differs owing to the fact that people live in various geographical regions. The practices observed in London by Londoners are much different from practices of Chinese in Beijing. How the fabric that formed the foundation of the restaurant anticipated to carry the practices alive. My placement at Chongqing San Jia Xiang restaurant exposed me to two events; first, exercises my communication skills in an international environment second to retain stress. The restaurant offers services to international guest visiting or residing in London. Communication is a crucial tool in the hospitality industry that dictates the number clients. Clients visiting various recreational facilities are keen to reception in their new environment. The restaurant offers a warm reception to people (Touro). Exposure to new environment offers an opportunity for learning new approaches. I was not an exception to this exe rcise. I had to receive clients, listen to their demands and respond. The experience was good because the management managed to influence my reaction whenever I misunderstood the clients. People have different abilities yet they need services. It means I had to develop skills of response as well as skills of controlling my temper whenever the demands were out of my taste. The organisation concern promotes an environment where a person could be able to learn. Individual’s presentation influences ones ability to handle clients. The restaurant management and staff created an environment, which encourages an individual to be presentable. The restaurant holds routine departmental meetings, which aims at analysing and attending to problems of the workers. The

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