Thursday, October 31, 2019
Mac9.11 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Mac9.11 - Essay Example DCM=1/RR=1/.10=10 DMS Therefore total reserves are equal to total money supply. So money supply = 10*12 million=120 million. Alternatively, The formula of geometric progression with a common ratio R which is equal to .90: $12,000,000 + $10,800,000 + $9,720,000 + †¦ $12,000,000 x (1 + 0.90 + 0.81 + 0.6561 + †¦) $12,000,000 x (1 + 0.90 + 0.902 + 0.903 + †¦) $12,000,000 x 1/1 – 0.90 = $12,000,000/0.10 = $120,000,000 The chain of deposit creation ends only when there are no more excess reserves to be loaned out, i.e. when the entire $12,000,000 is tied up in required reserves. Therefore, with a reserve ratio of 10%, excess reserves disappear only when checking deposits expand by $120,000,000. At RR=25% DCM=1/.25= 4 DMS= 12million*4= 48 million. At RR=100%. The DMS will be 12 million. Answer 3 The value of M1 is checkable deposits + currency= 743+633= $1376 billion. The value of M2 is M1+ Small time deposits+ Money-market mutual funds held by businesses+ Money-market mutual funds held by individuals+ Savings deposits, including money-market deposit accounts. The value of M2 is 1376+3649+1014+744+1190= $7973 billion. Answer 4 The diagram below shows the structure of the Federal Reserve System. The board of governors are appointed by the President. The function of the component is to oversee the system operations, takes decisions of regulations and sets the target level of requirements. The key monetary policy making body within the system is Federal Open Market Committee. The committee is responsible to seek decisions to stimulate monetary growth with price stability as well as influences the flow of money and credit. The board is composed of seven members of the board of governors and five presidents of Reserve Banks. Among the five presidents, one of them is the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The other members hold the voting position for one year terms on rotational basis. The Federal Reserve Banks are independently incorp orated with nine boards of directors. The function of the Federal Reserve Banks is to set the rate of interest although subjected to approval by Board of Directors. They monitor the economy and provide financial services to the U.S. government and depository institutions. The member banks hold stock in their local Federal Reserve Bank. The advisory committees carry out various responsibilities within the system. Lesson 11 Answer 1 The change is the reserve ratio is one such tool and is probably the most powerful. The term reserve deposits are used to define the percentage of reserves the banks are required to keep against deposits. A decrease in the reserve ratio will provide the banks to lend more and the money supply in the economy will increase. The effect is just the opposite in reserve ratio is increased. The discount rate is another tool. It is defined as the rate of interest that central bank charges the commercial banks when need to borrow additional reserves. The interest r ate is monitored by the Fed and does not depend on the market rate. Much of the rate is dependent on the signal Fed sends to the financial markets. The interest rates in the short term tend to depend on the movement of the market rate. The open market operations consist of buying as well as selling of securities of the government. The money supply within the economy increases when Fed buys back the securities from the banks and dealers. Answer 2 The increase
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Promoting health literacy for children in a developing Country Assignment
Promoting health literacy for children in a developing Country regarding gastro-enteritis by way of primary and secondary care - Assignment Example Gastroenteritis is one disease that affects infants, children and adults. The disease is common in both the developed and developing countries. Notably, due to the lack of appropriate resources and machinery, the developing countries may lack the knowhow and the technology to identify the disease. This essay focuses on the illiteracy found in this country, it tries to devise ways in which awareness can be promoted. This study ventures into the field of health issues and focuses on the impacts of health illiteracy across the board in the society with some emphasis made on the effects of Gastroenteritis in children. Health literacy according to US Library Of Medicine (2010) is the ability to read, understand and act on medical guidelines. It involves the ability of the public to understand various disease symptoms, and interpret the prescriptions as instructed by the health officer. Gastroenteritis is one the major killer of children above 5 years, BMC Public Health (2007) estimates th e mortality number of children under the above age to be between 450,000 to 700,000 each year. Other 2 million kids are hospitalized every year due to the disease. The disease in previous years took the lives of more children than the number quoted above. In the recent years the number has reduced considerably due to the introduction of vaccines. Notably, Gastroenteritis is a disease of the gastrointestinal tract which inflames the system leading to symptoms of diarrhea, vomiting, cramping and severe abdominal pains. The virus responsible for the disease is known as rotavirus in children, norovirus and Campylobacter in adults. The disease is not likely to be caused by bacteria or parasites. Notably, the disease is more present in the less developed countries due to the low hygienic standards. This includes contaminated water since less developed countries do not have the required resources to improve water circulation hence making the disease more prevalent. Secondly due to the lack of proper food sources and poor living standards less developed countries with per capita income of less than a dollar, citizens may eat poorly cooked food which in turn results into Gastroenteritis. According to MacDonald. et al (2012) most of the cases of Gastroenteritis are in children in less developed countries. This is a result of the scarcity of health centers where medical care is limited, According to GlaxoSmithKline (2012) notes that the infection rate of the rotavirus gastroenteritis is similar in both developed and developing countries, the only difference is the measures taken to improve the hygiene, sanitation and living standards. This has a hand in reducing the causes of the occurrence of the disease. As quoted earlier the quickest solution to curbing the spread of the disease which according to research can be spread from one person to the other is through vaccination. The developed countries can easily access vaccination medicine since they have enough capital and better policies to govern such institutions unlike developing countries who not only struggle with economic development but also do not have enough resources to cater for the upcoming national problems. Consequently they are left at the mercy of international organization such as the red cross, Used and AUSaid which chip in their support when the situation has been aggravated and it is in the limelight of the international and regional media stations. Children affected by the disease require close care and affection.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Horrors Of The Nuremberg Laws
The Horrors Of The Nuremberg Laws On September 15, 1935 the first two laws of the Nuremberg Laws were enacted. The laws were a clear violation of the Jewish peoples civil rights. Many of the laws imposed on the freedom of the Jewish people. These laws were enacted by a cold and cruel dictator by the name of Adolf Hitler. The Nuremberg laws were a very strict and immoral set of laws that discriminated against the Jewish people. Above all, the laws were offensive and demeaning. Adolf Hitler was born April 20, 1889 and would eventually become a terrible dictator. He wanted to go into art school, but was rejected. The person who rejected him was Jewish, and some believe that was where his hatred toward the Jewish people came from. Hitler rose to power by being elected, he did not take control by force, he was elected by the German people. Once he had control of the government, he passed the enabling act, which enabled him to make and pass any law on his own; he did not need the approval of the rest of the government.(Palma) This is what permitted the passing of the Nuremberg Laws. After passing the laws, he focused his hatred on the Jewish people and would go on to kill millions of Jews. The Nuremberg Laws were the start of the â€Å"Aryanization†of Germany. The Nuremberg Laws were offensive and demeaning to the Jewish people. The laws labeled Jews as unclean and prohibited them from marrying Aryans. The laws also prevented them from holding respectable jobs such as a Doctor, Lawyer, Professor etc. etc. The wording of the laws referred to the Jewish people as inferior. They portrayed Jews as something they were not. One of the biggest civil rights violations of the laws was their infringement on the freedom of the Jewish people. One of the first additions to the Nuremberg Laws stated that a Jewish person could not be or become a German citizen. Jewish people who were German citizens had their citizenship revoked. The Nuremberg Laws went so far as to say that Jewish families could not employ German women under forty-five years of age as housekeepers. Many of the freedoms that the general population enjoyed were taken away from the Jewish people. The SS could storm into homes and take belongings that suggested the inhabitants of the house were Jews. They were restricted from certain areas and punished if they were caught in said areas. They were also made to wear a patch that designated them as Jews. Eventually they were forced to move from their homes into the ghettos. This forced migration corralled them to make their deportation easier and more successful. The Nuremberg Laws were and are often referred to as the â€Å"Blood Laws†. This is because they were all based on the blood of the person in question. You were considered to be Jewish if you had three grandparents who were Jewish. If you only had two, you were considered mischling of the first degree. If you had only one, you were mischling of the second degree. There were however, other ways of classifying you as Jewish. If you were a part of a Jewish church when the Nuremberg Laws were issued, or joined after, you were considered Jewish. If you were married to a Jew or were the child of a marriage with a Jew that was conducted after the ban was placed, you were considered Jewish. If you were the born out of wedlock from one or two Jewish parents, you were considered Jewish. Regardless of religious affiliation, if you met any of the criteria above, you were considered a Jew. One of the many flaws with this way of thinking is that Judaism is not a race, it is a religion. The Nuremberg laws and the Holocaust could have possibly been avoided. Maybe, if he had been accepted into art school, he would have gone on to be a painter, instead of a Dictator turned mass murderer. An early Jewish revolt could have possibly ended the holocaust. Many Jews would have been killed in the process, however, it could be argued that not as many would have died overall had there been an early Jewish revolt. All things considered, the Nuremberg Laws were one of the biggest atrocities that occurred during World War II. â€Å"The Nuremberg Race Laws†Marrus, Michouel R. The Holocaust in History. New York: Penguin Books. 1987. â€Å"The Nuremberg Laws†Palma, Heather. Personal Interview April 01, 2010 â€Å"The Triumph of Hitlerâ€
Friday, October 25, 2019
Wedding Speech Delivered by the Bride :: Wedding Toasts Roasts Speeches
Wedding Speech Delivered by the Bride You may well be wondering what the Bride is doing making a speech. Well, those of you who know me well, know that I always have talked too much and usually find a way to get my two cents worth in so it probably is no surprise! I also wanted to say thank you to those deserving in my own words. When I met Ray, I was totally off men and relationships, so it is a more than a little surprising to find myself standing here just under two years later! I have my sister to thank for this remarkable conversion, as she was the Cilla Black wannabe who got us together – with all the subtlety of Blind Date I might add. Her favorite trick was to invite Ray to come for drinks with her and I and then suddenly â€Å"remember†she’d left the iron on or hadn’t fed the cat or any other such nonsense. Of course this was highly embarrassing and cringe-making but I am so very grateful to Donna for knowing us both better than we knew ourselves, knowing that we should be together and putting us in each others’ lives. She has been a great Bridesmaid and she has helped a lot over the last few months; not least in the organisation of a top hen party - the details of which follow the time honoured code of â€Å"What goes on tour, stays on tour†! Donna not only is the best sister a girl could ever have but she is also my very bestest friend and has been my idol since I arrived in this world. Thank you so much for everything, not least for loving me. This is just a small gift as a token of our love and appreciation. While I am on thanking there are a few more that I would like to do and I promise to be brief! Firstly thanks to all of you for coming and thank you for the wonderful gifts – we’ll look forward to opening them when we get back from honeymoon. I know that most of you took time off work and travelled a long way to be here and I want to say how much it means to us to share our day with the family and friends that love us. Sadly not everyone could be with us and I would especially like to mention Ray’s Grandfather, George who sadly passed away last year and my favourite Aunt, Auntie Kissie who has been very ill and wasn’t well enough to make the journey.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Social Control
Social Control 1 Social Control and Behavior Samantha Sipes Criminology 1017-42 1. Cesare Beccaria argued that the threat of punishment controls crime. Do other forms of social control exist? Aside from the threat of legal punishment, what else controls your behavior? In my opinion a lot of factors play a role in social control such as family, church and school. These Three factor can determine a person behavior. You are taught how to act, morals and beliefs at a small age. Having fear of losing your family or have them look at you with a despise is a strong social and self control. Everyone wants to be accepted and belong in today’s social environment. Church is can also be a strong social control instation by providing you with a strong foundation of faith which can determine your behavior toward life. Being a teenager myself school played a big social control for me most of my lessons were taught in school. 2. Aside from the threat of legal punishment, what else controls your behavior? A person’s personal sense of right/wrong, fearing of disappointing loved ones and friends and caring about other people are main factors in controlling my behavior. I big social control for me was my family I knew the consequence if I failed them or hurt them. I don’t have the heart to misbehave and treat people wrong. It is believed that most humans have a built in guide to what is morally right and wrong. Society in general sets a standard for what is right and wrong (not laws) and most people want to be seen by their friends and neighbors as good people with high morals. I personally believe this has more to do with our behavior than the threat of punishment. If the threat of punishment controls crime then why are our prisions overcrowded? Some people believe in God and believe he demands that we be morally good, but that is also made with the threat of punishment if we do not follow his teachings.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
The Case Study G20 Maketing Decision
The case study G20 – Marketing Decision Making [pic] [pic] 1. Refer from perceptual map, SAAB, BMW and Honda are direct competitors of Infinity G20 because their positions are close to G20 in the perceptual map. The position of G20, SAAB, BMW and Honda is in Segment 3. 2. SAAB, BMW, HONDA are the direct competitor of the Infiniti G20. Infiniti G20 has lowest perception. 3. It is creditable claim to promote G20 as Japanese car with German feel. From the preference of the respondents it’s concerned more about Attractive, successful. . S1 – The most important attribute is Hi Prestige because this segment Predominant employment is professionals thus this group of people need hi class brand or high prestige. S2 – The most important attribute is Roomy because the percentage of Married is 75% and persons per household is 3. 8 so they need Roomy attribute S3 – The most important attribute is Attractive because this segment represents the American dreamers w hich concerned about how attractive they are. – The segment that should be market of G20 is S1 and S3. To reposition the G20 we should concerned about successful and attractive that make more market share. – Using Advertisement and professional suggestion to increase Attractive and Successful 4. Set the research problem direct to the Attractive Variable and Successful Variable Assignment 2 1. Base on the perceptual map, there are main competitors in segment 3 such as, BMW, Honda, SAAB The people in this market perceive the Infiniti G 20 is like the brand for attractiveness and successful when compare with its competitors. However BMW is likely to be more attractive more than Infiniti G 20. 2. No, because based on the perceptual map and Exhibit 1 the most of the respondents perceive that BMW is high prestige more than G20 so the company cannot claim that G20 like BMW. 3. For segment 1, the most importance attribute is High Prestige. For segment 2, the most importance attribute is Roomy. Finally, the most importance attribute is Attractive for the segment 3. We get the answer because we look at the angle. The fewer angles between attribute and Segment vector that is the importance factors. The segment which we would market the infiniti G20 are segment 1 and segment 3 so we want to reposition the infiniti G20 in attribute of high prestige and attractive to gain more customer and motivate our target in these segment choose our brand. Case: Positioning the infinity G20 1. From the perceptual map, people in this market perceive the Infinity G20 that it has more attractive and successful when compared with competitors. 2. The overall preference of G20’s respondents is less than BMW because respondents of BMW perceive that BMW has high prestige and quiet than G20, and then many people perceive that G20 is not the same level as BMW. So, it shows that the claim is incredible. 3. For segment 1, the most important attribute is high prestige. For segment 2, the most important attribute is roomy. For segment 3, the most important attribute is attractive. – Infinity G20 should market in the segment 3 because segment 3 of G20 has the highest average. G20 should improve attractive attribute to get high average score and market share, also it can move to the better position. – The marketing programmed that G20 would use is improve the attractiveness of the product by do the marketing research about the preference of customers toward the product. Also, the company should develop the product to meet the customer’s need. 4. In research programmed the company should specific customer pref erence on the characteristic of the cars as it can help the company to produce the cars that meet the customer’s need, which would lead to more customer’s confidence on the company. . The advantage of this software: 1. It is easier to position the company in the market. 2. Know the positioning of the competitors. 3. Know that which attribute is most important and which attribute is least important. 4. Know that which attribute is suitable for company. 5. Know that which attributes are related to each other. 6. Know which attribute should focus to reposition The limitations of this software: – Some information is difficult to analyze
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Types of Medical School Admissions Interviews
Types of Medical School Admissions Interviews If you are the recipient of a coveted email inviting you to interview for medical school admission, start preparing now. There’s a great deal of general advice on the process of interviewing for med school, including tips on what to wear, what to ask, what you may be asked, and what to ask. Recognize, however, that there is no one standard interview format. Who Will Interview You? You can expect to be interviewed by any combination of faculty, admissions officers, and, sometimes, advanced medical students. The exact composition of the med school admissions committee will vary by program. Prepare to be interviewed by a range of faculty with differing interests and perspectives. Try to predict the interest of each potential committee member as well as something that you might ask of him or her. For example, you might ask the med student about opportunities for clinical experience. Recognize that there is no standard interview format. Some medical schools conduct one-on-one interviews, others rely on a committee. Sometimes you might be interviewed alone. Other programs interview a group of applicants at once. The interview format also varies. Below are the major interview types that you can expect. Panel Interview This is a meeting with several interviewers (referred to as a panel) at once. The panel usually includes a variety of faculty in different medical areas and in clinical medicine as well as basic research. A medical student is often a member of the interview committee. Try to anticipate the questions each member of the committee might have and be prepared to speak to the concerns of each. Blind Interview In a blind interview, the interviewer is â€Å"blinded†from your application, He or she knows nothing about you. Your job is to introduce yourself to the interviewer, from scratch. The question you are most likely to face in this interview is: â€Å"Tell me about yourself.†Be ready. Be selective, yet detailed in what you present. Remember that the interviewer has not seen your grades, MCAT scores, or admissions essays. You will likely discuss much of the material in your admissions essays as well as explain why you want to be a doctor. Partial Blind Interview Unlike the blind interview in which the interviewer knows nothing about you, in a partial blind interview, the interview has seen only part of your application. For example, the interviewer may read your essays but know nothing about your grades and MCAT score. Or the reverse may be true. Open Interview In an open interview the interviewer reviews applicant material at his or her discretion. The interviewer may choose to be blind to all or part of the application. Therefore an open interview may include the basic question such as â€Å"Describe yourself†or detailed questions designed to follow up on your admissions essays. Stress Interview A stress interview places the med school applicant under a magnifying glass. The intent is to see how you function under pressure. The interviewer or interviewers ask questions to make you uncomfortable to observe how you speak and behave when stressed. The stress interview is intended to find out what a candidate is really like, apart from the interview preparation and etiquette. A stress interview might include questions about sensitive topics or personal questions that are not permitted. Applicants might gently call the interviewer on the question, asking why it is relevant. He or she might diffuse it or choose to answer it. The interviewer is more interested in how the applicant responds than what he or she says. Other questions might be factual, with trivia-like details. The interviewer might respond negatively to everything that you say by making negative remarks or through body language such as crossing the arms or turning away. If you find yourself in a stress interview remem ber that the interviewer is interested in how you function under stress. Take your time in responding. Keep your cool. Remember the Purpose As you plan for your medical school interview, remember that the purpose is to let the interviewers get to know you. Until your interview, you are nothing but a transcript, MCAT score, and essay. Be yourself. Plan ahead by considering topics of discussion and the points you would make, but be natural. During your interview say what you think, ask questions about topics that are important to you, and be authentic.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Selena Nguyen Essays - Textual Scholarship, Printing, Documents
Selena Nguyen Essays - Textual Scholarship, Printing, Documents Selena Nguyen Deacon 8B 9/22/2017 Printing Press Essay Was the printing press the most influential invention in history? I think yes. Johannes Gutenberg was a German blacksmith, goldsmith and printer who invented the printing press and movable type.His business had been struggling, and he was looking for a new way to make money. Gutenberg combined two existing concepts - the power of a wine press and the detail of a coin p unch to create the printing press. His invention of mechanical movable type printing started a revolution in communication all through Europe. There followed the Age of Enlightenment and the sharing of Scientific Knowledge. People tend to takeprinted resourcesfor granted, but imagine life today if the printing press had never been invented. We would not have books, magazines, or newspapers. Flyers, posters, and mailers would not exist. The printing press allows us to share large amounts of information fast and in vast numbers. For centuries before the printing press, books were hand written. Books were expensive to create and only available to the rich. Learning was for those who could afford, or have access to books. Most books were religious in nature. In some cases, a family might be lucky enough to own a book, in that circumstance it would be a copy of the Bible. An important side effect was that people could read and increase their knowledge more easily now; where in the past it was common for people to be quite uneducated. This increased the discussion and development of new ideas. Another substantial effect was that the printing press was responsible for literacy increase and the power of the church began to be disperse. The printing press also helped standardize language, grammar, and spelling. The printing press played a major role in shaping the Renaissance. Citation
Sunday, October 20, 2019
How To Use Hashtags The Right Way On Every Social Network
How To Use Hashtags The Right Way On Every Social Network Most everyone knows what hashtags are in 2016. However, not everyone knows how to use hashtags well. When used properly, hashtags (# signs that help categorize social media content) make it easier for users to find related content. They can help increase the visibility of your messages and boost your social shares. When used inappropriately, however, they can negatively impact your credibility on social media. This can have the inverse effect of decreasing your social activity. The issue is more complicated when we look at hashtag used beyond Twitter, where theyre most popular. Lets take a moment to clear up some confusion. Basic hashtag dos and donts. How to find and select appropriate hashtags for your messages. Best practices for each social network. This Is How To Use Hashtags The Best Way On Every Social Network What Are Hashtags? Twitter first introduced hashtags to the social media world in 2007. They've been confusing marketers and media professionals ever since. This video provides a decent historical rundown of hashtag history (if you can bear with it for more than 30 seconds): In practice, hashtags are used to categorize social media content into easily navigable lists. By including the #[INSERT KEYWORD] in a tweet, it then becomes visible inline with other posts using that same hashtag. Do you know how to use hashtags? #socialmediaHow To Research Hashtags For Your Social Media Messages Sometimes, the best way to use hashtags is to find ones that already exist. Before you can get started, though, you need to actually find those hashtags. Fortunately, there are a number of tools out there to help with this process. Let's take a look at a handful of useful options: There are many ways to find hashtags. Here are a few ways!Research Hashtags Trends On Twitter What The Trend is a tool that can help you find the top hashtags from the last 30 days. You can get new viewers by finding creative hashtags that fit your content and are recently trending. Find Hashtags For Twitter On Twitonomy Twitonomy can help you find personalized hashtags that revolve around the content you post on your Twitter accounts. It can also show you the most powerful influencers using a given hashtag, as well as who's engaging the most. You'll need a premium to unlock this tool's most useful functionality, but fortunately, it's reasonably priced. Discover Hashtags For Twitter And Facebook With RiteTag RiteTag is a hashtag power tool for discovering hashtags. It also offers up-to-date usage data to show you how hashtags are performing in the real world. While the premium plans offer more functionality, the basic free plan still offers plenty of utility. In short, RiteTag is like a Swiss Army knife of deep hashtag research and tracking. This video provides a good run-down of what it can do: You Can Find Twitter Hashtags With is another great tool for finding trending hashtags on Twitter. Plus, it also has an option to get email updates on trending hashtags as well. It offers free and premium plans for all sizes of companies, from individual users up to enterprise accounts. How To Find Hashtags Directly On Each Network Finding Hashtags On Twitter There is a list of what is currently popular and a link to all the related tweets on your main feed on the left hand side of your Twitter newsfeed. You can also use the search bar to find hashtags to know what folks are currently using. This is a great way to hone in on hashtags that are super relevant to the content you want to share. How To Find Hashtags On Instagram: When you open the Instagram app, you should see a magnifying glass on your home screen: Here, you can browse trending hashtags: Recommended Reading: How To Improve Your Visual Marketing On Pinterest And Instagram How To Find Hashtags On Facebook: You can search hashtags in the Facebook search bar: People sometimes confuse trending topics with trending hashtags. While it may be helpful to monitor the trending topics that appear to the right of your News Feed, these are not necessarily hashtag-based. Recommended Reading: Best Practices Guide For Making Sure Your Posts Look Good On Social Media How To Find Hashtags On Google+: When you go to insert a hashtag in your post, Google+ proceeds to give you a list of top hashtags related to your post. This can be a useful means of finding more hashtags related to your post topic: How To Find Hashtags On Pinterest: Pinterest search supports hashtags as a tagging and discovery engine. When you search a hashtag, pins with similar keywords in the description will show up in the results (along with pins that have the same term in the URL, photo name, or product page tied to the Pin). Use hashtags in Youtube comment sections. #Youtube #hashtagsRecommended Reading: How To Get More Followers On Pinterest With 21+ Tactics That Will Grow Your Following How To Use Hashtags On YouTube: YouTube uses hashtags in comment sections. Try searching for videos related to the topic of your video to see which hashtags appear popular. Clicking on hashtags on YouTube used to bring you to a Google+ page with more related posts. However, they now bring you to a page within YouTube: How To Use Hashtags On Every Social Network How To Use Hashtags On Facebook A better question might be, "Should I use hashtags on Facebook at all?" Data shows hashtags on Facebook do not help boost engagement. That means you might be better served by leaving hashtags off entirely. In one study, posts with hashtags received only .80% viral reach, while posts without hashtags had 1.30% viral reach. Data shows that using hashtags on Facebook doesn't help boost engagement.Plus, Facebook doesn't recognize hashtags in the search bar. The only way to find hashtags is to directly click on the hashtag in a post. Pro Tip: If you do use hashtags in your Facebook posts, the bare minimum is the way to go. Digital Information World found that posts with just one or two hashtags got the most interactions. Recommended Reading: What 16 Studies Say About The Best Times To Post On Social Media How To Use Hashtags On Twitter Stick to one or two hashtags per post since that tends to grow engagement on your content by 21%. When you start using 3 or more hashtags per message, you lower engagement by almost 17%. Pro Tip: When it comes to your Twitter bio, use hashtags sparingly. In other words, avoid filling your entire bio with hashtags. How To Use Hashtags On Instagram Photos with 11+ hashtags seem to get the most interactions. However, they can also look like spam when they're overdone. Master the hashtag like photographer Matthew Hodgeman. While he uses hashtags heavily, he keeps them relevant: Matthew tagged the area he was in, along with the topics that his audience would be interested in. That targeting got almost 20 more likes than the rest of his photos from that week. How To Use Hashtags On Pinterest Pinterest hashtags lead to search results for the keyword in your hashtags. That means if you have a hashtag in your Pin description, your Pinners can click through to find similar content for those keywords, not necessarily only for that hashtag. There's also no guarantee Pinterest will index the hashtags you choose to use. If you do decide to use hashtags on Pinterest, then less is more. There is evidence that Pinterest will even demote the value of your Pins that have too many hashtags. Furthermore, some say the best way to use hashtags on Pinterest is to use your own customized hashtags that people click to see your own related Pins instead of directing traffic to see a broader category around a topic. How To Use Hashtags On Google+ Google+ hashtags are automatically assigned to your posts. However, you can edit them, or add your own. Google+ lets you include them in your comments as well. This gives your posts more opportunity to be seen. Usually, a total 2 or 3 hashtags is a good target here. Aim to use 2 or 3 hashtags. That's a good target!How To Use Hashtags On YouTube According to SproutSocial, hashtags on YouTube are most widely used in the comment section. You can use hashtags to categorize your content to be found by topic, using your keywords as the foundation for your hashtags. Pro Tip: Increase the visibility of your YouTube videos by leaving a comment with relevant hashtags. This will then click through to a page with videos that contain that hashtag in their title. Recommended Reading: How To Use A Twitter Chat To Grow Your Audience And Gain Trust How To Create Your Own Hashtag There are times when you might want to create your own hashtag. You might want one to complement an event so attendees can track social posts. Or, you might have a unique marketing campaign that needs its own hashtag (rather than jumping on one that already exists). Can't find a good hashtag for your content? Create your own hashtag!In these cases, follow this advice: A good hashtag is: Memorable. Unique. Relevant to the content you're sharing. Strike a balance: Make it unique but simple to remember. Don’t make your hashtag so broad that it's hard to track.Hashtags should be 1. memorable 2. unique and 3. relevantFollow These Hashtag Best Practices 1. Be Mindful of Proper Hashtag Etiquette on Each Specific Network Instagram hashtags are often more geared toward topics or descriptions. However, Twitter hashtags tend to be more focused on a topic or conversation. Get familiar with how your specific audience uses hashtags on their networks. Then, participate in the conversation accordingly. 2. Use Hashtags That Fit Your Brand It's tempting to jump on every hot trending hashtag out there. However, it's better to stick to using hashtags that fit your brand. Use some common sense and ask yourself if a hashtag actually fits your image, message, content, and audience. For example, if your brand primarily serves customers over 40, then using a hashtag heavy on youth slang will probably look awkward. Stick to the hashtags that fit your brand. #blogging #marketing3. Create Hashtags For Promotions Running a promotion? What better way than to spread the word through hashtags. Here's one example for National Walking Day: Pro Tip: You can even give away free swag to participants using the hashtag. 4. Keep Them Short And Memorable Twitter only allows you 140 characters, so if your hashtag takes up too much room, people won't want to use it because it will take away from their content and links. By overcrowding your tweet, you're going to lose attention, not grab it. Don't overcrowd your Tweet. You will lose attention.The same principle applies to other networks as well. Even on platforms where length isn't a concern, staying memorable is (and in that case, the shorter and snappier they are, the better). 5. Capitalize The First Letter Of Each Word #whenyouputmanywordstogether in a single hashtag, the letters can become all jumbled up and difficult to skim through. #ButIfYouCapitalize the first letter of each word, it's easier to distinguish each word and read at a glance. Hashtags are not case sensitive, so when you combine multiple words together in your hashtag, distinguish them by capitalizing the first letter of each word. 6. Use Hashtags In Twitter Chats Twitter chats are online events centering an entire conversation around a hashtag. They're a great way to build relationships with your audience, and encourage engagement with a branded hashtag. Recommended Reading: How To Use A Twitter Chat To Grow Your Audience And Gain Trust Avoid These Common Hashtag Mistakes Some of these tips are basic. Some you may never have heard of. But one thing is clear: If you make these mistakes, you'll miss out on the engagement you were hoping to get from your social messages. 1. Don't Use Spaces Or Special Punctuation Use #SuperBowl not #super bowl. Your social networks will only recognize the first word. Don't use punctuation marks, but you can use numbers as long as you complement them with a bit of text (like that #smmw16, for example). 2. Don’t Use The @ Symbol In Hashtags Your hashtags aren't designed to tag your network's users. So combining both a hashtag and an "at" symbol will only tag the person/user, and you won't send a hashtag at all. 3. Don't Go Overboard With Too Many Hashtags #How #Annoying #Would #It #Be #To #Have #To #Go #Through #And #Read #Thirty #Hashtags #And #Try #To #Find #Out #What #It #Is #Saying. No one likes #hashtag #spam.4. Don't Spam There are websites, brands, and individuals that use popular hashtags and just throw them in their social messages with no context, just for the sole purpose of helping other accounts to find them. This plan may seem to work in the short term, but just when Instagram did a complete clean out of any account that seemed to be linked with spam, these individuals lost hundreds of thousands of followers. Their hashtag plan completely backfired. 5. Make Sure Hashtags Mean What You Think They Do Pizza brand DiGiorno Pizza made a huge mistake when they jumped on the viral hashtag #WhyIStayed. DiGiorno didn't look up the context of the hashtag. #WhyIStayed pertained to people who were sharing their domestic violence stories to raise awareness after Ray Rice punched his then-financeà ¨ Janay Palmer. DiGiorno tweeted â€Å"#whyIstayed You had pizza†. Within a minute, the tweet had been deleted, but the damage had already been done. Pro Tip: Hashtags are often related to current events and cultural trends. If you're unsure what a hashtag might be referring to, take a few minutes to do some research. 6. Make Sure Your Hashtags Work If there is a symbol or punctuation in or after the hashtag, you will break the hashtag. Grammar police beware. If you want to post #I'mback, your hashtag will break after the I. You can tell where your hashtag broke when the blue line turns into black text. Take a look at "#it's" in this example of a Tweet scheduled with . The preview here shows that the apostrophe is breaking your hashtag. If there are letters or numbers before the hashtag, it will break it before it even starts. So if your hashtag is 123#abc, abc won't link to a hashtag. If the hashtag is made up entirely of numbers, the hashtag will not hyperlink. But if you include letters with your numbers, the hashtag will work correctly. So #12345 won't work. but #123abc will. Recommended Reading: 10 Reasons You Should Be Using Blog Comments Reals Of How To Use Hashtags The Right Way Let's take a look at some super successful hashtag strategies to inspire your own. Jimmy Fallon: King Of The Hashtag For Social Media Engagement Over the last few years, Jimmy Fallon has become a master of using hashtags to engage his audience. He even has a segment on his show every week where he asks his audience to submit their stories using his hashtags. Let's check out a few: @jimmyfallon I once got a text from my mom where Youre amazing autocorrected to Youre adopted #momtexts Stefen Colalillo (@StefenColalillo) October 2, 2013 One year, I got the book Hes Just Not That Into You from FIVE different people. Message received. #worstgiftever @jimmyfallon Dani Dudek (@fancypantsLATX) December 10, 2013 Direct quote: Can you tip me in cash, bro? I think Im getting fired in about 20 minutes. #myweirdwaiter Kyle Molin (@kyle_molin) January 8, 2014 #LikeAGirl 84% of people will share content because it makes them feel like they're supporting a cause. This principle is what helped the #LikeAGirl campaign go viral. When Always created the campaign that asked girls and boys to do things "like a girl", teens tended not take the message seriously. However, younger kids really took it to heart. The aim was to show that as kids get older you get, the world instills in them negative perceptions about how girls should act. The campaign was an overwhelming success. Since debuting in June 2014, this video has had more than 80 million views worldwide, which was helped in part by the #LikeAGirl hashtag that complemented the campaign: #EsuranceSave30 Here's another great example from Esurance. Last year, they saved $1.5 million by buying air time for their commercial right after the Super Bowl was over. They promised to give away that cash to one person who included #EsuranceSave30 in a tweet. 2.39 million users tweeted with the hashtag, elevating awareness of the Esurance brand (for a lot less than the cost of traditional advertising): And That's How To Use Hashtags To Increase Your Brand Awareness Hashtags can make or break your social media messages and engagement. It's super important that you understand where, when, and how to use them. Now you have a bunch of tips to get you started in the right direction!
Saturday, October 19, 2019
The Kingdoms of Organisms Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The Kingdoms of Organisms - Essay Example In this classification viruses, the connecting link between the living and the non-living world are not included. The Linnaean system includes- This kingdom includes prokaryotes, organisms with primitive form of nucleus as the nucleus does not possess any defined nuclear membrane. The organisms are single-celled and absorb nutrition through their cell wall. E.g. Bacteria, Cyanobacteria or blue-green algae (popularly called as BGA, are prokaryotes and are connecting link between chlorophyll containing algae and bacteria) and spirochetes, the spiral single cellular organisms. Lately, the kingdom is further divided into two categories, Eubacteria or true bacteria and Archebacteria or bacteria like organisms capable of surviving in extreme environmental conditions like hot springs and volcanic expels. This kingdom includes eukaryotes (Organisms with well defined nucleus, nuclear membrane and membrane bound cellular organelles are present). The organisms belonging to this category are single celled and are neither plants nor animals as they are diverse forms and need a separate group in the classification. Some of the organisms belonging to this category possess chlorophyll and therefore like plants, they can produce their own nutrition, while others procure nutrition by means of absorption and ingestion processes. This group includes organisms that possess many cells and are called multicellular organisms. They are non-motile and their structure encompass hyphae and mycelium. These organisms do not possess chlorophyll and are dissimilar to plants. This group includes organisms of diverse size from microscopic yeast cells to large mushrooms. Fungi derive their nutrition by means of absorption. They proliferate on the dead as well as decaying organic matter and procure nutrition. This kingdom includes multicellular organisms, with well defined nucleus, enclosed by nuclear membrane and
Friday, October 18, 2019
Paper 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3
Paper 3 - Essay Example This argument attracted substantial opposing replies. One of the most significant responses argued that if at all the world is poorly designed then it also means that it presupposes the designer. Further counterargument gives a more emphatic reply by stating that maybe there are possibilities that the design of the world has not yet sufficiently been realized in its full perfection, but not based on arguments that it is not perfect. As such, these are just some of the contributing tenets arousing arguments with respect to traditional and natural dialogues on religion that in turn impact on the philosophy of reason, beliefs and morals. However, even from the counterarguments, further theoretical explanations seem to question the reliability of the design of the world. This is for instance significantly represented by Darwin’s theory of evolution. Although Darwin’s theory indirectly describes the design of the world because it only centers on creation of life through natural selection, it has triggered continued conflict between science and religion (Solomon, Clancy & Higgins, 2012). In particular, the church views Darwin’s theory as a factor undermining the credibility of the church because it seems to contradict the church teachings about God as the sole creator of the world. However, if one looks at it from a different perspective from Genesis, the creation was spread across several days, meaning that the idea of natural selection might still hold. Morals, religions, and evil as the three traditional forms of proof for God’s existence have also additionally attracted arguments. Counterarguments suggest that for one to believe in morals, religion and evil; it has to start from the belief in God. Furthermore, these arguments also maintain that the three does not adequately provide actual proofs for God’s existence. Emanuel Kant, for instance, as one of the earliest philosophers that offered counterarguments on religion and morals
Measurements, Micropipetting, and Sterile Techniques Essay
Measurements, Micropipetting, and Sterile Techniques - Essay Example 7. Reset the numbers in the window to read 020 (fig.). Write 020 and your name on another piece of filter paper. Follow steps 3-5 to transfer this volume of liquid to the filter paper. What volume in ÃŽ ¼l does 020 represent? 8. Now reset the numbers in the window to read 024 (fig.). Write 024 and your name on another piece of filter paper and follow steps 3-6. What volume in ÃŽ ¼l does 024 represent? By this experiment we measured very small volumes of liquids and gels like DNA. Proper pipetting and sterile technique is essential for correct result. If there is any inaccuracy in pipetting or in sterile technique then it may cause poor and incorrect results. By using sterile technique we developed an ideal environment which protects our sample from contamination. If we put our finger on the tip of the pointed end then sample becomes contaminate. Many laboratory experiments based on the microbiology or on the micro chemical protocols and small volume of DNA has to measure with pure cultures which is done with the help of two techniques-Micropipetting and sterile pipetting. These techniques take us towards nearer to the correct results. Use of these techniques is very important for the better result. We can obtain ideal environment by this method ‘Sterile Technique’. This helps us to gain better results. It means that in this process sterile surfaces or sterile media is protected from contamination by microbes. It is very necessary to maintain sterile conditions properly to reduce the probability of contaminating with bacteria and fungus. By using these methods we can measure small volumes also. Small volume
Informan Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Informan - Coursework Example This is of particular interests in high-risk cases such as armed criminals or narcotics cases. In such cases, the police can only obtain crucial and confidential information from informants who might be an accomplice. Nevertheless, informants are also criminals and, their contributions should be scrutinized thoroughly. If not well managed, informants can nullify an investigation, destroy the credibility of an investigation agency, and endanger the lives of police officers. In order to benefit from the services of confidential informants, agencies/police departments should have well-developed informant regulations and procedures. Before using informants, agencies must define the duties and responsibilities of all officers in the chain of command. Secondly, the agency should have concrete personal, descriptive information about an informant. Lastly, investigators must obtain approval from the necessary authority before they can use informants. Consequently, informants should work under the authority of the investigating officer. Informants should not be allowed to conduct arrests, carry weapons, conduct searches, or seize contrabands. Even with adequate regulations and policies, investigators need ethical protection while working with informants. Moreover, informants also need protection from the agency in order to conduct their roles
Thursday, October 17, 2019
The history of cremation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The history of cremation - Essay Example "With the advent of the Bronze Age -- 2500 to 1000 B.C. -- cremation history moved into the British Isles and into what is now Spain and Portugal. Cemeteries for cremation developed in Hungary and northern Italy, spreading to northern Europe and even Ireland. In the Mycenaean Age -- circa 1000 B.C. -- the history cremation became an integral part of the elaborate Grecian burial custom." (Cremation History). By the time of Homer in 800 B.C., cremation turned out to be one of the most dominant modes of disposition and it became popular for reasons of health and expedient burial of slain warriors. Cremation was widely practiced during the time of the Roman Empire, i.e. 27 B.C. to 395 A.D. and the elaborate cremation urns containing cremated remains were found from this period. During the middle ages, cremation was forbidden by law all through Europe and it was used as a means of punishment for heretics by authorities. However, there were cases of mass cremations which were performed out of necessity during the times of contagious diseases, war etc.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Operation analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Operation analysis - Essay Example Thus, the proponent emphasises the two chosen measures of operational performance for McDonald’s by explaining their importance and their capacity to help manage McDonald’s operation effectively. Company Background The company is an international icon as the leading fast food chain restaurant operating in an international coverage. Thus, it is important to learn a little background about this company as far as global foodservice retailing and performance evaluation measures are concerned. There were 22 million people worldwide served by McDonald’s in 1994 (Lyon et al., 1994). This figure rose more than twice which correspondingly one of the most important bases why McDonald’s declares to be the leading global foodservice retailer (McDonald’s, 2011). McDonald’s does not only cater to the needs of the consumers, as well as its franchisers. The reason why McDonald’s continues to flaunt its achievements is to entice international franchise rs in order to continuously help the brand grow for the better. Today, there are more than 32,000 McDonald’s local restaurants in 117 countries which approximately cater around 60 million people. This alone is enough to entice local business persons to go for foodservice retailing through McDonald’s franchising. At present, 75% of McDonald’s restaurants are globally owned or operated by local business people. Among of the world’s favourites at McDonald’s are its world famous fries, big mac, quarter pounder, chicken mcnuggets, and egg mcmuffin. Ray Kroc, founder of McDonald’s had established a good foundation for the company. He was successful in passing on the vision from generation to generation. This makes McDonald’s one of the best companies that can remarkably give important insights on how a business should function according to the basic business principles and even in areas of complicated situations. McDonald’s without q uestion is good at establishing both its internal and external control. This paves way to probable interrelated relationship between the company’s management control system and its strategies (Kober et al., 2007). In every business, control is important because it paves way to strategic management system (Nilsson and Olve, 2001). It is in this reason that control has become one of the most important options in business operation in order to evaluate existing strategies prior to the achievement of corporate goals. It is in line with this that performance measurement and management control have become strongly related with each other prior to effectively enhancing efficient business operation (Epstein, 2004). Measures of Performance – McDonald’s The main content of this paper includes two general performance measures that can be applied in an organisation. Particularly, the proponent includes financial perspective and customer perspective as two general performanc e measures that can be applied at McDonald’s. These two measures are essential perspectives of the balanced scorecard as a set of performance measures from the company’s strategies in order to support its strategy and generally its operation in the long run (Garrison and Noreen, 2000). Financial Performance Measure In the midst of tough competition most firms are apt to stimulate needs for their service or product offerings (Kotler et al., 1999; Boone and Kurtz, 2006). This is eventually relevant in the case of McDonald’s. The current market trend demands for more healthy foods which eventually tries to ward off consumers from
The history of cremation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The history of cremation - Essay Example "With the advent of the Bronze Age -- 2500 to 1000 B.C. -- cremation history moved into the British Isles and into what is now Spain and Portugal. Cemeteries for cremation developed in Hungary and northern Italy, spreading to northern Europe and even Ireland. In the Mycenaean Age -- circa 1000 B.C. -- the history cremation became an integral part of the elaborate Grecian burial custom." (Cremation History). By the time of Homer in 800 B.C., cremation turned out to be one of the most dominant modes of disposition and it became popular for reasons of health and expedient burial of slain warriors. Cremation was widely practiced during the time of the Roman Empire, i.e. 27 B.C. to 395 A.D. and the elaborate cremation urns containing cremated remains were found from this period. During the middle ages, cremation was forbidden by law all through Europe and it was used as a means of punishment for heretics by authorities. However, there were cases of mass cremations which were performed out of necessity during the times of contagious diseases, war etc.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Ethical And Environmental Factors Essay Example for Free
Ethical And Environmental Factors Essay The state of Belina is situated in the sub-Saharan region. The countries in the sub-Saharan region have suffered a lot for many years. Most African countries in the sub-Saharan parts have been depicted to be suffering heavily due to the low industrialization level in the region. The transformation of country’s economics together with the changes of living standards of the people begin with education, which is brings about technology changes. Education in the region has been low with just most people attaining the elementary education. There are a few elites with higher education whom the state hope would transform their states. (Williams, 2004. pp 95) The governments of the sub-Saharan states have encouraged their investors by offering them favoring production and investment terms. As the past investment reveals, the investments which have been conducted in the African countries has adversely affected them. There is unfathomable damage and disadvantages which have been created as result of industrial development within many African states. This ranges from the high rates of there natural resource exploitation as well as human labor exploitations to the adverse environmental changes they have implicated. Davidson, 1992, pp402) Despite all the investment made within the sub-Saharan countries, energy investment has received low investors. Due to the low energy production in the region the majority of the people in the region are believed to be subjected to abject poverty. As the people within the region suffer a lot, the energy scarcity has contributed to the low economic growth. Introduction The energy demand has eminently risen in many countries allover the globe over the mid and the last century. This has been as result of rapid developments in the industrial sector as well as in the revolution in technology. Besides this industrialization factor, the state population has also increased several folds. The state populations have been increasing in high rate, thus it has multiplied more than 4 times between 1985 and 2005. The energy demand has increased twelve times within this particular period. This has lead to the government and other individuals to embark on more resources for energy. This indicates the important aspect the country men leaders attaches to the energy production. The people from the sub-Saharan countries such as the belina community should be cautious of the environmental impact that any industrial development might have in there livelihoods. Many people have developed technologically leading to industrialization, but the development which has been done also turned out as draw backs to future generations. The American and the United Kingdom states such as Germany and the Japan are such developed countries which are currently savaging from such development. This is because any technology which is introduced within the state should perpetually yield positive more advantages than its disadvantages. (Munasinghe, 2005, pp 35-48) The effects of energy productions plants are similar to those of other processing and manufacturing plants. While the industrialized countries are savaging from great environmental pollution, there has been campaigns on environmental control. The impacts of environmental pollutions are globally felt. The energy producer companies and the consumers companies of such energies have both been major contributors to the scourge felt. As the effects of global warming are being felt, the sub-Saharan countries seem to be in worse hit. This is because global warming has affected the good climatic conditions under which they have thrived in economics means. This climatic change has been associated with the industrialized countries of which most of them are much far from the continent. Due to the above consideration, the government of belina has an obligation of considering such campaigns of eliminating and discarding the energy companies interested in investments that has got inadequate pollution control measures. For this reason, the government has to view those companies having the utilization of old traditional methods as environmentally unfriendly and also some of those modern technology methods which are not renewable. Energy sources and their effects The old traditional energy sources have greatly led to the advancement of our production. They have been credited for they have enabled men to the discoveries which were fundamental for high productions. However, this old traditional methods of energy sources have now created another milestone of environmental clean up. The major traditional energy sources which are available range from the fossils to wood and to some extent the reactive elements used in the nuclear powers. These have continued for long being in use, and even today, they form ninety percent of the energy produced and consumed world wide. The application of energy resources such as coal, natural gas, petroleum products as well as uranium have for long been used. These are all non-renewable sources which have high risk of depletion besides high hazards to the environment and the people handling them. The fossils fuels have only been of continued used initially as they were plentiful and inexpensive. However, these advantages are no longer valuable as there are other means for which energy has been produced cheaply and with consistency. Usually, the consumption of these substances and their products has now been a major risk to the country consuming them. The consumption of these substances has generated numerous air pollutants and other air by-products which have lead to global climatic changes. Coal as energy resources take millions of years to be formed. Despite this, it is historically disputed as a threat to the miners/ workforce and also as an environmental hazard. While petroleum has served for long in the transportation systems and other industrial sectors like manufacturing of plastic and synthetic fabric, it has also posed greater dangers to the environment of our people. The spillage which may occur within the seas and rivers during its transportation to the power plants creates a lot of stress and tension to the environment. This significantly destroys our rivers, seas and marines live, hence the whole aquatic live. This not only affects the water ecosystems but they also leading to endangering the human life through food chain systems. The natural gas products are also enormously boosting both agricultural production and our health through their application in the medical systems. Although the natural gas seems to contribute much towards environmental conservation, the methane gas has got enormous effects which relates to the greenhouse effects. (Hall and Mao, 1994, pp 234) The non-renewable fossil energy sources are indiscriminately disastrous to the environment. The extraction of these fossils causes many changes to the soil structures hence causes disturbances to the soil. Apart from affecting the soil and its inhabitants, the method of extraction causes disturbances in the water systems, which my lead to diversion of the water ways making a particular region to experience unexpected dryness water scarcity while other part enjoys plenty of water availability. Vegetation and other significant resources are not spared either and this perhaps affects the whole ecosystem of the region which may act as tourism attraction centre. The twentieth century has endeavored to utilize the technology advances on combating with the problem of limited energy. Undoubtedly the discovery of the nuclear energy was a period of great hope to the world. Many individuals thought that nuclear energies would save the world from its limited natural resources as elements are quite abundant. The believed results turned out as unfulfilling very soon. Just after the introductory of this energy production technique, numerous fearful cases were reported allover the world. As with the Japanese case, many countries were apprehended with awesome fear as the enormous disaster left behind with the prolong killing of people. As well known, any excess without control is dangerous. Due to excess energy that is generated, the nuclear energy mistakes left thousands of the Japanese killed and many others injured. The state is also suffering from this long historical happening even after heavily assistance to curb the radiation effects. Many are born disabled due to affected human molding factors. The non-renewable based companies may thus find no way of solving the Belina problem of energy crisis. (Ministry of Water, Energy and Mining, 1988, pp 16) The struggle for the belina energy shortage takes the alternative energy sources. This adopts the issues of renewable energy sources. The Belina is positioned within the advantageous positions of the world. The fact that Belina lies in the sub-Saharan region; there is an immeasurable advantages over other countries which lies in the far ends of the artic and Antarctic of the globe. Being in the sub-Saharan region, it has the full advantage of utilizing the major world energy sources which is believed as the sun. The state does not have to succumb to the developed states demands on favors which will bring them more future life uncertainty. However, the country would need to tap the solar energy which is availed for twelve plus hour in a day. The use of this energy has not only been praised for its natural occurrence but it has been environmentally friendly. It is the best natural occurring clean energy in spites of its limited amounts that depend on the intensity of the sun. Furthermore, solar plant installation clears only a minute piece of land affecting a few vegetation cover. (World Bank, 1989, pp 23) Windmills have transformed the lives of many people living in the sub-Saharan and sub-Saharan states. Windmill energy production is thus a rapidly growing energy sources, this is thriving well in places where wind is freely blowing such as the ones experienced in the Belina. The wind blowing along the ridges and others part are potentially trapping position of energy to the industries. This would mitigate the lives of the communities by enhancing economic growths while maintaining the low effects which are short lived such as vegetation clearing on the wind pathways. Although, this may affect the country economy, it is anticipated the most hit sector is the tourism which depend on birds as their attraction means. The killing of such birds by the blades of turbines is quite minimal as compared to the energy non-renewable sources (Ministry of Water, Energy and Mining, 1988, pp 16) As the country come to the culmination of industrialization leading it to the level of developed state, the urban centre would be highly populated more than the cities are packed now. This will lead to an unimaginable sanitary state of the city environment. The living places of the people are now ravaged and littered with garbage from fruit refuse and other organic plant litters. This is making the people to live barely struggling to breathe for pure oxygen. This poses great threat of health hazards to the people. The chances of endemic and epidemic are now in the verge of being rampant in the region. But, with the modern technology, the people in the cities and other metropolitan can be saved with the utilization of the refuse both for the energy production and for economic agricultural production through soils enrichment. It will be a prime reason for not investing on others energy forms while refuse is indirectly and directly disseminating diseases to the population of the nation (Johansson, 1993, pp 96-118) The investment in bio-fuel and other biomass degradable materials has lead to the production of products such as gasohol, gasoline and many other products. The products have been a means of saving the countries from the energy crisis which is associated to the over dependency on non-renewable energy sources. Apart from their application by other states as energy alternative, they have an impact on the maintenance of stable prices of the products from the factories, making the products affordable to the consumers in poverty stricken states such as those in the sub-Saharan regions. (Sokona, 2002, pp 145) Conclusion The energy crisis and shortage to countries in the sub-Saharan region has contributed to the persistence of great suffering of the people due to poverty high level. However, the investment on energy production to solve the problem should be a careful process that does not impact adversely both in the environmental factors as well as in the ethical factors. The traditional energy sources have been major contributors to the worse economic conditions of the people in the sub-Saharan states. This can thus be altered by the adaptation of the energy production methods which are renewable. References: Davidson O. (1992): Energy Issues in Sub-Saharan Africa: Annual Review of Energy and Environment Vol. 17 pp401-403. Hall, D. and Mao, Y. (1994): Biomass and Coal in Africa. London Johansson, T. et al (1993): Renewable Energy:. Island Press Ministry of Water, Energy and Mining, (1988): Lesotho Energy Master Plan: GTZ and Department of Energy World Bank, (1989) Sub-Saharan Africa From Crisis to Sustainable Growth: The World Bank. Williams, J. (2004). Sustainable development in Africa: is the climate right? IRI Technical Report Munasinghe, M. (2005). Primer on climate change and sustainable development: Cambridge University Press. Sokona, Y. (2002) Think bigger, act faster: a new sustainable energy path for African development: University of Cape
Monday, October 14, 2019
Investigation of Unknown Carbohydrate
Investigation of Unknown Carbohydrate INTRODUCTION From the name itself, Carbohydrates are hydrates of carbons that are polar in nature. The building blocks of carbohydrates are monosaccharides which are simple sugars due to their low molecular weight. Carbohydrates are the product of photosynthesis from the condensation of carbon dioxide that requires light and chlorophyll. Carbohydrates have a vital role in the nutrition of organisms since it is the major source of energy. ATP is energy released by plants and it is the needed by the body to function accordingly. Carbohydrates have different structures thus it gives distinct reactions to various reagents depending on its chemical composition. It can be grouped into monosaccharides, disaccharides and polysaccharides. Monosaccharides could be classified as polyhrdoxy aldoses or ketoses. These are the simplest carbohydrates that cannot be broken down into smaller aggregates. These are aldehydes that contain two or more hydroxyl groups. Disaccharides are two simple sugars that are linked together by a glycosidic bond- an ether bond formed from the merging of two hydroxyl groups between monosaccharides. Polysaccharides, on the other hand, are made up of multiple sugar units attached to a group of disaccharides. They are formed by a glycosidic linkage. MATERIALS AND METHODS For the identification of the unknown carbohydrates samples, 1.00 ml of two unknown samples were transferred in a test tube and 1.00 ml of Molisch reagents was added as well as 1.00 ml of concentrated . For each of the tests- Iodine test, Benedicts test, Barfoeds test, Seliwanoffs test and 2,4-DNP test, fresh samples were needed for each. Table 1 shows the needed amount of reagent for each test for a qualitative analysis. The identity of the two unknown samples was then distinguished based on the reaction of the given set of carbohydrates. For the hydrolysis of starch, 50.00 ml of 5% starch solution was placed in a 100 ml beaker. About 5.00 ml of concentrated sulfuric acid was added. Covering the beaker with aluminum foil, it was then heated until boiled in a water bath. About 1.00 ml of the sample was placed in two separate test tubes with the addition of 1.00 ml of iodine reagent to one and 1.00 ml of Benedicts reagent to the other. The sample was heated continuously. With an interval of 5 minutes, 1.00 ml of the sample was transferred into two separate tees tubes once again and with the addition of the iodine and Benedicts reagent until a blue-black precipitate is formed with the iodine reagent and a brick red color with the Benedicts reagent. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Table 2 shows the desired color change of the carbohydrates upon the addition of certain reagents. Molischs test is a general test for carbohydrates that determines the presence of carbonyl groups, which gives off a deep purple colored substance. The Iodine test gives off a blue-black colored complex as a positive reaction towards iodine. Benedicts test determines the identity of the reducing sugars which results to an orange-rust color. Barfoeds test has the same purpose as Benedicts test for determining the reducing sugars, but this Barfoeds test gives off a positive test for reducing monossaccharides only. Seliwanoffs test determines the presence of aldoses and ketoses, only the ketoses give off a positive reaction resulting to a brick red color. The 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine or the 2.4-DNP test determines the reaction of monosaccharides that gives off yellow- black crystals of osazones that intensifies the color of the substance. Molischs test is a general test for carbohydrates. Concentrated sulfuric acid was added producing a deep purple colored substance. The carbohydrate undergoes dehydration wherein water was released upon the addition of sulfuric acid. Pentoses and hexoses react with the sulfuric acid resulting to the positive color change. For the Iodine test, the only sugar that reacted was starch. Starch is a polysaccharide- a mixture of amylose and amylopectin. An amylose forms a helical structure in water. Iodine could easily penetrate through the helical structure, since monosaccharides and disaccharides arent too small they do not react with iodine. Upon the penetration of the iodine to the core of the helix, it produces a blue-black colored substance. When heated, the blue color disappears because the helical ring of the amylose is disrupted. Iodine is does not have the capacity to bind itself back to helix. The blue color returns when the starch is cooled. The iodine can now bind back to the helix. Benedicts test identifies the reducing sugars, the monosaccharides and the disaccharides. This reagent is a weak oxidizing reagent. Cuprous oxide was converted from cuprous hydroxide. The former determines the presence of the reducing sugar. Seliwanoffs test differentiates ketoses from aldoses. The ketose yields a brick red color upon the addition of heat. Ketose undergoes dehydration when diluted in HCl and heated. Barfoeds test identifies the reducing sugars as well, but this test is specific only for monosaccharides. Carbohydrates exposed to the Barfoed reagent, a mixture of copper acetate and glacial acetic acid, undergoes reduction. The reducing monosaccharide reduces the cupric ions to cuprous ions in acidic medium (4). The cuprous ions formed in turn, reduce the colorless phosphomolybdic acid to blue phosphomolybdous acid (4). The positive color change for monosaccharides was exhibited by a deep blue color, while the disaccharide exhibited a light blue color. The 2,4- DNP test is a general test for carbohydrates. This determines the presence of aldehydes and ketones. The aldoses and ketoses are quite similar. The reducing sugars produce a positive test. The identity of starch could be easily distinguished through the iodine test. When the starch is hydrolyzed it can have a positive result in the Benedicts test. The acetal linkages in starch are hydrolyzed in hot aqueous acid (6). Benedicts test is a useful test in detecting the sugar concentration in the urine of a patient diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. The color of the precipitate gives an approximate percentage of sugar excreted in the urine (4). The color determines the percentage of sugar present in the urine. If the precipitate is blue, sugar is absent, green if there are 0-0.5% sugar, yellow if 1% sugar, orange if 1.5% sugar, and red if 2% sugar or more.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
An Inspector Calls by J.B. Priestley Essay -- Papers
An Inspector Calls by J.B. Priestley In Priestley's play An Inspector Calls, the two main characters, Arthur Birling and the Inspector, both show certain features of real people but, in particular the Inspector seems to be representative of political and social issues that were relevant in 1912. What seems like a simple detective thriller, with an inspector asking questions and the other characters answering them in order to find the person responsible for the suicide of Eva Smith (alias Daisy Renton), gradually develops into a complex investigation of political stances, of capitalism and socialism. To answer this question fully, we have to consider many different aspects of Mr Birling and the Inspector's characters. We need to look at the views they express, but we also need to look at their interaction with other characters before we can fully decide whether they have a rounded personality and can thus be considered to be real people or whether they merely represent social and political concepts. We also need to consider the time the play was set in, the events, the setting and the ritual associated with it. In An Inspector Calls many different issues are brought up about social attitudes and political views, but the most important has to be responsibility. In this particular context, Birling and the Inspector clearly have to be seen as representatives of two opposing definitions of responsibility. While Birling sees it as "a man has to make his own way, has to look after himself and his family", thus excluding responsibility for anybody else, the Inspector represents the idea of social responsibility in a society where t... ...a Smith to commit suicide. The Inspector never forgives nor punishes but just tries to warn the Birlings of their doings so that they can say the right things to the real Inspector, and to know what they have all done. I believe that Priestley has meant to not go into detail on the Inspectors feelings and beliefs, as this almost adds a sought of mystery around the Inspectors character, it mainly gets you thinking towards the end, is the Inspector real or are the Birlings just hallucinating, or could the Inspector be a ghost or a Goole which his last name could represent (Inspector Goole). But the question was can the Inspector represent a real person, to a certain extent yes, but not as fully as Mr Birlings character can, so in my opinion he is not a very good representative of real people in the era of the play.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Hamlet: A Sane Character Essay -- Hamlet Essays
The story Hamlet was composed by the playwright William Shakespeare, and is regarded as a timeless piece in both literature and theatre. Now, over four hundred years after Hamlet was written, society still continues to analyze its complex characterization (Reiss 769). In a Psychiatric Times article, twentieth century physician Alan Stone says, â€Å"Even today in our era of cultural diversity, Shakespeare remains the greatest figure of world literature, performed on every continent, surviving translation†(Allan 20). The protagonist Hamlet is a particularly multifaceted character. He is an intelligent being who appears to have been overcome by self-conflict due to the sudden murder of his father, the King of Denmark. The transgressions of the murderer, his uncle Claudius, drive Hamlet to a point of questionable sanity. It is Hamlet’s psyche which is a large topic of scholarly debate concerning the play. â€Å"Shakespeare’s understanding of the human condition mi raculously transcends his culture and place,†says Stone (Allan 20). Shakespeare had a particular interest in the human mind, mental conditions, and nosology. Upon evaluation of Hamlet’s sanity, it becomes apparent that these subjects are present in the play. The subject of Hamlet’s sanity is a vastly complex but not necessarily unexplainable topic. There is arguably evidence to support the protagonist’s sanity with: the seven soliloquies, the psychoanalysis of Hamlet’s character, and the utterance Hamlet makes in Act III. To begin, the seven soliloquies serve as a strong testament to Hamlet’s sanity because they convey his coherence like no other remarks made in the play. As the story digresses, there is an apparent shift in Hamlet’s demeanor. The rivaling question is, is Hamlet... ...Marian. "Hamlet’s seven soliloquies." Philip Allan Literature Guide (for A-Level): Hamlet. Oxfordshire: Trans-Atlantic Publications, 2011. . Print. Crawford, Alexander W. Hamlet, an ideal prince, and other essays in Shakesperean interpretation: Hamlet; Merchant of Venice; Othello; King Lear. Boston R.G. Badger, 1916. Shakespeare Online. 20 Aug. 2009. . Reiss, Benjamin. "Bardolatry in Bedlam: Shakespeare, Psychiatry, and Cultural Authority in Nineteenth-Century America." ELH. Vol. 72. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins UP., 2005. 769-97. Print. No. 4. Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. 1603. Reprint. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1992. Print. Stone, Alan A. "Shakespeare and Psychiatry: A Personal Meditation." Psychiatric Times 30: 20-21. ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Source. Web. 5 May 2014.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Mobile Phone Use: Assess The Risks Compared With The Benefits Of Mobile Phone Use Particularly In Relation To Young People
Mobile phones, the 21st century way of communicating, are they a great thing that works wonders and revolutionize people's lives? Or are the risks to high a price to pay? I am going to investigate the risks of using mobile phones. Around 1/4 (6 million) of mobile phone users are under the age of 18 and the number of young users is expected to rise with the total numbers of users is meant to rise to 1.2 billion by 2005 with the fastest growing market as the 9-10 year olds. Consequently the questions – are children more at risk than others and what are the risks need to be asked and answered. Firstly health. The area of the brain and its reaction to radiation is very vague and scientists are not 100% sure about anything. There have been no specific experiments carried out by scientists and there is a big gap in our scientific knowledge in this area, but it has been shown that mobile phone use does affect brain activity and experts consider children to more vulnerable there are many reasons for this one of these is that children are not fully developed and their skulls are thinner and so it is easier for the radiation waves to penetrate the skull whereas a fully grown person will have a thicker skull and so is less at risk, although it has been proven through research that use of mobile phones speeds up an individuals reactions. Research has been done on 420 000 phone users to find out whether they have a link with cancer, no link was found. However, the incidence of brain cancer has increased 25% since 1973, according to the National Cancer Institute. Each year, 185,000 Americans will be diagnosed with a primary or metastatic brain tumour, according to the National Brain Tumour Foundation. Also, in another Swedish study a correlation was found between brain tumours and mobile phone use, regardless of which side of the head it is used. So all in all, though the current balance of evidence does not show health problems caused by mobile phones, it does show that mobile phone use does affect brain activity and this is not a problem the mobile phone manufacturers can ignore. Another aspect is base stations (masts.) Should we be worrying about these as well? It is said that the closer the phone is to a mast the safer they are. This is because they automatically reduce the output by about 1000th of the full power. Therefore, the more people who use the mobile phones; the more masts the companies will put up; the safer it will be to use the mobile phones. The heating affect from base stations is 5000x smaller than from the mobile phone itself. On the other hand, however, the environmental impact of masts might affect people's sense of well-being and there is a perceived risk from them to health, so there is particular concern when placed near schools. The expense is another issue there is definitely two sides to this argument. One side of the argument is that the mobile is an unnecessary expense for parents to cope with, and that the youngsters take advantage of their parents. On the other hand, if there is a problem with this, then the parents can either say ‘look use it sparingly', or refuse to pay the bills and buy them a pay and go phone where it is the child's problem if they have no money on their phones and they can pay for their own to-up vouchers. One advantage is that it frees up the landline home for the parents, as a parent – Anne Kent explains: â€Å"at first I thought it was unnecessary but soon changed my mind when I saw it freed up our phone at home,†and has the further advantage of reducing landline bills as a consequence. Clearly this problem can be easily solved it just needs a bit of common sense. This leads us onto the next area, children's safety (in relation to crime) and responsible use . One of the main advantages to young people having mobiles is that it gives their parents peace of mind so there are less worried parents especially those in remote areas, As Mrs Watson of Northumberland explains: â€Å"we felt it was important for Sian to have a mobile phone because living in the country we are very isolated.†Both parent and child are able to feel more secure only being a telephone call away from each other. On the other hand how secure is a child with the rising crime statistics. Crime is another big issue that should be considered carefully. Mobile phone robberies make up 36% of London's crime and 41% in Birmingham also. It has been said by the metropolitan police that mugging for mobile phones has increased by 53% in the last year with 11-16 years olds most at risk. 12% of young teenagers have had a phone stolen at least once, and most of this theft is carried out by black males in gangs. It is said by many that they only have phones to show off. So are you prepared to take the risk? The final issue is whether education is adversely affected. On the one hand many schools say this is not a problem in most cases because there are strict ‘no phone' rules. On the other hand, some say that mobiles have become the ‘teachers pest' with students using mobiles to text during lesson and so on. Another side to this is the language used in text messages for example: â€Å"cul8r†(see you later) could this destroy the English language? My verdict is that we cannot simply ban phones. It would be like banning the use of cars just because there is a risk of injury or damage. It's not right to take today's generation's way of communicating away from them. Another reason is that if they were banned or even just made illegal for children to have them, there would hundreds of thousands of jobs lost because the mobile phone industry is growing daily. We don't take the dummy from the baby or the car from the driver, so why the phone from the teenager. However, in the light of the evidence it would be equally foolish to use them wilfully. So sensible precautions should ensure safe use.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
A Writer’s Worst Writing Experience
When a sales man cannot sell anything, when a basketball player cannot shoot hoops or when a painter cannot paint, the worst experience that any professional can have in the performance of his or her work is the inability to execute the same, which practically defeats the very essence of the profession. In the same token, a writer’s worst experience is the incapacity to write when the writer has nothing to write about. This occurs basically for two reasons: First is when the topic to be written about has no resource and second, when the writer especially creative writers, has no source of inspiration or objective to write about. Writers conduct extensive research for the papers that they prepare. Whether a review of related literature or previous studies conducted on the topic of interest or an interpretation of an empirical observation or a summary of qualitative interview or statistical data, written documents must always have a basis whether from authoritative references or simple scientific observation. This is especially important for written documents that proposes an idea or urges its audience into action such as all forms of academic papers, advertisements or propaganda. In our modern world, the primary approach used in generating ideas is the scientific method of observable investigation and experimentation in generating conclusions. (Payne, G. and Payne, J. , 2004). In philosophy however, two major schools of thought basically delineate Epistemology or the study of human knowledge. Aside from the empirical approach that posits that perception is the prime source of knowledge on which is based the scientific approach, there is rationalism. Rationalism is principally founded on the Platonic philosophy that adhered that the mind or soul is ultimately the human faculty that interacts with the real world of abstract concepts from which is derived tangible particulars i. e. the factual world via the deductive process. (Engel, S. , 2001). This intangible reality is beyond our perception and can be attained through contemplation and reason. Following this idea, writers can also write original topics or ideas by reflection. Whilst in a derogatory sense, writers can actually generate ideas by philosophizing in a vacuum. Pragmatists however added that such philosophical writing must have practical purpose. Descartes’ Skeptical approach used doubting as the process of inquiry that allows a person to obtain relative certainty. The process of contemplation and reflection brings us to the next chief reason for having nothing to write about which is the lack of inspiration. Contemplation and reflection is difficult if not impossible if writers lack inspiration or objective. In the case of Descartes, his objective to prove the logical intuition of one’s existence and certification of one’s consciousness through self experience served as his inspiration. It is not a simple rational inquiry but is focused on discovery of the foundation of knowledge. For creative writers, the source of inspiration can be about anything i. e. a person, object, experience or a simple thought. This results to written forms of art such as poetry, stories or other written expressions of emotions and thoughts. However unlike other forms of art like painting or sculpture, writing as an art must always be geared to communicate ideas/ notions and express emotions. Hardly are there written forms of art that is for pure aesthetics or is created for its own sake. This is because writing is the textual representation of communication in which ideas are at its core. Without idea or message, there is no communication. In writing, this idea is tantamount to the topic. Without the topic, there is no writing. Thus, having no reference, source of such topic or the lack of inspiration to source that topic is the worst experience that a writer can ever have.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Determination of the formula unit of a compound Essay
1)The crucible is weighed and the exact mass is recorded. 2)Approximately 0.2g of zinc is placed into the crucible and the crucible with its contain is weighed. The exact mass of zinc is determined. 3)10 ml of 6M HCl solution is poured into a measuring cylinder. 4)The 10 ml of 6M HCl solution is carefully added into the crucible containing zinc powder and the contents is stirred gently using a glass rod. A vigorous chemical reaction occurred and hydrogen gas is released. (This step is carried out in a fume cupboard.) 5)If the zinc powder has not dissolved completely, acid was added, 5 ml at a time, until the zinc is completely dissolved. The amount of acid used did not exceed 20 ml. 6)The crucible is placed on a hot plate in the fume cupboard and the contents are heated slowly so that the compound does not splatter during the heating process. 7)The compound is heated gently until it is completely dry. The compound is made sure not to melt. 8)The crucible is allowed to cool to room temperature. Then, it is weighed. 9)The crucible is reheated. It is let to cool to room temperature and then is weighed again. The procedure is repeated until the difference in mass does not exceed 0.02g. 10)The mass of zinc chloride is determined from the final weight of the sample. The mass of chloride in the zinc chloride is calculated. 11)The formula unit of zinc chloride is calculated. Introduction Chemical compound is a pure chemical substance consisting of two or more different chemical elements which can be separated into simpler substances by chemical reaction chemical compound has a unique chemical structure and defined. They consist of the fixed ratio of atoms are held together in a room setting is defined by chemical bonds. Chemical compound molecule compounds that can be held together by covalent bonds, salt is held together by ionic bonds, intermetallic compounds are held together by metal ties, or a complex held together by a coordinate covalent bond. Another main property of a compound is its chemical composition, which identified only by determining the elements present in the compound. The molecular weight of the empirical formula weight divided by the number of atoms of each element to produce a percentage of each element. This is done for each element in the empirical formula and tabulated as chemical composition. Please note the order is based on electro-nega tive elements. When zinc metal is reacted with hydrochloric acid, hydrogen gas is released and an aqueous solution of zinc chloride is produced. The zinc chloride solution when evaporated to dryness leaves a pure salt product. In order to calculate the simplest whole number ratio of chlorine to zinc or empirical formula for zinc chloride, we need to use the initial mass of zinc and the solid product formed. It is important that all of the zinc used be reacted and that large excess amounts of hydrochloric acid not be used. Then, from the mass of zinc consumed and the total mass of product formed, the masses of both zinc and chlorine may be determined. Converting these to number of moles and then calculating the simplest whole number ratio, by dividing by both by the smaller of the two numbers, gives the empirical formula. If either of the numbers is non-integral, then multiply by the smallest number required to give two whole numbers as subscripts in the formula unit: ZnxCly.
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Death of a loved one and identity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Death of a loved one and identity - Essay Example The main reasons given about the change of identity concern the aspects of religion, psychological perspectives, and interpersonal relationships. From the perspective of religion, it would be noted that a persons religious identity and spiritual affiliations are the most probable aspect that can be changed. This essay, â€Å"Death of a Loved One and Persoanl Identity,†is a critical analysis of the impact of the death of a loved one, and the effect it has in the identification of the personality of a person. Olver (2002) explains that death is an old phenomenon, and it has always existed. Many people are afraid of death, and this is the reason there is extensive debate on how to prevent it, and the life of an individual after death. However, there are different beliefs about this concept of death, and this depends on the values and status of an individual. Earle, Komaromy, and Bartholomew (2009) explain that religion plays a role in explaining the concept of death, and the impact it has on an individual. For instance, religious people believe that, once an individual dies, then he or she has a next life. This life depends on the religious belief of an individual, for instance the Buddhists believe in re-incarnation, while Christians believe in ascension to heaven once an individ ual dies. However, scientists do not have such kind of beliefs, and this is because they are motivated by facts in trying to explain this aspect of death, and the consequences it has in the identification of the personality of an individual. The lack of concrete evidence on this aspect of resurrection has made this topic ambiguous, and difficult to explain. This is because of lack of stories on people who have resurrected, hence giving an account of what happens after death. Therefore, a person can only experience this concept of death, through a third party. That is an individual who is grieving, or has just lost a loved one. The loss of a loved one, normally leads to a
Monday, October 7, 2019
MDCM (B) Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
MDCM (B) - Case Study Example In light of this fact, it was decided to alter the overall IT systems. The CEO and the CIO decided to present before the board 12 numerous potential projects. However, the members were to keep into consideration that they ought to accomplish the desired goal within short period of time (Jeffery, M & Norton, J. F. â€Å"MDCM, Inc. (B): Strategic IT Portfolio Management†) The main goal of these set of projects according to the IT Portfolio Management (ITPM) team was to overhaul MDCM’s IT system in the period ranging thirty-six months. In total, twelve major potential projects and initiatives were identified. The main objective of the team was to eradicate innumerable standards as well as IT methodologies all over the country. It can be examined that this initiative would require all the IT professionals, contractors and consultants to be trained as per the new methodology. This project would therefore require three months (Jeffery, M & Norton, J. F. â€Å"MDCM, Inc. (B): Strategic IT Portfolio Management†) Network consolidation leads to increased needs for storage consolidation. Some companies as well consolidate the data centers together with the intranets, traditional LANs and computing networks (Blade, â€Å"Introduction†). The company found it beneficial to consolidate the data centers to three locations and therefore shift the network of the company to a virtual private network (VPN). It was estimated that the savings from this project would be approximately $1.1 million and the time required for successively completing the project would be six months (Jeffery, M & Norton, J. F. â€Å"MDCM, Inc. (B): Strategic IT Portfolio Management†) The main objective of the company was to standardize the hardware and the platforms. The main benefits that the organisation receives on standardizing them include reduced cost of IT deployment and easy IT support and training (Gantz & Turner, â€Å"Standardisation†). There are many underlying
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