Monday, October 7, 2019

MDCM (B) Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

MDCM (B) - Case Study Example In light of this fact, it was decided to alter the overall IT systems. The CEO and the CIO decided to present before the board 12 numerous potential projects. However, the members were to keep into consideration that they ought to accomplish the desired goal within short period of time (Jeffery, M & Norton, J. F. â€Å"MDCM, Inc. (B): Strategic IT Portfolio Management†) The main goal of these set of projects according to the IT Portfolio Management (ITPM) team was to overhaul MDCM’s IT system in the period ranging thirty-six months. In total, twelve major potential projects and initiatives were identified. The main objective of the team was to eradicate innumerable standards as well as IT methodologies all over the country. It can be examined that this initiative would require all the IT professionals, contractors and consultants to be trained as per the new methodology. This project would therefore require three months (Jeffery, M & Norton, J. F. â€Å"MDCM, Inc. (B): Strategic IT Portfolio Management†) Network consolidation leads to increased needs for storage consolidation. Some companies as well consolidate the data centers together with the intranets, traditional LANs and computing networks (Blade, â€Å"Introduction†). The company found it beneficial to consolidate the data centers to three locations and therefore shift the network of the company to a virtual private network (VPN). It was estimated that the savings from this project would be approximately $1.1 million and the time required for successively completing the project would be six months (Jeffery, M & Norton, J. F. â€Å"MDCM, Inc. (B): Strategic IT Portfolio Management†) The main objective of the company was to standardize the hardware and the platforms. The main benefits that the organisation receives on standardizing them include reduced cost of IT deployment and easy IT support and training (Gantz & Turner, â€Å"Standardisation†). There are many underlying

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