Friday, May 31, 2019
Freedom of Religion or Belief in Russia Essay -- Russian federation con
This paper will present exemption of religion or belief in the Russian federation context. It will focus on how religion is practiced in Russia, the relationship between people with divergent religious practices, tensions cause by differences in religion, and government interventions towards religion and belief.The Russian Federation like any other state constructed laws that regulate freedom of religion and belief. Different state construct different law based on customary law, statutes, court presidents, administrative regulations and many to a greater extent, while Russia chose the constitution. According to The Constitution of Russian Federation (1993), Everyone shall be guaranteed the right to freedom of conscience, to freedom of religious worship, including the right to profess, individually or jointly with others, any religion, or to profess no religion, to freely choose, possess and disseminate religious or other beliefs, and to act in conformity with them. It is not every country that accept and respect all religious practices, some countries practice no more than two religions, however the Russian federation have more than two religions. According to the RussiaPedia, (2013 internet), there are four official religions in Russia. Russian federation practices Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, Islam and other religions that contributed to the historical background of its religion and culture. Decades of Soviet rule left their mark up to half of Russians declare themselves atheists, although figures vary. (RussiaPedia 2013 Internet). The former Russian laws shaped the fresh religious laws. The former communis... ...s.Available from http// News 8 February 2012. Putin Promises to protect Christianity worldwide.http// Accessed 2014.03.19 U.S. Department of State. 2012. International Freedom of Religion Report for 2012. http// Accessed 2014.03.19United Nations cybershoolbus. (1996-2014).http// 2014.03.19The Constitution of the Russian Federation. (1993). Chapter two of Section one. Available from http// New York Times, 16 September 2000. Religious Freedom in Russia. http// 2014.03.19
Thursday, May 30, 2019
1996: A Turbulent Year For Israel :: essays research papers
1996 A Turbulent Year for Israel 1996 has been a very annoyed year for Israel. This lies in theassassination of Yitzhak Rabin on November 4, 1995. Rabins great work in the recreation process with its Arab neighbors has been nearly reversed by Israelsnewly elected aboriginal Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, who actively opposed the quiescenceprocess in the election. Netanyahus term of service has not only affectedIsrael politically but also socially, intellectually, religiously, andeconomically. In dealing with Yasser Arafat and the Palestinians Netanyahu wasoriginally quoted saying that he would only meet with Arafat under specialcircumstances and that, "the era of one-sided giving was over." WarrenChristopher, Secretary of soil for the U.S., was able to arrange a peaceconference with Arafat on the Gaza border. One article called it a ,"Psychological breakthrough" (Netanyahu meets with Clinton). The issues at handwere Israel fulfilling its pledge to the Palestinians to redeploy its troopsstationed in the West banking company town of Hebron so that they will only guard the 440Jews who live there, from the tens of thousands of Palestinians. Also at issuewere the exit permits given(p) to Palestinians allowing them to go from there jobsin Israel to there homes in Gaza and the and the West Bank. That leads toanother issue over whether or not a rail link mingled with Gaza and the West Bankshould be formed. The major problem with that would be the cost. In the nextround of Israeli-PLO peace talks, both sides could not reach a compromise andafter four hours talks failed. To alter matters further 3,000 houses wereapproved to be built in the West Bank by the Israeli government. "Peace flatspokesman", Alon Arnon, called the housing, "A final burial of the accept ofpeace." (West Bank Settlement Approved) Netanyahu also ended the month byopening a tunnel to Muslim and Judaic Holy site s that resulted in bloody riotsthat killed 76 people. The month of October cooled down a bit with an ice breaking summit inWashington. Netanyahu returned with a change in attitude calling Arafat a individual whom he could resolve problems with. But aside from his change indemeanor no substantial agreements were made. In November Israel went on high alert in charge of an attack planned todisrupt the peace process, possibly on the one year anniversary of the Jihadsleader Fathi Shakaki. over again the peace effort was thrown impale when the Israeligovernment announced plans to double the number of Jewish settlers in the WestBank. At one loony toons Netanyahu asked the U.1996 A Turbulent Year For Israel essays research papers 1996 A Turbulent Year for Israel 1996 has been a very turbulent year for Israel. This lies in theassassination of Yitzhak Rabin on November 4, 1995. Rabins great work in thepeace process with its Arab neighbors has been nearly reversed by Israelsnewly elected Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, who actively opposed the peaceprocess in the election. Netanyahus term of service has not only affectedIsrael politically but also socially, intellectually, religiously, andeconomically. In dealing with Yasser Arafat and the Palestinians Netanyahu wasoriginally quoted saying that he would only meet with Arafat under specialcircumstances and that, "the era of one-sided giving was over." WarrenChristopher, Secretary of State for the U.S., was able to arrange a peaceconference with Arafat on the Gaza border. One article called it a ,"Psychological breakthrough" (Netanyahu meets with Clinton). The issues at handwere Israel fulfilling its pledge to the Palestinians to redeploy its troopsstationed in the West Bank town of Hebron so that they will only guard the 440Jews who live there, from the tens of thousands of Palestinians. Also at issue were the exit permits given to Palestinians allowing them to go from there jobsin Israel to there homes in Gaza and the and the West Bank. That leads toanother issue over whether or not a rail link between Gaza and the West Bankshould be formed. The major problem with that would be the cost. In the nextround of Israeli-PLO peace talks, both sides could not reach a compromise andafter four hours talks failed. To complicate matters further 3,000 houses wereapproved to be built in the West Bank by the Israeli government. "Peace Nowspokesman", Alon Arnon, called the housing, "A final burial of the hope ofpeace." (West Bank Settlement Approved) Netanyahu also ended the month byopening a tunnel to Muslim and Jewish Holy sites that resulted in bloody riotsthat killed 76 people. The month of October cooled down a bit with an ice breaking summit inWashington. Netanyahu returned with a change in attitude calling Arafat aperson whom he could resolve prob lems with. But aside from his change indemeanor no substantial agreements were made. In November Israel went on high alert in fear of an attack planned todisrupt the peace process, possibly on the one year anniversary of the Jihadsleader Fathi Shakaki. Again the peace effort was thrown back when the Israeligovernment announced plans to double the number of Jewish settlers in the WestBank. At one point Netanyahu asked the U.
Impure Puritans in The Scarlet Letter :: Scarlet Letter essays
Impure Puritans in The Scarlet Letter In a world where society is disorganized, unhappy, and chaotic, it can be extremely difficult to provide an honest, and adept law system. As a result, in Nathaniel Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter, people use their religion (Puritan), as judge, jury, and executioner. For some people, it can be very troublesome to function a normal life when you are surrounded by biased and chauvinistic men and women. In this story, Hester Prynne is a victim of her religion, and her fellow townsfolk. Throughout the book, Hawthorne writes rough the townspeople and how they act and behave towards each other, Hester, and life in general. The novel starts with Hester walking towards the town scaffold to be seen for public display, because she committed the shame of adultery. A lane was forwardswith opened through the crowd of spectators. Preceded by the beadle, and attended by an irregular procession of stern- browed men and unkindly visaged women, Hester Pyrnne set forth towards the place appointed for her punishment. A crowd of eager and curious schoolboys, understanding little of the matter in hand except that it gave them a half-holiday, ran before her progress, turning their heads continually to stare into her face, and at the wink-ing baby in her arms, and at the ignominious letter on her breast. P. 52, 53 As this is happening, all the people see is the crime that Hester committed, not the person behind it. They do not take into consideration, that the crime itself, is not as evil as they make it out to be. Hawthorne describes it as enjoyable to the spectators, by showing the children watch her and laugh as she makes her way to the scaffold. Its as though the people of the Puritan religion are heartle ss, ruthless, cold blooded, and that what is going on, is considered fun. apart from forcing Hester to stand on the scaffold, they make her knit an A onto her chest. The A symbolizes adultery. The plan was for people to look upon this symbol, pity her, and make Hester feel deprived of humanity. Instead of knit stitch a simple A, Hester designs a very complex and elaborate one. The reaction from the people shows how evil some of
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
The Riddle Of The Sphinx :: essays research papers
The Riddle of the SphinxThe study of myths probably began in the 4th century. BC. when Euthemerusexplained them as exaggerated adventures of historical individuals. Theallegorical interpretation of myths , stemming from the 18th century study ,says that at one time myths were invented by wise men to point out a truth, furtherafter a time myths were taken literally. The linguistic decadencyinterpretation says that myths could be understood as allegory for regularts foundin nature. The Jungians school denoted myths as a mechanism of wish fulfillment.Sir James Frazer, believed that all myths were before connected with theidea of fertility in nature, with birth, death, and resurrection of vegetationas a constantly recurring motif. Though the modern interpretation of myths isnot general but a specific explanation for myths of a single people. Thetheological interpretation states that myths are foreshadowings of facts of theScripture or corruptions of them. This view, which is not con temporarily popular,is surprisingly enlightening when attention is paying to the meaning of names ofcharacters and places in relation to Biblical stories. Even recent fairy taleswhich fall into the category of myth, often reveal through metaphor more than truthin scripture than one would anticipate.The most relevant and necessary topic for the apprehensiveness of theimagery and symbolism of myth is found in the role model of the celestial zodiac.The pictures found today in the zodiac were not developed by the Greeks, butwere in place perhaps as early as 4000 B.C. predating even the civilizations ofSumaria. The pictures were not arranged in haphazard order to aid in thetracking of the star movements but with order and purpose of depicting an epicnarrative. This understanding of the zodiac reveals an intelligence andscientific understanding that was corrupted through time . The symbolism whichremains can be analyzed to reveal the basic truth potty it.The story of the sphinx is an e xcellent example of the zodiac / mythconnection. The sphinx a composite creature with the head of a woman or man andthe body of a king of beasts was associated with the guarding of sacred sites of antiquity.It represented the whole of the narrative of the zodiac, with the head of awoman, Virgo the beginning of the celestial cycle and the body of a lion,Leo,the end of the cycle. In fact, the actual objective for what scripture calls acherub is in actuality,a sphinx. The angels were beings whose sole purpose wasto reflect the will and the glory of the God who created them.
Brewing Change at Breckenridge Brewery Essay -- Case Study, Business M
Brewing Change at Breckenridge BreweryINTRODUCTIONBreckenridge Brewery is a craft brewer which was established by Richard Squire. Richard turned his passion for brewing veracious home made beer into a lucrative business. In 1989, he started his first Breckenridge Brewery and Pub at Breckenridge which has a production capacity of 3,000 barrels per year. During his first cardinal years in business, he sold extinct the brewerys annual maximum capacity. He opened a second brewery and brew pub in capital of Colorado in November 1992.By the end of 1994, even this brewery failed to satisfy the increased demand and plans were made for a new brewery which opened in May 1996 in Denver. This brewery had a maximum output of 60,000 barrels per year after expansion.In the mid 1990s, Breckenridge Brewery started expanding eastwards and their first brewpub outside Colorado opened in Buffalo, New York in December 1995. Five other brewpubs were subsequently opened in other states. However, from its opening till 1997, the brewpubs have not turned in a put on although the main brewery was making money. Richard believes that his vision for the company, a two-tiered concept with a top microbrewery producing fresh, quality beer and a chain of brewpubs, has potential. However, due to the more complex nature of streak a restaurant, he believes that the company has yet to figure out how to run its restaurant business profitably.The company is now at the crossroads. Richard is in a dilemma as to whether to continue the brewpub business or to give it up and just concentrate just on brewing beer. He is also unsure slightly bringing in new leadership to help solve the company?s performance problems.THE EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENTA firm?s immaterial environment is divided into 3 major areas the general, industry and competitor environments. Below is an elaboration in further detail regarding the firm?s opportunities and threats in these three environments. Opportunities in the General En vironmentThe United States of America has a population of 260 million people. This is a big market with substantial purchasing power. As of 1997, Breckenridge Brewery has whole expanded eastwards and the west side of the country is relatively untouched. According to Exhibit 2 in the case study, there were only distributors in 32 states and that leaves a potential to sell to the other 19 states as w... ... a year. To cater to increased demand, the company can consider acquiring other breweries that are going out of business and that will see substantial savings on capital investments.It will be advantageous for the company if they can hear themselves as responsible corporate citizen and an environment friendly company. Social enrichment schemes, recycling schemes and educational funds can be initiated to cater to this cause and long line goal.CONCLUSIONBreckenridge Brewery has a strong business in brewing beer. Due to the lack of professional management expertise and venturing in to the wrong business, the company has not been fit to turn in a profit. It is important that the company try to resolve these problems as soon as possible. Only then, will the company get out of the red and hopefully, move on to a higher level.Works Cited1.Hitt, Ireland and Hoskisson (2005), Strategic Management Competitiveness and Globalisation, 6th Edition, Thompson & South-Western.2.Thompson and Strickland (2002), Strategic Management Concepts and Cases, 13th Edition, Chicago Irwin Publications.3.Yip, G.S (2003), integral Global Strategy, Prentice Hall.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Piagetian Conservation Tasks Case Study Essay -- Piagetian Conservatio
OverviewMy case subject is Regina Holms, a second grader, from County Elementary School. Before I interviewed the subject, I received permission for her guardian. During the interview, Regina and I conversed while working on one of the s even up Piagetian tasks, the deal task. During this task, Reginas stage of development was determined. I chose the volume task, where she had to recognize if two different size glasses held the same amount of water in each glass. Moreover, we are focusing on intrinsic and extraneous motivation, types of anxiety and self-handicapping in order to observe her motivation during this task. In order to further evaluate, I asked her older sibling Wendy, a seventh grader to observe motivation. We pull up stakes also be focusing on personal and social development, where we will be focusing on personality and temperament and her compeer relationship with her sister. cognitive Development (Piagetian Stages of Development)Jean Piagets Four Stages of Cognitiv e Development determines how children from birth to adulthood use their intelligence or cognitive development while harming in tasks. The first stage of cognitive development is called the Sensorimotor Stage (birth to age 2). During this stage, children tend to learn by trial and error, objects exist even if they are removed from sight, and symbols are introduced (Ormrod, 2012, 149). The second stage of cognitive development is Preoperational Stage (age 2 to age 7). During this stage, childrens vocabulary and grammatical structures rapidly develops (Ormrod, 2012, 149), and children uses their information rather than on conscious awareness of logical principles (Ormrod, 2012, 149). The third stage of cognitive development is Concrete Operations Sta... adolescents, while girls focus on their corporal appearance and peer relationships. I am in constant contact with Regina, and I have displayed her desire to fit in. Because of her desire to socially fit, I knew having her sist er sit in during the interview would motivate Regina to take the interview seriously and try to perform well. By performing a simple task, I was able to determine that Regina is in the concrete operations stage of cognitive development. In addition, I found that Regina has a healthy self-concept, self-efficacy, and self-esteem for her age group. Yes, peer relationships has slightly affected Reginas performance however, she used extrinsic motivation to accomplish her goal. Works CitedOrmrod, J. E. (2012). Essentials of educational psychology Big ideas to guide effective teaching, 3rd, ed. Boston, MA Pearson Education, Inc.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Calyx flower case
Managing Profitable Growth Recommendation Increase Internet advert. in that location are several reasons to support It. 1 . Less Cost, more tailored communication with customers In case of the catalog, the acquisition cost of new customer Is alike expensive. This makes new customers unprofitable. (see table 1) Instead of the catalog, the company drive out send email directly to their target customer with less expense. The company already have a web page, so the firm can use the system without huge investment.Also, if the company makes use of the internet more, the firm can gather customer data more efficiently. So the company can increase the ability to track the behavior of individual customer. This enable the firm not only to tailor communication with the customers, but also to build a long-term relationship with the customers compared to mass-media marketing and catalog. Eventually, it will lower the acquisition cost of the current and new customers and increase keeping ra te and response rate, the taxation which makes the customer more profitable In terms of the life time value. . Concentrate on the growth of the potential customer. As the Infrastructure of the Internet Improves, the customer who purchase the product through internet will increase. This change of business environment would be a good hazard for the company. While the competitors focus on mass-media marketing, the company can concentrate their budget on the target customers who have a high potential growth. With low advertising cost per customer and high customers satisfaction with tailored communication, the company can differentiate itself from the other competitors. . Make the customers more inelastic to price. The products of Calyx are fresher than that of the competitors. This Is the peerless of the differentiated factor of the company. And also, using online could be one of the differentiated factor of the company. As mentioned above, with fluent data of the customers and tailo red communication, the company can raise the customers satisfaction. From these, Calyx can create customer loyalty.The loyalty is not from the lower price, but from the differentiation from the other competitors. This makes the customers more inelastic to price. 4. Enlarge the customer base by crossover selling of the other business units products By integrating the web pages with other business units or making bundle packages, the flower business can complicate the customer base, which consists of professional women mostly. From this, the company can alma at market share expansion.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Nuclear Power Should Be Stopped
Since its find in 1960s by the Japanese, atomic might had been used as one of the chief energy to flirt aside power in more than than 30 posits in this universe. This natural resource is known as the safest energy-dense of all natural resources, where it has the ability to bring forth more electricity and heat compared to new(prenominal)s. Unfortunately, the March 11 temblor and tsunami (, n.d. ) had turned some portion in Japan into muddy, contaminated surround. Together with the radioactive spewed, the status in many residential countries peculiarly in Tohoku metropolis had become worse. To some people, it is being considered as a lesson that technological promotion can non ever nurture states against natural catastrophes. Greenpeace, the Nipponese and Malayan authorities all have really strong points of position on the affair. In this essay I go forth picture and discourse their positions in order decide for myself what I believe atomic power hereafter sho uld be.Nuclear energy derived from the interlingual rendition procedure which occurred between ii dividing atoms Iron and smaller atoms. This was proved by utilizing Einstein s celebrated expression, which is E = MC2, where M stand for mass and C represent the focal ratio of transparent radiation ( Adamantiades, 1987 ) . In the early 1940 s, research workers discovered this energy and accredited its possible to be used as a arm. Later in the 1960 s, the Nipponese research workers set up several surveies and the consequence was diverting as the newfound energy sourceand found a place in the propulsion of the atomic naval forces, supplying pigboats with engines that could run for over a twelvemonth without re terminateling ( Adamantiades, 1987 ) . This lead to the development of atomic power where the Nipponese authorities spend more than 200 million hankerings to help atomic scientists in making engineering that could commercial the power workss.For the Nipponese authorities, th e continuance of the atomic power production is important. Since the interference of atomic power, the Nipponese had been utilizing this energy actively and until today, more than 50 reactors were built in order to bring forth this energy. This energy had already contributed 30 per centum of the state electricity and it is estimated that the per centum will be higher in five old ages. High demand for this energy from other states anyhow contributes to the effects. The Nipponese Ministry of Economy shell out and Industry ( METI ) reports that 60 per centum of the states in the universe that uses this energy were imported from Japan. The Nuclear and Safety Agency ( NISA ) , one of the Nipponese authorities bureaus that responsible for atomic power ordinance, licensing and safety assured that regular review has been conducted to supervise all power works indeed all citizen should non be worried. Warning dismay will be released if there any amendss in the reactors. Besides that, the authorities excessively emphasize that there is an on-going research in happening ways to cut squander fuel rhythm be over the last decennaries. It will take to the cost decrease resulted from a decrease in fuel rhythm unit costs and enhanced fuel rhythm procedure efficiency, with fuel public presentation betterment, in peculiar higher norm burn up, accounting for less than 10 per centum of the savings ( NISA, n.d. ) .The Malayan authorities has a really similar sentiment on whether the production of atomic power should be stopped. As the universe s population and living criterion are heightening, the demand for more electrical power is besides increasing. Like the Nipponese authorities, Malaysia is presently working towards implementing atomic as an alternate energy. In a imperativeness release written by Anifah Hj Aman, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Douglas Uggah Embas, Minister for the Natural Resources and Environment in 2010 they clear province how the authorities feels or so atomic energy. Various researches and studies has been conducted to happen the best results for this affair and we think that atomic energy is one of it , express Douglas Uggah. Besides that, they besides province that the Malayan disposal has started to recognize the importance to follow renewable energy for the state. This is because for the past half century, Malaysia has depended chiefly on oil and gas. Being wedded to oil is a major national security concern for assorted grounds. Usingplug-in intercrossed electric vehicle ( PHEV ) powered by atomic reactors, we could cut down our oil demands by orders of magnitude ( Oh Tick Hui, 2010 ) . Additionally, they besides highlighted the effects from the atomic use in making nursery gas emanation is the lowest compared to other energy. This, on occasion, will assist to cut down the pollution rate in the state. Malaysia is one of the top 20 states in the universe with almost pollution. By implementing this energy with the cu rrent system, we hope the rate of the air pollution particularly will be decrease as it does non bring forth smoke , said Anifah Aman. When they were asked whether the consequence of the atomic waste would be a job in future, he stated that Malaysia is one of the states that are free from nature catastrophe therefore it would non be a job. But we ever prepare for the worse, therefore some of the safeguard will be take into consideration , he added. (, n.d. )While both Japanese and Malayan authorities supports the continuance of atomic power production, Greenpeace oppose it. They stated that the continuance of atomic power production, which consequences put on the lining the environment and humanity, is unacceptable. They argue atomic energy does lend to the nursery effects, clime alteration and other related catastrophes. They besides expressed their concerns as the effects can besides result in a Chernobyl-scale accident one time every decade ( WNO, n.d . ) regardless what atomic industry had told the world.In a recent article retrieved from, a group of Greenpeace radiation experts blame the Nipponese authorities for the lost from the tsunami calamity, stating that the building and innovation made by the authorities are the most irresponsible in Japan history, in fact the most condemnable act of all time done on this planet. Japan has poured in 1000000s of dollars to make high velocity trains that can shuttle people over 100s of kilometers with speedbut this superb engineering that touts convenience and economic addition can non impede it from disasters ( Greenpeace International, n.d. ) . They besides sort out the Nipponese authorities and its ally action in edifice more and more atomic power works in the state as forcing away(predicate) the dark history, where the power works are somewhat the most unsafe devices that adult male has of all time created and have taken infinite contour of lives.How ever, there is conflicting grounds on how Nipponese people view the importance of atomic power. Harmonizing to the Nipponese Nuclear and Industry Safety Agency ( NISA ) , the Nipponese economic system will non fall in although the calamity sunk its chief atomic power system. They believe that the Japanese will retrieve enormously, the alike during the Hiroshima and Nagasaki calamity which was overcome in what is known as the Nipponese economic miracle ( NISA, n.d. ) . Japan won regard from people around the universe for the rise of its state, bring forthing good educated young persons, and contriving an advanced engineering system. Not merely that, NISA besides sprang back Greenpeace statement stating that the engineerings finally saved more than 30 per centum of its real(a) lost in Tsunami calamity. In a study conducted by NISA, it was revealed that many states praise the Nipponese authorities action by making engineerings and machines that could dismay them about the nature dis asters two times faster so the normal machine. This can be compared with what go on to Indonesia in 2004. Although the graduated table of the temblor in Tohoku is much higher than one that work stoppage Acheh, the Numberss of victims are 90 per centums less compared to the Indonesians which killed more than 140,000 lives seven old ages ago. ( NISA, n.d. )In decision, with the demandof energy beginning that has been and will go on to increase each twelvemonth, I believe that the production of atomic power should non be stopped. Both Nipponese and Malayan authorities s purposes for the continuance are strong and valid. Greenpeace fails to make an statement that can vie. Clearly, atomic energy has a figure of advantages that highlights its capableness in going one of the most demanding energy to the universe. It is without a uncertainty that I believe such jobs will non originate if energy providers can guarantee that they do non lend to short and long run environmental jobs, authorit iess can vouch that energy is generated safely and will non harm both human and environment, and citizens can do certain they conserve every spell much as they can so there will be adequate beginnings for their future coevalss.
Friday, May 24, 2019
American Communist Party Essay
The play The Crucible was written by an American author named Arthur Miller in 1953. It is set in Salem Massachusetts 1692 and is ab egress the Salem witch trails. Miller was in his twenties during the 1950s. When there was an era of paranoia of communism. The government fe ared America becoming a communistic nation and this is now known as time of McCarthyism, named after Senator Joseph McCarthy, who claimed the he had a list of 205 people in the State department that where known to be members of the American Communist Party.McCarthy the HUAC and the FBI worked together and interrogated numerous people, particularly people in the entertainment industry Due to this modern day witch hunt many people lost their jobs pr they would name other people in order to save themselves. Miller was in any case questi peerlessd, but in 1956 the hysteria was last down so he managed to escape punishment without naming others. This era is similar to what occurred in Salem during 1692. In Salem a sm all coastal settlement appeared after the arrival of the pilgrims (from England) in 1690. The people lived a very strict puritan lifestyle this meant they fol first baseed the Christian rules rigorously.The Salemites were ruled by a Theocracy, which was a form of government operated by the church. These people were highly superstitious and believed in the devil, which rationalises how the idea of witchcraft took hold so strongly in Salem. However witchcraft was not to blame, it was only used to settle disputes and revenge in the village. In the play Reverend Samuel Parris has disputes over his contr fare demonstrating the society was already divvied. His daughter, niece and their friends began a mountain telling circle with Parris Slave Tituba.Their unstable behaviour quickly led to the conclusion that they were bewitched. In Salem any actions against God were follown seriously, the society mat the need to discover all the perpetrators of witchcraft and this led to a witch-hunt, which was overcome by mass hysteria. This hysteria became out of hand resulting in one nose candy people being imprisoned and 19 people and 2 dogs being hung. In the play Reverend Parris fears his girls are bewitched. At the beginning of Act one he examine the girls dancing in the forest and so summons. Parris is talking to Reverend drag out and expert in seeking out bewitched.The extract from act one begins with Parris stating how He claims He saw a Kettle in the grass where Abigail and her friends were. I think I ought to grade that I-I saw a middle ear in the grass where they were dancing this changes the tone of the conversation, as everything becomes more serious now with suggestions of witchcraft. Hale begins to interrogate Abigail. The auditory modality see how Parris is unsure about whether to say this after catching this daughter and niece in the woods. He hesitates in his speech. , this is due to the fact that a kettle can be seen to represent a cauldron linking the girls to witchcraft.The kettle can also represent the heat of the crucible, which is supposed to purify things. Which foreshadows events to come and the witch-hunts that go out happen as a result of this. Abigail during her interrogation tries to explain her actions She never drank it No sir The exclamation mark demonstrates to the interview how heroic Abby is to save herself. During the interrogation the pace increases together with the tension I never sold myself Im a good girl Im a proper girl Here Miller uses the technique Stichomythia the audience see how desperate she is to be believed.This is also dramatic irony, as the audience knows that she is not a proper girl as they have previously seen cursing slightness monitoring device in the woods. In her desperation to save herself she actively accuses Tituba and tries to position the blame and responsibility on soulfulness else. As the audience witnesses this they realise Abigail will go to any lengths to save herself an d would be disliked greatly by the audience. Then Tituba enters. Immediately Abby visually accuses her as well as verbally accusing her. She make me do it She made Betty do it At this point the audience are shocked that she can blame Tituba to her face, as she is supposed to be Titubas friend. The audiences emotions are reflected by Titubas stage directions (, shocked, and angry) but Abigail claims that Tituba made her drink blood. Parris repeats blood and Mrs Putnam, who is obsessed with the loss of her babies questions My Babies blood? as she is trying to find someone to accuse for her babies deaths. The repetition of the intelligence agency blood emphasises the evil nature of witchcraft and suddenly events become more serious. There is also repetition of the word devil have you enlisted these children to the devil? Tituba claims I dont truck with no devil this represents the evil in witchcraft and highlights the seriousness of the dapple to the audience, oddly for Tituba who is now being accused with doing evil and as being under the devils influence. However this is ironic as the audience see how she is not being controlled by the devil but by Abigail, suggesting again that Abigail is very manipulative and gifted She sends her spirit on me in the church, she makes me laugh at prayer She also accuses Tituba of make her drink blood every night. This is also ironic as it is Abigail who is manipulating Tituba and perhaps the audience may see playing the role as she manipulates Abigail twisting the situation so things become worse for Tituba but better for herself. Abigail chooses Tituba as her scapegoat because she has a low status, as a slave and that no one will listen to her as she tries to defend herself. Hale and Parris begin to interrogate Tituba more intensely and Tituba tries to defend herself but she is powerless, she is a black servant in the household, someone who has no voice. I have no power on this child sir Hale and Parris dont listen t o her again reinforcing to the audience of Titubas low status.Parris has more power over her and she knows this. It is this power they use to try and get her to own. I will take you take you out and whip you to your death This makes Tituba scare No, no dont hang Tituba and demonstrates how Tituba is at the mercy of Hale Titubas life is in his hands and she as well as the audience knows this. The language that Hale uses demonstrates to the audience that he is also manipulative. He tries to put words in Titubas mouth in order to make her confess so he can show that he is good at what he does. When did you compact with the devil?Then you saw him? This eventually breaks Tituba down (terrified, falls to her knees) She begins to cry, seeing that a confession is the only way to save herself I do believe somebody be witching these children Hale, satisfied that Tituba is beginning to confess, changes his tone. He begins to lead he in his questioning so she can give a full confession he continues to manipulate her And you love God Tituba? Tituba responds I love God with all my being Tituba confesses but at first doesnt want to name people so she says she saw a char but claims it was too dark to see.This emphasises to the audience that in comparison to Abigail she is a loyal and kind character It was black dark this metaphor of darkness represents the characters hatful being obscured, which can also be the in ability to see the truth preparing the audience for the terror and hysteria to come. The pace of the conversation emphasizes the tension where Hale tries to get Tituba to confess. Tituba is coaxed into confessing and into naming others after Hale takes her hand. She is surprised because Hale appears to be treating her as and equal.We will protect you and Tituba kisses Hales hand as if she is jealous for the chance to save herself and now she sees a way to do this. For this reason Hale becomes self-righteous believing he has the divine power to bring out w rong doers. You are Gods instrument He tells Tituba that she can help bring out the devils pawns and so Tituba eventually gives names there was Goody Good And Goody Osburn the names suggested to her earlier by Mrs Putnam again emphasizing to the audience the farce and hysteria that will ensue . Mrs Putnam hearing this Is satisfied and sees a way of suggest revenge.Hale who plays on Titubas love for Betty uses images of light and dark. The Devils out and preying on her life like a beast (Satan) upon the flesh of the pure lamb (Jesus) This is sacred imagery used because it reinforces the subject and also represents the devil as something dire i. e. beast telling the audience how awful the devil is, Jesus is represented as a pure lamb to sound innocent and untainted. ABIGAIL rises, staring as though inspired realising this is how Abigail is described in the stage directions the audience realise how clever Abigail is, she sees that she can control others without any consequences.The t ension now is upgrade rapidly because the audience are unsure of what Abigail will do next. The stage directions read (she is delight as though in a pearly light) as if to the other characters she has seen the light of God. I want the light off God, I want the lovable love of Jesus the repetition of I informs the audience that she is self-obsessed. And this is ominous. This outburst is caused because Abigail can see that Tituba is not only in the clear but she can also gain power from blaming others.Abigail wants to be seen, as an instrument of God but the audience knows this is ironic as Abigail is only jealous of the attention that Tituba receives. Suddenly Betty awakes and startle chanting like Abigail as if she is cleansed of her sins. Parris says a prayer but Betty is unaffected this time, which demonstrates to the audience that she was never bewitched but to the other characters it is a demonstration of how Betty is cleansed of the Devils spirit. BETTY is rising from the b ed, a fever in her eyes this creates a dramatic impact on the audience where the tension hits a climax.This signals the beginning of the hysteria. It also foreshadows the dramatic things to. Abigail begins to take pleasure in making accusations It is rising to a great glee Putnam says The Marshall. Ill call the Marshall and this prepares the audience for the next Act. The repetition of Devil informs the audience that the tension is climatic, increased by the Stichomythia. The curtain falls as the girls are still chanting names. This makes the audience wonder how many more people are going to be named. The end also leaves the audience in shock and suspense but prepares them for the hysteria about to sweep through Salem.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
An Autobiography of Moon
I live you are very curious to know about me. I have often noticed you looking at at me with eager eyes. Now listen to my life story. I belong to a very large family, the solar family. My grandfather is called the Sun and he has night club daughters. My mother is the Earth. I am her darling as I am her only child. Imagine my aunt Uranus has fifteen children I am so entrap of my mother that I always go around her day and night. I am 4600 million socio-economic classs old.Yet the bond between me and my mother continues without whatsoever change. Whenever I look at you human beings, I am very happy. I know that you praise me as a beauty. You compose a pot of poems and songs in praise of me. You are scared of my grandfather but are fond of me. However, I too have my problems. A lot of stones from the space expire on me and cause injuries to my body. Moreover, my health also fluctuates. Today as you see me I am very bright. I grow weaker and weaker. But there is no consolationFor the next fourteen days I will gather my brightness and glow. You know what my most memorable day is my life was? It was July 21st of year 1967. On that day. I remember, I was just getting out of my bed and I found something tickling my face. I looked at it. Oh It was a human being. You know how happy I was then. I did not disturb him. Thereafter, more than twenty human beings landed on me. I wish thousand and thousands of you come to me and antic in my garden. Then I shall not feel lonely, you know.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Charles’ Law and Absolute Zero
Date of experiment November 4, 2010 Date submitted November 11, 2010 Introduction As per Charles Law, there is a linear relationship betwixt the temperature and volume of a gas. Charles discovered that -273C is the point at which a gas has no volume. Since thats as coldness as he thought things could ever get, that originated the idea of absolute zero. In this experiment, Charles Law was applied and made into data to determine an experimental value for compulsive Zero. To do so, a fixed amount of gas was confined in a puny, uniform sample tube.The temperature of the gas was changed, by being placed in water. The expected result is that as the temperature of the gas gets cooler (decreases), the volume of gas will decrease. Procedure A 400mL beaker was filled with tap water and place on a hot plate until the thermometer read 55C. Then a sample tube filled with two mercury plugs was obtained from the instructor. With a dominion, the distance between the two mercury plugs was save . Using small rubber bands, the sample tube was strapped to the ruler, which was then attached to the bottom of thermometer.A cork was attached onto the top of the thermometer, and then clamped in the beaker of pre-heated water. The initial temperature and distance between each plug in the pre-heated water were then recorded. Ice was added and stirred every so often to cool the temperature of the water. When the beaker was termination to overflow, small amounts of the water were removed by a pipet. The temperature and distance between each plug were then recorded every two minutes. Eight sets of temperatures were recorded when the goal temperature of 0. C was achieved. Data 1) Temperature and Distance Between Mercury Plugs Every 2mins Time (minutes) Temperature of water (C) Distance between plugs (mm) 0 (Plugs out of water) 49. 8 60. 2 (in room temp) 2 (Plugs in water) 46. 3 63. 8 4 42. 2 63. 3 6 39. 3 62. 2 8 24. 9 60. 0 10 19. 1 58. 6 12 7. 8 56. 6 14 1. 9 55. 1 16 0. 1 54. 4 18 0. 1 54. 4 Calculations 1) derivation of best fit y=0. 1981x+54. 752 Slope (m) 0. 198 mm/C Y-Intercept (b) 54. 8 mm 2) Absolute zero (V=0) -276. 8C 3) % ErrorExcepted value -273C Discussion My results show that as the temperature of the water decreased, the distance between the two mercury plugs decreased. This supports Charles Law which states . When creating my graph, I did not include the first initial temperature and space recordings. The plot was not anywhere near the others, and would have thrown off the slope. My value for absolute zero was fairly close to the excepted -273C. There was a small difference of 3. 8C between the two values, with a percent error or 1. 4%.My results were expected because I was obviously not discharge to get the perfect -273C absolute zero value, due to experimental error. Sources of experimental error that could occur are if the initial temperature of the water was over 55C and if the mercury plugs were not fully submerged in the water. If the w ater was over 55C, then the ruler would have deformed from melting. This would make the rulers readings unreliable. If the mercury plugs were not fully submerged in the water then they would not get the full effect of temperature change.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Performance Review Takes a Page from Facebook
As the world moves towards a more than microwave way of operating it is no approve that employers are jumping on the bandwagon as well. Previously, performance evaluations accept been date consuming and somewhat mo nononous. The hassle of evaluating several employees performance for an entire year in only a few months time can be quite overwhelming. Not only is the task intimidating for the manager or supervisor hardly it is quite stressful for the employee also.In previous years, the performance evaluation was a one-sided task and the employee had no input whatsoever in how they were being critiqued. As important as the evaluation is to the employees pay raise it is astonishing that their input would not have been included in the past. So often the employee would only unwrap the final outcome and have to sign whether they agreed with the results or not. This causes much frustration and can bring down the morale of the employee, cavictimization them to find out bid they are u nder appreciated and that their opinion doesnt matter.With these facts in mind the connection Accenture has developed a social ne 2rking tool somewhat like Facebook called mental handle Multiplier that allow aid the employer as well as the employee in the performance evaluation process. Agree or disagree with this statement and provide reasons for your response. If you have regular conversations with people, and they know where they stand, wherefore the performance evaluation is maybe unnecessary. Performance Multiplier is a tool in which employees can post status updates, photos, and two or three weekly goals that can be viewed by fellow staffers.The goal of Accenture was to provide a program that made the performance evaluation more democratic. Not only does the employee get to play a part in the evaluation process but they also gain the chance to get subservient insight year round on how to remedy their performance. In a fun and somewhat casual manner the employer and em ployee get to permute a process that once was dreaded into something enjoyable and less stressing. While I do believe that the regular conversations via the website are beneficial to the performance evaluation process I do not believe that it should replace it alin concert.In my opinion what the back and forth conversations via sites like Performance Multiplier does is aid the employee and employer in seeing how the employee is progressing. Depending on what goals are set and accomplished at the end of the year all of this information should be compiled and then used as a foundation for mark the overall performance. I see Performance Multiplier as a way to see where you stand and then try to excel from that point.You should still be graded on how well you took the feedback and knowledge and implemented it into your everyday job performance. If all an employer did was talk to the employee back and forth and never evaluated how well the employee utilized the feedback then the entire process was a waste of time. To gain insight into how good of an employee you have you must analyze the steps they take towards improving. Compare and contrast the feasible effectiveness of the social net represent performance review to the following age groups veterans, baby boomers, Gen X, and Gen Y.While some people enjoy the opportunity to use a social networking tool to interact with their employer and get insight into how well of a job they are doing, there will be those that will resist the change in processes and gripe about having more work to do when they are already working enough. The generational gaps in the workplace will also portray a problem when trying to implement the new interactive performance tool. There is no doubt in my mind that Generations X and Y will adapt to the new system and use it with an open mind.On the other hand the Baby Boomers and Veterans are not going to be so uncoerced to accept the new way of evaluating their job performance. Veterans an d Baby Boomers came from an era where the greatest advance in technology came with the printing press so they are not used to using computers and navigating through search engines via the worldwide web. These employees learned how to use modern office equipment like fax machines, multiline telephones, and take down computers but they are not interested in sharing their life online.In contrast Generation X and Y have experienced the influx of such technologies as the Internet, Ipod, and gambol systems like the Wii. Those individuals are used to technology and can adapt fairly quickly which is the exact opposite of their counterparts. The biggest payoff of these social network style tools may prove to be better performance by the boss. State whether or not this statement justifies the time and cost of implementing these systems and provide a rationale. Whenever a company wants to implement a new system they must go into a contract with the developer of the system and pay a hefty am ount to use the service. sooner any contracts are signed or money is exchanged the employer looks into the product and researches the statistics of how well other companies have done with the system. The employer must feel that the ends will prune the means of adopting the new system into the everyday workload. The goal of tools like Performance Multiplier is to provide the employee with feedback from upper management. In this case I would agree that by using the tool the boss will have to do more work than has been done in the past.Both employee and employer will have to work together but the responsibility of making the tool work relies on how well the boss handles the information provided from the employee. He or she will be forced to improve their communication skills when dealing with their employees. OToole states It has been said that Americans are increasingly overworked. Discuss whether social network type evaluations aid or hinder the overworked American. Justify your re sponse. It is certain that in todays economy most companies are working with far less employees than they have had in the past.In some cases one employee is doing the work of two to three employees. This causes the employee to feel a little overwhelmed and sometimes overworked. Though this may be true I dont feel that using a social networking tool to evaluate performance will add any more stress to the work day than is already being experienced. The time it would take to update a status or post a question takes no more time than most Americans spend in the blast room fixing a cup of coffee. Helping yourself become a better employee should be worth the couple minutes weekly that it would take to dedicate the tool work for both parties involved.Conclusion In conclusion, adapting to change is not always the easiest task to accomplish. When dealing with employees who cross over four generations that task becomes even harder. Past generations are used to how they have done things in the past and the new generations are up for any challenge you throw at them if they feel they will benefit from it. It is up to the employer to make the transition as smooth as possible for the employee. At the end of the day both employer and employee should be well-provided with the results.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Reality TV Essay
existence TV is something that you atomic number 18 seeing more of today. Reality video is when mess or celebrities argon filmed living there normal everyday lives and argon undertaking specific challenges (Farlex Inc., 2012). Reality video attracts numerous viewers and has become more frequent over the past few years. few shows you may have even heard of be the shows known as 16 and enceinte, Jersey margin, Hoarders, and uttermost(prenominal) couponing. These are all examples of some very popular real property television system shows that are aired regularly. some(prenominal) shows like Teen Mom or 16 and pregnant focus on teenagers that become pregnant and the struggles they are facing as a teenager with a child. These shows are to focus on the consequences of having insecure sex but sometimes they are viewed as rewarding teen pregnancy. The shows like Hoarders are found on families who have a problem with not throwing anything way which in turn causes clutter and a big mess. So they have peck come show up and help the people get down relinquish of unneeded stuff and choose healthier habits and make it so they are living in a better environment. Now Extreme Couponings is about people who gather tons of coupons and buy things at the lay in very cheap. This show has definitely set a trend, because of this show you see more people in lines at stores with a entire book of coupons. This show has shown people how to walk out the store with ten items for 5 cents. or so examples of wherefore these shows may be popular are because they are provoke ,and they are similar to what purport is really like. Reality TV is not some fantasy or unrealistic show we like to soak up and wish our life was like theirs. Instead ingenuousness television is something we watchand think wow that is crazy, that person is crazy. Some of the stuff you see on these television shows is offensive and it allows us to feel more comfortable with the things we do in our daily lives. When you see a whole bunch of teenagers having children or a whole bunch of crazy drunk people it somehow brings you to the fruition that maybe your life is not as bad as you thought it was.thither are in addition many early(a) factors in why realty TV shows are so popular. The drama is plausibly the biggest factor as well as the WOW factor. Many viewers erectnot believe that people get paid for filming such things but yet they are stuck to their TV screens ceremonial occasion. Reality television comes in diverse varieties which is another factor in its popularity, reality TV being so expansive reaches out to a number of different viewers. People kindle in partying are able to view people like that as well as there are shows about doctors and about bidding on unknown items. Because there are different shows ranging from A-Z it causes more people to watch reality television which enhances reality televisions popularity. Reality television also has endurance, an d it has many different personalities, as well as it always keeps it viewers wanting more. These are all superior examples of why reality television is so popular and why it continues to grow.One show that has been really successful on television is Jersey Shore. Jersey Shore has been a very successful and popular realty TV hit because of its drama and the craziness of the characters on the show. Snooki would have to be one of the main characters that have attracted viewers with her bad attitude and her drunken behavior. permit alone how wild and free she acts. All of the characters of Jersey Shore have their own personalities and occasionally watching them clash and the craziness that follows all these young people becomes very entertaining. Seeing them argue, cry, party, and laugh with each other is plenty of the reason for why it has become such a popular show. Jersey Shore gives their viewers the entertainment they are looking for.Reality television is becoming more successful and television producers are making investments on reality television. Some reasontelevision producers would invest in reality television is because it is cheaper than hiring actors and creating a television show. With reality television all you have to do is hire people and lay their behavior and everyday life. Some of the script is probably written but there are many of things about reality TV that is not written into script and that causes for more entertainment. Other reasons producers are interested in investing in reality TV is because it does bring in good profits. People watch reality TV and it receives hits. Realty television brings money in because it is entertaining and viewers continue to watch, which brings rating on shows up and the producers get paid very decent money for investing in these shows.Some of the similarities between dramas and sitcoms are that they both bring in viewers. Drama is a lot of what is seen in sitcoms as well which makes them similar. Drama i s different emotions and sitcoms are filled with different emotions and that is part of the reason for why they are so popular. Everybody enjoys a good laugh, a good fight, and you know it is good if it brings a tear to your oculus every so often. This is entertainment and this is what dramas and sitcoms are all about.The differences between sit coms and dramas are the way they are presented. Dramas are well planned scripted productions. It takes more time and money to air a television drama then what it does to air a sit com. Sit coms are more or little people being hired just to put a camera in their face to be filmed doing whatever they do. Sometimes sit coms have scripts as well but there are made to appear non scripted and are made to seem realistic. Dramas take more time and prep then sit coms and seem more picture perfect then sit coms.There are many reasons for why reality television is so popular and why producers would invest in it. There are many shows that catch viewe rs eyes daily and raise the ratings of these shows which make realty TV even more popular. Reality TV as said before has many different personalities it has variety, and endurance all of which builds on its popularity. Realty television is like an escape from reality and allows you to view your life in a different way because the stuff you view ontelevision sometimes can seem so much more outrageous then what you are used to. That is why realty television is so popular and why realty television continues to grow and become more popular over time, it is filled with what viewers like you want to keep you coming back for more.what makes reality TV so popular www.dishtv.comWWW.FREEDICTIONARY.COM/ reality+ show farlex entertainment 2012
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Porsche Swot Essay
StrengthsOne of the companys strength is the simplicity of their product. Each year Porsches sports cars look similar to the previous year with keen modifications that separate them and make them better. With this car, the companys image is of luxury, high quality, and style that do not remove drastically from year to year so that costumers will always know what they are getting and never be disappointed. They only have 7 different types of cars, 2 SUVs, 4 sports car styles, and a luxury sedan. An early(a) strength is how they are so close to Volkswagen. Volkswagen now owns them but this solidifies their existence because VW is such a big company that it will never let Porsche go belly up even through with(predicate) toughest of times. They also have been around for a really long time and have a very recognizable name across the world. Porsche also has a very strengthened influence and presence in the motor speed world. In fact, almost all cars that Porsche built are basically purpose-built racing machines. They have been victorious in almost all races they took part since the very beginning, especially in the Le Mans 24-hour races.Also the model called 911 is the only car that has been on sale for the past 4 decades and more. It may be a slow evolution of the model, but that is exactly what makes it a timeless machine, perfected in either minute detail with each generation. Porsche loyalists love and respect the brands purity in design, and unique character. This can be clearly seen with the slow and steady evolution of the 911 from the very beginning general Porsches strengths include strong brand image, high quality products for comparatively low prices, advanced technology, brands history and sports car recognition.WeaknessesThe biggest weakness of Porsche is that its strictly a luxury car company. Since they are strictly a luxury car manufacturers they do not sell that many cars compared to companies like Ford, Toyota and Honda. This is still not that big of a weakness compared to other groups because of the fact that they have the highest profit per unit sold of any car company in the world. Overall though Porsches weaknesses include, premium only gas, price sensitivity, sensitive to the world economy (victim of financial crisis 2008), minor compared to other car companies, and pollution-environmental issues.
Life of a prisoner in 1800’s Essay
The feeling of a prison houseer was very different from that of todays prisons. The prisoners were treated as animals and considered less of a human because of their lawlessness. They were made to right the wrongs that they have committed either through bodily pain applied in degrading, often ferociously cruel ways, and endured mutilation, or was branded, tortured, put to death he was mulcted in fines, deprived of liberty, or adjudged as a slave (Griffiths 157). Therefore, prisons were a product of the latter punishment, which meant the charge and convicted must be deprived of his or her liberty and declared a slave to society. When in prison, the life of the acc utilize was non as strict as todays. There were windows that the prisoners could look through in order to beg for charity from the people walking by, and sometimes prisoners would be allowed to sell things at the prison gates (Rodgers 91).Although there are many differences between the life of a prison in the 1700s and t he life of a prisoner today, there are also many similarities. Each accused somebody was captured by the police and taken to the nearest holding cell. These cells were in prisons called local prisons. The individual was then allow free or convicted of his or her crime. If convicted, the individual was taken to the closest common prison. During the 1700s there were lone(prenominal) local holding jails, common prisons, and houses of correction later, during the 1800s prisons became more separated and prisoners were assigned to the appropriate prison.The convicted were not stripped of their belongings like in todays prisons, besides they were searched for weapons or objects that could be used to escape. Once inside, the prisoner was assigned a half-size cell made of hard walls, floors covered in dirt and rodents, and a bed. If the prisoner was lucky, this bed consisted of a tiny hammock tied to opposite walls, but often times it was made of a wooden bench or the floor. For meals th e prisoners were barely fed, but if they were, small rations of bread and water were given. Many times the prisoners died of starvation and dehydration
Saturday, May 18, 2019
The Host Chapter 35: Tried
I groaned. My head felt all swirly and disconnected. My patronise rolled nauseatingly.Finally, somevirtuoso murmured in relief. Ian. Of course. Hungry?I thought about that and then do an involuntary gagging sound.Oh. neer mind. Sorry. Again. We had to do it. People got all paranoid when we took you outside.S okay, I sighed.Want some irrigate? zero(prenominal)I opened my eyeball, move to focus in the obscureness. I could see two stars through the cracks overhead. even-tempered night. Or night again, who knew?Where am I? I asked. The solves of the cracks were unfamiliar. I would swear Id never stared at this hood in the lead.Your room, Ian said.I searched for his lay out in the darkness but could simply make out the melanise shape that was his head. With my fingers, I examined the sur salute I lay on it was a real mattress. There was a repose under my head. My searching go by stirred his, and he caught my fingers before I could withdraw them.Whose room is it rightfu lly?Yours.IanIt used to be ours-Kyles and mine. Kyles being held in the hospital wing until things fuel be clear-cut. I can move in with Wes.Im non taking your room. And what do you mean, until things can be decided?I told you there would be a tribunal.When?Why do you want to acknowledge?Because if youre going through with that, then I have to be there. To explain.To lie.When? I asked again.First light. I wont take you.Then Ill take myself. I know Ill be able to walk as soon as my head stops spinning.You would, wouldnt you?Yes. Its not sensible if you dont let me speak.Ian sighed. He dropped my hand and straigh decennaryed slowly to his feet. I could call for his joints pop as he stood. How recollective had he been hinge uponting in the dark, waiting for me to wake? Ill be back soon. You might not be hungry, but Im starving.You had a long night.Yes.If it gravels light, I wont sit here waiting for you.He chuckled without humor. Im sure thats true. So Ill be back before that , and I will help you get down where youre going.He leaned one of the doors remote from the entrance to his cave, maltreatped around it, and then let it overhaul back into place. I frowned. That might be grave to do on one leg. I hoped Ian truly was coming back.While I waited for him, I stared up at the two stars I could see and let my head slowly become stationary. I in right didnt like military man drugs. Ugh. My body hurt, but the lurching in my head was worse.Time passed slowly, but I didnt fall asleep. Id been sleeping most of the last twenty-four hours. I probably was hungry, too. I would have to wait for my substantiate to calm before I was sure.Ian came back before the light, near as hed promised.Feeling any let on? he asked as he stepped around the door.I think so. I havent moved my head yet.Do you think its you reacting to the morphine, or Melanies body?Its Mel. She reacts badly to most pain eraseers. She found that out when she broke her wrist ten years ago.He thought about that for a moment. Its odd. Dealing with two people at once.Odd, I agreed.Are you hungry yet?I smiled. I thought I smelled bread. Yes, I think my stomach is past the worst.I was hoping youd say that.His shadow sprawled out beside me. He felt for my hand, then pulled my fingers open and format a familiar round shape in it.Help me up? I asked.He put his arm carefully around my shoulders and folded me up in one stiff piece, minimizing the ache in my side. I could feel something foreign on the skin there, tight and rigid.Thanks, I said, a little breathless. My head spun slowly. I touched my side with my free hand. Something adhered to my skin, under my shirt. Are my ribs broken, then?Docs not sure. Hes doing as much as he can.He tries so hard.He does.I feel bad that I used to not like him, I admitted.Ian laughed. Of course you didnt. Im amazed you can like any of us.Youve got that turned around, I mumbled, and cut into my teeth into the hard roll. I chewed mechanically and then swallowed, setting the bread down as I waited to see how it hit my stomach.Not very appetizing, I know, Ian said.I shrugged. further testing-to see if the nauseas really passed. maybe something more appealingI get worded at him, curious, but I couldnt see his face. I listened to a precipitous crackle and a ripping sound and then I could smell, and I understood.Cheetos I cried. Really? For me?Something touched my lip, and I crunched into the delicacy he offered.Ive been dreaming about this. I sighed as I chewed.That made him laugh. He put the bag in my hands.I downed the contents of the small bag quickly, and then finished my roll, flavor by the cheese flavor still in my mouth. He handed me a bottle of water before I could ask.Thank you. For more than the Cheetos, you know. For so much.Youre more than welcome, Wanda.I stared into his dark blue eyes, trying to decipher everything he was saying with that sentence-there seemed to be something more than proficient courtesy in the words. And then I realized that I could see the color of Ians eyes I glanced quickly up at the cracks above. The stars were gone, and the riffle was turning pale gray. Dawn was coming. First light.Are you sure you have to do this? Ian asked, his hands already half-extended as if to pick me up.I nodded. You dont have to carry me. My leg feels better.Well see.He helped me to my feet, leaving his arm around my waist and pulling my arm around his neck.Careful, now. Hows that?I hobbled forward a step. It hurt, but I could do it. Great. Lets go.I think Ian likes you too much.Too much? I was surprised to hear from Melanie, and so distinctly. Lately, she only spoke up like this when Jared was around.Im here, too. Does he even care about that?Of course he does. He believes us more than anyone besides Jamie and Jeb.I dont mean that.What do you mean? alone she was gone.It took us a long time. I was surprised by how far we had to go. Id been thinking we were going to the big plaza or t he kitchen-the usual places for congregating. But we went through the eastern field and kept going until we finally reached the big, deep black cave that Jeb had called the game room. I hadnt been here since my first tour. The biting scent of the sulfurous spring greeted me. strange most of the caverns here, the game room was much wider than it was tall. I could see that now because the dim blue lights hung from the cap rather than resting on the floor. The ceiling was only a few feet over my head, the height of a chemical formula ceiling in a house. But I couldnt even see the walls, they were so distant from the lights. I couldnt see the smelly spring, tucked away in some far corner, but I could hear it dribble and gush.Kyle sat in the brightest spot of light. He had his long arms wrapped around his legs. His face was set in a stiff mask. He didnt look up when Ian helped me limp in.On every side of him were Jared and Doc, on their feet, both with their arms hanging loose and ready at their sides. As though they were guards.Jeb stood beside Jared, his grinder slung over one shoulder. He appeared relaxed, but I knew how quickly that could change. Jamie held his free hand no, Jeb had his hand around Jamies wrist, and Jamie didnt seem happy about it. When he saw me come in, though, he smiled and waved. He took a deep breath and looked pointedly at Jeb. Jeb dropped Jamies wrist.Sharon stood beside Doc, with Aunt Maggie at her other side.Ian pulled me toward the edge of the darkness meet the tableau. We werent alone there. I could see the shapes of many others, but not their faces.It was strange through the caves, Ian had supported most of my weight with ease. Now, though, he seemed to have tired. His arm around my waist was slack. I lurched and hopped forward as high hat I could until he picked the spot he wanted. He settled me to the floor, and then sat beside me.Ouch, I comprehend someone whisper.I turned and could just make out Trudy. She scooted closer t o us, Geoffrey and then Heath copy her.You look rotten, she told me. How bad are you hurt?I shrugged. Im fine. I started to wonder if Ian had let me struggle just to make a show of my injuries-to make me testify against Kyle without words. I frowned at his innocent expression.Wes and Lily arrived then and came to sit with my little group of allies. Brandt entered a few plunk fors later, and then Heidi, and then Andy and Paige. Aaron was last.Thats everybody, he said. Lucinas staying with her kids. She doesnt want them here-she said to go on without her.Aaron sat beside Andy, and there was a short moment of silence.Okay, then, Jeb said in a thundery express meant to be heard by all. Heres how its gonna work. Straight-up bulk vote. As usual, Ill make my own decision if I have a problem with the majority, cause this -Is my house, several voices interjected in chorus. Someone chuckled but stopped quickly. This wasnt funny. A human was on struggle for trying to kill an alien. This ha d to be a horrible day for all of them.Whos oration against Kyle? Jeb asked.Ian started to stand beside me.No I whispered, tugging on his elbow.He shrugged me off and rose to his feet.This is simple enough, Ian said. I wanted to jump up and clap my hand over his mouth, but I didnt think I could get to my feet without help. My associate was warned. He was not in any doubt about Jebs ruling on this. Wanda is one of our community-the aforesaid(prenominal) rules and protections apply to her as to any of us. Jeb told Kyle point-blank that if he couldnt live with her here, he should move on. Kyle decided to stay. He knew then and he knows now the penalty for murder in this place.Its still alive, Kyle grunted.Which is why Im not asking for your death, Ian snapped back. But you cant live here anymore. Not if youre a murderer at heart.Ian stared at his brother for a moment, then sat on the ground beside me again.But he could get caught, and wed have no idea, Brandt protested, rising to hi s feet. Hell lead them back here, and wed have no warning.There was a murmur through the room.Kyle glared at Brandt. Theyll never get me alive.Then its a death sentence after all, someone muttered at the same time that Andy said, You cant guarantee that.One at a time, Jeb warned.Ive survived on the outside before, Kyle said angrily.Another voice came from the darkness. Its a risk. I couldnt make out the owners of the voices-they were just hissing whispers.And another. What did Kyle do wrong? Nothing.Jeb took a step toward the voice, glowering. My rules.Shes not one of us, someone else protested.Ian started to rise again.Hey Jared exploded. His voice was so punk that everyone jumped. Wandas not on trial here Does someone have a concrete complaint against her-against Wanda herself? Then ask for another tribunal. But we all know she hasnt harmed anyone here. In fact, she saved his life. He stabbed one finger toward Kyles back. Kyles shoulders hunched, like hed felt the jab. Just secon ds after he tried to throw her into the river, she risked her life to keep him from the same painful death. She had to know that if she let him fall she would be safer here. She saved him anyway. Would any of you have done the same-rescue your enemy? He tried to kill her, and yet will she even speak against him?I felt all the eyes in the dark room on my face as Jared now held his hand out, palm up, toward me.Will you speak against him, Wanda?I stared at him wide-eyed, stunned that he was speaking for me, that he was speaking to me, that he was using my name. Melanie was in shock, too, torn in half. She was overjoyed at the kindness in his face as he looked at us, the fogginess in his eyes that had been absent so long. But it was my name hed saidIt was a few seconds before I could find my voice.This is all a misunderstanding, I whispered. We both fell when the floor caved in. Nothing else happened. I hoped the whisper would make it harder to hear the lie in my voice, but as soon as I was done, Ian chuckled. I nudged him with my elbow, but that didnt stop him.Jared actually smiled at me. You see. She even tries to lie in his defense.Tries being the workman word, Ian added.Who says its lying? Who can prove that? Maggie asked harshly, stepping forward into the empty space beside Kyle. Who can prove that its not the truth that sounds so false on its lips?Mag - Jeb started.Shut up, Jebediah-Im speaking. There is no reason for us to be here. No human was attacked. The insidious trespasser offers no complaint. This is a waste of all our time.I second that, Sharon added in a clear, loud voice.Doc shot her a pained look.Trudy jumped to her feet. We cant house a murderer-and just wait around for him to be successfulMurder is a subjective term, Maggie hissed. I only lead it murder when something human is killed.I felt Ians arm wrap around my shoulder. I didnt realize that I was trembling until his motionless body was against mine.Human is a subjective term as well, Ma gnolia, Jared said, glowering at her. I thought the definition embraced some compassion, some little bit of mercy.Lets vote, Sharon said before her arrive could answer him. Raise your hand if you think Kyle should be allowed to stay here, with no penalty for the misunderstanding. She shot a glance not at me, but at Ian beside me when she used the word Id used.Hands began to rise. I watched Jareds face as his features settled into a scowl.I struggled to raise my hand, but Ian tightened his hold around my arms and made an irritated noise through his nose. I held my palm as high as I could get it. In the end, though, my vote wasnt necessary.Jeb counted out loud. Ten fifteen twenty twenty-three. Okay, thats a clear majority.I didnt look around to see who had voted how. It was enough that in my little corner all arms were crossed tightly over chests and all eyes stared at Jeb with expectant expressions.Jamie walked away from Jeb to come squeeze in amongst Trudy and me. He put his arm a round me, under Ians.Maybe your souls were right about us, he said, loud enough for most to hear his high, hard voice. The majority are no better than -Hush I hissed at him.Okay, Jeb said. Everyone went silent. Jeb looked down at Kyle, then at me, and then at Jared. Okay, Im inclined to go with the majority on this.Jeb - Jared and Ian said simultaneously.My house, my rules, Jeb reminded them. Never forget that. So you listen to me, Kyle. And youd better listen, too, I think, Magnolia. Anyone who tries to hurt Wanda again will not get a tribunal, they will get a burial. He slapped the butt of his gun for emphasis.I flinched.Magnolia glared hatefully at her brother.Kyle nodded, as if accepting the terms.Jeb looked around the unevenly spaced audience, locking eyes with each member except the little group beside me.Tribunals over, Jeb announced. Whos up for a game?
Friday, May 17, 2019
Lear and the Fool
1. How does William Shakespeare use changes in the Fools dialogue to mirror changes in Lears witness perspective? Choose quotes from the sheet that support your argument. 2. How does William Shakespeare use the Fool to reflect Lears own thoughts and fears? Use a quote from the sheet to support your argument. The Fools dialogue is like a mockery of King Lear he speaks pure honesty of Lear but adds hints of drollery to balance show up the offence implied. The Fool re-enacts King Lears life by acting out his choices and proves how much of an oblivious and simple fool King Lear was in front.The Fool creates a figure much like King Lear, to act out the foolish behaviour that Lear had behaved earlier such as giving his kingdom to his two daughters, Regan and Goneril because he had trusted them. Now that the true figure of his daughters have been revealed, showing their dishonesty and evil nature, King Lear is upset that he had held that much trust in them and the Fool is represent ed in there to show Lears nonstarter as a King. The quote, if thou wert my fool, nuncle, Id have thee beaten for being old before thy time represents that now the Fool believes that King Lear is now the real fool.Why did William Shakespeare include mockery and grubby humour in such tragic play? Which part of the audience would appreciate this the most? exit examples from the quotes supplied. The mockery used by the Fool is to balance out the tragic honesty and brutality with comedy to ease and balance it out so that the play is not all tragedy. The audience that were the closest to the set were given direct jokes from the Fool about the protagonist, this is usually done to the closest to the stage which were usually the abject people since they would not be able to receive any seats higher.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
The Consequences of Removing Dams and Changing River Flow in the Essay
The Consequences of Removing Dams and Changing River Flow in the capital of South Carolina River in majuscule & Oregon - Essay ExampleThis crisis poses wholesale environmental, economic and social consequences hence, this survey examines around of the major consequences of removing the dams and changing the Columbia River flow and describing the impact upon salmon numbers.The debate over the controversial content of dam removal in order to safeguard the salmon against extinction rages among environmentalists, scientists, politicians, fishing families, river-based entrepreneurs, etcetera. The Army corps of Engineers report, according to Richard Davis, identifies three critical industries that would suffer closing or relocations if the dams were to be removed. Primarily aluminum manufacturing would be hit by higher electricity rates. Wood products producers would incur higher costs to ship logs, woodwind instrument chips, pulp paper and lumber. Likewise, food processors would be dam aged by the loss of crops grown on lands irrigated from the pooh-pooh Snake River ( U.S. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has estimated that breaching the dams would increase electricity bills for Northwest ratepayers by $300 million, add $40 million to transportation costs, eliminate 37,000 acres of prime irrigated farmland, wipe out 2,300 jobs, and cut personal income by $278 million a year. (qtd in Brunell, Dan Hansen noted that the U.S. Army Corps extensive report provides no recommendations to resolve the environmental crisis the Pacific northwest faces ( In contrast, however, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services was quite resolute in its response to the situation it has claimed that deciding on a course of action should be very motiveless indeed because for native fish and wildlife, a free-flowing river is better than a dammed river ( Apparently, accordi ng to Hansen also, some scientists believe that the dress hat method of protecting the endangered fish populations lies in breaching the dams. The impact of dismantling the dams, however, would entail life-altering repercussions on the milieu and human populations. For example, the annual economic costs would be pegged at $246 million owing to losses in electricity production ( Sealing off the interlocking dam mechanisms with their attendant closure of the federal waterways would near likely result in the demise of Lewiston, Idaho, for example, as a seaport. Should a dam breach be effected Lewiston, Idaho, would no longer be the harbor providing navigational facilities for ocean-going ships. Furthermore, because the locking mechanisms of Snake River dams facilitate hoy freight from Lewiston, Idaho to the Pacific Ocean, commodities presently being shipped by barges would have to be re-routed to trucks or railways. Another outgrowth would engender the fe deral government having to invest billions into new highways, state roads and railway lines if the dams are stop (Brunell). Along this argument, Richard Davis also announced that the economic consequences of removing the dams would fall heavily on rural Eastern Washington and the Columbia
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