Thursday, May 30, 2019

1996: A Turbulent Year For Israel :: essays research papers

1996 A Turbulent Year for Israel     1996 has been a very annoyed year for Israel. This lies in theassassination of Yitzhak Rabin on November 4, 1995. Rabins great work in the recreation process with its Arab neighbors has been nearly reversed by Israelsnewly elected aboriginal Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, who actively opposed the quiescenceprocess in the election. Netanyahus term of service has not only affectedIsrael politically but also socially, intellectually, religiously, andeconomically.     In dealing with Yasser Arafat and the Palestinians Netanyahu wasoriginally quoted saying that he would only meet with Arafat under specialcircumstances and that, "the era of one-sided giving was over." WarrenChristopher, Secretary of soil for the U.S., was able to arrange a peaceconference with Arafat on the Gaza border. One article called it a ,"Psychological breakthrough" (Netanyahu meets with Clinton). The issues at handwere Israel fulfilling its pledge to the Palestinians to redeploy its troopsstationed in the West banking company town of Hebron so that they will only guard the 440Jews who live there, from the tens of thousands of Palestinians. Also at issuewere the exit permits given(p) to Palestinians allowing them to go from there jobsin Israel to there homes in Gaza and the and the West Bank. That leads toanother issue over whether or not a rail link mingled with Gaza and the West Bankshould be formed. The major problem with that would be the cost. In the nextround of Israeli-PLO peace talks, both sides could not reach a compromise andafter four hours talks failed. To alter matters further 3,000 houses wereapproved to be built in the West Bank by the Israeli government. "Peace flatspokesman", Alon Arnon, called the housing, "A final burial of the accept ofpeace." (West Bank Settlement Approved) Netanyahu also ended the month byopening a tunnel to Muslim and Judaic Holy site s that resulted in bloody riotsthat killed 76 people.     The month of October cooled down a bit with an ice breaking summit inWashington. Netanyahu returned with a change in attitude calling Arafat a individual whom he could resolve problems with. But aside from his change indemeanor no substantial agreements were made.     In November Israel went on high alert in charge of an attack planned todisrupt the peace process, possibly on the one year anniversary of the Jihadsleader Fathi Shakaki. over again the peace effort was thrown impale when the Israeligovernment announced plans to double the number of Jewish settlers in the WestBank. At one loony toons Netanyahu asked the U.1996 A Turbulent Year For Israel essays research papers 1996 A Turbulent Year for Israel     1996 has been a very turbulent year for Israel. This lies in theassassination of Yitzhak Rabin on November 4, 1995. Rabins great work in thepeace process with its Arab neighbors has been nearly reversed by Israelsnewly elected Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, who actively opposed the peaceprocess in the election. Netanyahus term of service has not only affectedIsrael politically but also socially, intellectually, religiously, andeconomically.     In dealing with Yasser Arafat and the Palestinians Netanyahu wasoriginally quoted saying that he would only meet with Arafat under specialcircumstances and that, "the era of one-sided giving was over." WarrenChristopher, Secretary of State for the U.S., was able to arrange a peaceconference with Arafat on the Gaza border. One article called it a ,"Psychological breakthrough" (Netanyahu meets with Clinton). The issues at handwere Israel fulfilling its pledge to the Palestinians to redeploy its troopsstationed in the West Bank town of Hebron so that they will only guard the 440Jews who live there, from the tens of thousands of Palestinians. Also at issue were the exit permits given to Palestinians allowing them to go from there jobsin Israel to there homes in Gaza and the and the West Bank. That leads toanother issue over whether or not a rail link between Gaza and the West Bankshould be formed. The major problem with that would be the cost. In the nextround of Israeli-PLO peace talks, both sides could not reach a compromise andafter four hours talks failed. To complicate matters further 3,000 houses wereapproved to be built in the West Bank by the Israeli government. "Peace Nowspokesman", Alon Arnon, called the housing, "A final burial of the hope ofpeace." (West Bank Settlement Approved) Netanyahu also ended the month byopening a tunnel to Muslim and Jewish Holy sites that resulted in bloody riotsthat killed 76 people.     The month of October cooled down a bit with an ice breaking summit inWashington. Netanyahu returned with a change in attitude calling Arafat aperson whom he could resolve prob lems with. But aside from his change indemeanor no substantial agreements were made.     In November Israel went on high alert in fear of an attack planned todisrupt the peace process, possibly on the one year anniversary of the Jihadsleader Fathi Shakaki. Again the peace effort was thrown back when the Israeligovernment announced plans to double the number of Jewish settlers in the WestBank. At one point Netanyahu asked the U.

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