Thursday, May 23, 2019

An Autobiography of Moon

I live you are very curious to know about me. I have often noticed you looking at at me with eager eyes. Now listen to my life story. I belong to a very large family, the solar family. My grandfather is called the Sun and he has night club daughters. My mother is the Earth. I am her darling as I am her only child. Imagine my aunt Uranus has fifteen children I am so entrap of my mother that I always go around her day and night. I am 4600 million socio-economic classs old.Yet the bond between me and my mother continues without whatsoever change. Whenever I look at you human beings, I am very happy. I know that you praise me as a beauty. You compose a pot of poems and songs in praise of me. You are scared of my grandfather but are fond of me. However, I too have my problems. A lot of stones from the space expire on me and cause injuries to my body. Moreover, my health also fluctuates. Today as you see me I am very bright. I grow weaker and weaker. But there is no consolationFor the next fourteen days I will gather my brightness and glow. You know what my most memorable day is my life was? It was July 21st of year 1967. On that day. I remember, I was just getting out of my bed and I found something tickling my face. I looked at it. Oh It was a human being. You know how happy I was then. I did not disturb him. Thereafter, more than twenty human beings landed on me. I wish thousand and thousands of you come to me and antic in my garden. Then I shall not feel lonely, you know.

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