Friday, June 14, 2019

Morocco Country Risk Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Morocco Country Risk Assessment - Essay ExampleHaving been inhabited back in the palaeolithic times, most of the citizens are either Arabs or Berbers with the latter ethnic group forming the bulk of the population. Other ethnic groups that form part of the population let in Haratin and Gnaoua. Additionally, the state is inhibited by more that 100,000 foreigners including Spanish and French who have invested in various sectors then improving the pastoral economic performance. Culturally, Morocco is known for being an ethnically diverse nation based on its hosting various foreigners who come from the East, South and other regions. Some of the key visitors who have contributed to the cultural growth of the ground include Carthaginians, Arabs, Phoenicians, Romans, Andalusians, Jews and Vandals among others. Due to the interaction of the various groups in the country, Moroccan literature has continued to experience an expansive growth. For example, western and Middle East literary mo dels have deepen the growth of poetry and traditional Moroccan genres (Yahya 49). Similarly, the country rich cultural values have attracted expatriates academic and social writers such as Paul Bowles and capital of South Dakota Loti among others. Infrastructure One of the major factors that make Morocco a good country for investors is the highly developed infrastructure system as compared to other African countries. For instance, the country is served by more that 35, 946 miles and 18,800 miles of primary roads and secondary roads respectively. As a result, the cost of transporting raw materials and finished products within the country is low thus resulting to high profits by the local and foreign investors. Additionally, the government has continued to issues large number of licenses to... This paper stresses that a vital factor that makes Morocco a executable country for investors is the electrical power development. National Office of Electricity is the main government-owned f irm that is responsible for providing electricity power in the country. Even though the country has significant oil reserves, most of the power was earlier generated from imported fuels from Saudi Arabia. This report makes a conclusion that Morocco is ruled under the thoroughgoing monarchy with the prime curate holding major powers while the king hold few executive powers including dissolving the parliament. Two major chambers in Morocco parliament are the accumulation of councilors and the assembly of representatives. To ensure justice in the country judicial system, the country constitution provides for an independent judiciary. In this way, politicians do not have much blow on the country court system thus reducing the level of corruption in the country. One of the remarkable political initiatives that occurred in 2011 was the drafting of new-sprung(prenominal) constitution that brought about major reforms in the country political system. For example, the king was given powe r to appoint a prime minister from the party with the bulk seats in parliament. Similarly, the prime minister was given power to appoint high level diplomats and chief executive officers of the government owned organizations. It is worth noting that the constitutional also gave power to all citizens by ensuring freedom of creation, ideas, thought among others.

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